Last Updated: 15 Feb 2022 16:25 by Jeffrey
Created by: Wei
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I am using InCell editing with an editor template and when I use the State to close the cell for editing, the grid re-renders and focus is lost. I need a method to call after the state call that will focus the cell of the grid - it could take the row model and a field name as parameters to know which cell to focus.
Last Updated: 04 Nov 2020 15:20 by ADMIN

When I have a grid with Reordable=true and a ComboBox in the HeaderTemplate, I cannot click in the combo box because the reordable functionality prevents it.



This could be exposed through a data- attribute that you could add to your DOM elements so that the grid can know to skip them, for example:

<TelerikGrid Data="@MyData" Height="300px" Pageable="true" Sortable="true" FilterMode="@GridFilterMode.FilterMenu" Reorderable="true">
        <GridColumn Field="@(nameof(SampleData.ID))" Title="This title will not be rendered">
                Continent <br />
                <div style="text-align:center">Id</div>
                <div @onclick:stopPropagation="true" data-draggable="false">
                    <TelerikComboBox Data="@Continents" Filterable="true" class="headerCombo"
                                     TextField="@nameof(Continent.Name)" ValueField="@nameof(Continent.Id)" Id="MyId">
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(SampleData.Name) Title="First Name" />

@code {
    /* Grid */
    string result { get; set; }
    void DoSomething()
        result = $"button in header template clicked on {DateTime.Now}, something happened";

    public class SampleData
        public int ID { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public DateTime HireDate { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<SampleData> MyData = Enumerable.Range(1, 50).Select(x => new SampleData
        ID = x,
        Name = "name " + x,
        HireDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-x)

    /* ComboBox */

    public class Continent
        public int Id { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
    IEnumerable<Continent> Continents = new List<Continent>() { new Continent { Id = 1, Name = "Africa" }, new Continent { Id = 2, Name = "Asia" }, new Continent { Id = 3, Name = "South America" } };
    public int SelectedContinentId { get; set; } = 1;



Last Updated: 03 Nov 2020 14:19 by ADMIN

This will let Excel mark the field as a Date and act according to the current culture on the machine that opens the file.



This feature would let you define custom formats, so you may want to Vote for it and Follow it too: Custom Format for Excel Export per column. It is important to keep in mind that the Excel formats are completely different from the .NET formats.

If this is of high importance for you right now, you could create your own Excel file with the desired settings by following the example from this thread.


Last Updated: 30 Sep 2020 12:19 by ADMIN

At the moment, the CollapsedGroups  collection in the grid state is the indexes of the root-level groups that you can collapse. I want to also be able to control the expanded state of nested groups.


Ideas I can see are the following, do add your vote and comments on how you expect that to be exposed:

  • a form of Id/field in the group descriptor that controls this. Caveat - groups don't generally have such an id and the descriptor does not control the UI, it controls the data.
  • an event that provides the level, field name and group value that lets me choose this for every group as it renders. Caveat - might not plug in the state, but if you have a certain business logic for that you can just keep it in that event always, regardless of the grid state, or keep additional information in an application state.
  • the current indexes could become recursive (see the image attached below). Caveat: you can't be sure that the next time data loads the data and so the groups will be the same when loading state
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2020 08:26 by ADMIN
Created by: Jan Hindrik
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I want to set such a class dynamically based on some of the aggregation values, and the current field and its value. Using the template does not suffice fully because it is inside the cell, so styling the entire cell is difficult, and styling the entire row is impossible.
Last Updated: 26 Sep 2020 08:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Jan Hindrik
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

For example, when I have two levels of grouping, I want to render only the inner footer templates, but not the outer.

While this is possible with some CSS like the snippet below, this does not scale well, and does not work well for arbitrary number of groups

    .k-group-footer + .k-group-footer {

Group by the Vacation and Team columns to see the effect

<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData Groupable="true" Pageable="true">
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Name) Groupable="false" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.Team) Title="Team">
                Team group footer
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Employee.IsOnLeave) Title="On Vacation">
                IsOnLeave group footer

@code {
    public List<Employee> GridData { get; set; }

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        GridData = new List<Employee>();
        var rand = new Random();
        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++)
            GridData.Add(new Employee()
                EmployeeId = i,
                Name = "Employee " + i.ToString(),
                Team = "Team " + i % 3,
                IsOnLeave = i % 2 == 0

    public class Employee
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public string Team { get; set; }
        public bool IsOnLeave { get; set; }

Last Updated: 26 Sep 2020 08:21 by ADMIN
There is an order to the grouping level - field1, field2 and so on - I would like that current index in that order exposed by the grouping templates so I can know in which position they are and whether/how far they are nested.
Last Updated: 23 Apr 2022 19:08 by ADMIN
I need the current value by which the field is grouped (the group value) so I can get additional information and display it in the cell
Last Updated: 22 Sep 2020 13:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Software
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Please add a feature to export the grid to Microsoft Word file



I am attaching a sample to this post that you can use to generate the docx file through the Telerik Document Processing libraries by looping over the data.

