Last Updated: 17 Sep 2020 08:40 by ADMIN
Release 2.17.0
Created by: René
Comments: 6
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Please add a Search Panel to the Blazor Grid.  Behaviour should be the same as the Search Panel in the Grid for .NET Core.
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2020 09:12 by ADMIN
Release 2.17.0

When a column is displayed conditionally, it's order is not preserved. In the code sample below, the ProductId column is the first column in the grid.  When you click the checkbox to hide the column, it is removed.  Click the checkbox again and the column reappears but it is the last column in the grid.

ADMIN EDIT: At the end of this post there is an attachment with a workaround through a custom column chooser.

<input type="checkbox" @onchange="@ToggleColumn" />

<TelerikGrid Data=@GridData>
        @if (ShowColumn)
            <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Product.ProductId) Title="Id" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Product.ProductName) Title="Product Name" />
        <GridColumn Field=@nameof(Product.UnitPrice) Title="Unit Price">
                @(String.Format("{0:C2}", (context as Product).UnitPrice))

@code {
    public IEnumerable<Product> GridData { get; set; }
    bool ShowColumn = true;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        List<Product> products = new List<Product>();
        for (int i = 0; i < 20; i++)
            products.Add(new Product()
                ProductId = i,
                ProductName = "Product" + i.ToString(),
                UnitPrice = (decimal)(i * 3.14)

        GridData = products.AsQueryable();

    private void ToggleColumn(ChangeEventArgs args)
        ShowColumn = (bool)args.Value;

    public class Product
        public int ProductId { get; set; }
        public string ProductName { get; set; }
        public decimal UnitPrice { get; set; }

Last Updated: 18 Mar 2021 09:09 by ADMIN
Release 2.23.0
Created by: Sylvain
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Hi !

How can i hide some columns on small device ?

Telerik.Blazor.Components.GridColumn.Class does not exist ?





This will be done through the Visible parameter of the column. You can bind it to a flag that hides the column for the desired scenarios (resolution, user settings, etc.). The new feature we provide to facilitate this will be a MediaQuery component that lets you have an easy flag in the C# code based on the media query for the desired resolution. There will be a demo how to use it with the grid columns when the 2.23.0 release is live. With this approach you will still use a CSS media query, but this will give you more flexibility to use it in more functionality than just the grid columns, and will avoid adding extra properties to the column.


Last Updated: 09 Dec 2019 15:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Andriy
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Hi, Marin
I want to localize caption in right-bottom corner where pager wrote record number and total values.
How I can do this?
Thank you.
Last Updated: 19 Jan 2021 12:46 by ADMIN
Release 2.21.0
Created by: David
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
We use the multi-checkbox filters in our jquery grids now and would like to use them in Blazor. Example here
Last Updated: 20 Nov 2020 11:49 by ADMIN
Release 2.20.0
Created by: Ryan
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Please add a feature to export the grid to a CSV file.
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2020 15:40 by ADMIN
Release 2.11.0
Created by: Gordon
Comments: 2
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Is there any way to default the values that are used when I create a new row?

So for example, I have a row where I want to default a date to Jan 1st of the following year.  However, when I add the row, it adds nulls to all fields and the date shows up as 1 Jan 1900 and there's a lot of fiddly clicking to set the right date.

Last Updated: 13 Dec 2021 07:57 by Ironoak
Release 2.9.0
Created by: Michael
Comments: 10
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
At this point only the user can group the grid. I want to be able to set initial grouping with my code. This should also allow me to group by columns that are not visible/rendered at the moment.
Last Updated: 22 Apr 2020 16:18 by ADMIN
Release 2.11.0
Created by: devon
Comments: 17
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

ADMIN EDIT: The following knowledge base article has been updated to explain how to use nested models:


At the moment, you must use flat models with primitive types for binding the grid. If you don't, the data source operations break and they can't even display "nested" values. Examples here and here.

I would like to be able to use my complex models so I can point a grid's column to a field like MyModel.MyNestedModel.MyPrimitiveField

My be related to binding to a data table and dynamic expando.

Last Updated: 10 Feb 2020 15:40 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
Created by: Manu
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

Please allow to set Group By fields at Design time, currently only user has control to Drag and drop to group.

we need feature to group by fixed set of columns and don't allow user to change the grouping, also need option to hide group collapse icons.



Last Updated: 22 Nov 2022 13:24 by ADMIN
Release 2.25.0

Grid column header and content alignment (horizontal +Vertical)



For the time being, this is possible through the CellRender event, see below in the thread for an example.