You can extend it further (add more fields, refactor so it is more reusable, extract to service,...) and if you would like to export the current grid data, see about implementing the data operations manually through the OnRead event - you can cache the DataSourceRequest object and then run a .ToDataSourceResult() query on the data to get what the grid displays on its current page. An example of a similar approach is available here for a customized excel export.

You can also read more about working with tables in a Word document here to apply more styling options as needed.


Last Updated: 12 Jul 2022 06:51 by ADMIN
Created by: SaiSivaSankar
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I would like to exclude the group header from the horizontal scroll - that is, the group header must always be visible regardless of how the user scrolls the grid left and right, like a Locked column.
Last Updated: 28 Sep 2021 11:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Jeffrey
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request



Grid - Import from Clipboard (Excel) when column name matches the first row header


I think it would be a great feature to be able to import copied data from excel into the grid either based on the index of the column or the header row in the clipboard matches the name of the column in Blazor Grid.



You can find an example of implementing this and the caveats it brings in the following sample project: https://github.com/telerik/blazor-ui/tree/master/grid/paste-from-excel

This feature requires research on how we could provide it as a built-in feature. So, any feedback on the matter will be appreciated.


Last Updated: 17 Sep 2020 13:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Jaco
Comments: 0
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I want to know when the user moves focus to a new row - I intend to use that to select this row and to perform some operations on an adjacent grid.



The majority of things are possible through templates right now. You can put in the desired template (editor, row, cell, header, whatever you need to capture events from) and add the desired handler to your own DOM element. Then, you can alter the grid, if needed, through its state. If you need the row data item - it is available in the templates related to the data rows. If you need adjacent rows models - you can get them from the sorted list of grid data when you use its OnRead event - you have the current row and you can get a previous/next one as needed from that list.

That said, I am keeping this item open (status "Unplanned") so we can still gather any feedback and its popularity and what the community thinks, and whether it will be a meaningful addition to the component.


Last Updated: 30 Jul 2021 06:45 by Dmytro
Created by: Javier
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
When I resize a Locked column, the action is too slow and may even freeze my screen for a while.
Last Updated: 17 Sep 2020 13:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Miriam
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

 Similar to the focusout-event of html-input...I want to do something after leaving a row.



The majority of things are possible through templates right now. You can put in the desired template (editor, row, cell, header, whatever you need to capture events from) and add the desired handler to your own DOM element. Then, you can alter the grid, if needed, through its state. If you need the row data item - it is available in the templates related to the data rows. If you need adjacent rows models - you can get them from the sorted list of grid data when you use its OnRead event - you have the current row and you can get a previous/next one as needed from that list.

That said, I am keeping this item open (status "Unplanned") so we can still gather any feedback and its popularity and what the community thinks, and whether it will be a meaningful addition to the component.


Last Updated: 06 Jul 2020 13:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Phil
Comments: 6
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

I recently implemented a Datatable-based grid utilizing the new features/enhancements released in v2.15.0. One notable feature omission that I noticed was the lack of grouping support. I did notice that there was another support item that mentioned OnRead not working with Grouping, but was unsure if that was the reason for the issues I am having or not.

I am using the OnRead() event for building my source from the DataTable, as the demo for using a DataTable shows, and experience a similar issue to that in the referenced support item (empty rows in the grid after attempting grouping, or "nothing" happening, depending on how I try and configure the grid/logic).

Is there a way to do this now, or can this functionality be added?

Last Updated: 12 Mar 2024 15:17 by Joe

ADMIN EDIT: Please review this thread and add your comments so we can get the community feedback on this. We have attached to this opener post a small sample that shows how to achieve this with a few lines of code, and a short video of that behavior.

Hello Team;

The Grid Popup is a great feature, but my understanding is that the Popup form ONLY shows properties that are assigned as columns to the Grid.
If true, this poses some restrictions for us. Many times we might show ONLY small # of columns in Grid, however the form requires MORE properties during ADD or UPDATE.
Is it possible that we can use two ViewModels, one for the Grid columns with less properties and one with more properties for ADD & UPDATE?

Note: If this FR is considered, perhaps we can have separate ViewModel for Update and ADD, as sometimes, ADD might require more properties to be added than later be updated.

This feature will save a lot of time to build apps that have many tables and we have to create CRUD operations

Last Updated: 10 May 2020 13:06 by Lee

For example, I'd like something like this:
Field Name: record.TotalSales -> Auto-generated column title: "Total Sales" with inserted space

ADMIN EDIT: See also the idea below about "AutoGeneratedTitles" Func<string, string> property where the user could perform whatever processing they liked upon the default value. Please leave your comment on what approach you would prefer to be exposed.

Last Updated: 24 Apr 2020 10:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Viktorija
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

We are using Grid control with OData source (ToODataString() exstension) and OnRead event. When we try to group by some column, it douesn't work. OData query to API is same and OnRead event fires but grid not grouping.

Last Updated: 24 Oct 2023 12:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Toni
Comments: 5
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Hi, How can i store and retrieve the PageSize of a Grid in the GridState? It seems that this is missing in GridState?
Last Updated: 02 May 2023 16:04 by ADMIN
Created by: Werner
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I would like to put my "Add new record" button there (which requires this) so that I don't have to use the toolbar - this will let me conserve vertical space.