Last Updated: 21 May 2020 14:14 by ADMIN
Release 2.13.0
Created by: Earl
Comments: 12
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request


I am new to your Blazor UI components.  Please provide a link for exporting a grid to excel.






Last Updated: 07 Jul 2020 16:22 by ADMIN
Release 2.15.0
When binding to an observable collection, and the data source changes, the current behavior is that the page index remains the same (let's say, page 4). If the new data source has less data, you will see nothing. In such cases, the page index should remain the same only if there is sufficient data. If there isn't, it should reset to the first page.
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2021 07:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Ryan
Comments: 12
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request

How would you remove the icon to expand a detail grid only for certain rows?  Some rows will not have detail data and should not be expandable.



As suggested by Joel, you can use the RowRender event and a bit of CSS to hide the button. Here is a Knolwdge Base article that shows a fully runnable sample:

in the main TelerikGrid node, add event hook OnRowRender="@OnRowRenderHandler"

that handler is something like:

    void OnRowRenderHandler(GridRowRenderEventArgs args)
        OrgUnit item = args.Item as OrgUnit;

        args.Class = item.Children.length ? "has-children" : "no-children";

Then in the site.css I override display of the hierarchy sign .k-hierarchy-cell *{
    display:none !important;

Last Updated: 24 Jun 2020 07:26 by ADMIN
Release 2.15.0

Because the shape of our business objects is not something your grid is easily bound to, we are attempting to generate ExpandoOjbects on the fly and bind to them.  In the picture below you can see that Id is not binding correctly.  Name is showing up because a column Template was used and that seems to work fine.  However, when attempting to use an EditorTemplate we get the RuntimeBinderException shown below.






@page "/dynamic-vendor"
@using System.Dynamic
@using Telerik.Blazor.Components.Grid

<div style="width: 800px; overflow-x: auto; overflow-y:hidden; border: 1px solid red; height:400px">
    <TelerikGrid Data="@expandoVendors" EditMode="inline" Pageable=true PageSize=10 SelectionMode="Telerik.Blazor.GridSelectionMode.Multiple">
            <TelerikGridCommandColumn width="100">
                <TelerikGridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit">Edit</TelerikGridCommandButton>
                <TelerikGridCommandButton Command="Update" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true">Update</TelerikGridCommandButton>
                <TelerikGridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true">Cancel</TelerikGridCommandButton>
            <TelerikGridColumn Field="Id"></TelerikGridColumn>
            <TelerikGridColumn Field="Name" Title="Name" Editable="true">
                        dynamic v = context as ExpandoObject;
                        <span style="white-space:nowrap">@(v.Name)</span>
                        dynamic v = context as ExpandoObject;
                        <input type="text" bind="@(v.Name)" />

@functions {

    List<ExpandoObject> expandoVendors { get; set; }

    protected override async Task OnInitializedAsync()
        expandoVendors = new List<ExpandoObject>();
        var v1 = new ExpandoObject();
        v1.TryAdd("Id", "1");
        v1.TryAdd("Name", "Google");

        var v2 = new ExpandoObject();
        v2.TryAdd("Id", "2");
        v2.TryAdd("Name", "Amazon");

Last Updated: 12 Sep 2019 04:55 by ADMIN
I have NEVER seen a real world UI with a DropDownList in a Grid where you didn't want to save the ValueField of the DropDownList (ex. Product ID), but also wanted to display the TextField (ex. Product Name) as well as sort and filter by the TextField.  This functionality should be part of the grid and the default behavior for DropDownLists.
Last Updated: 02 Apr 2020 08:21 by ADMIN
Release 2.10.0
Created by: NTMLegalSolutions
Comments: 3
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
I would like to request Frozen Columns/Headers in the Data Grid
Last Updated: 10 Dec 2019 17:45 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.0
Created by: Eric
Comments: 4
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
At the moment, the editors in the grid have a fixed width. This makes them too narrow when the column is wide, or too wide when a column is narrow.
Last Updated: 17 Mar 2021 07:21 by Vinodh
Release 2.9.0

I need the ability to show or hide command buttons based on a row's property.

I am aware that I can just cancel commands, but in my opinion, a command button should not even be shown when the command can't or shouldn't be executed on a row.

Unfortunately, I was unable to find a way to access the "context" (the instance) in a TelerikGridCommandColumn the same way you're able to in a normal TelerikGridColumn.



You can Vote for and Follow this request for a follow up on providing the model as context to the command column: At the moment, conditional command buttons are possible in a "normal" column through the grid state, the page above shows an example.


Last Updated: 30 Jan 2020 11:50 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
Created by: Mark
Comments: 1
Category: Grid
Type: Feature Request
Grid needs the ability to show totals or other aggregates for selected columns