Last Updated: 05 Jun 2024 10:06 by David
Created by: David
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report

In TelerikSelectBase that the DropDownList inherits, the FieldIdentifier is set only in the OnInitializedAsync method and therefore the FieldIdentitier is never updated. This can cause issues with validation as seen in this example:  https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/GyamPdlf37LXpPAW36.

To reproduce:

  • Select the last item in the tree 7.Garden and change the value in the drop down list to Unsupported - the drop down list shows a red border.
  • Select item 6.Garden from the tree. (Any item in the tree other than 1 will do) - I expect the drop down to not have the red border, yet is does.

For reference, in the TelerikInputBase, the FieldIdentifier is set in the SetParameterAsync and thus it is accordingly updated. See the TextBox behavior in the above sample.

Last Updated: 15 May 2024 07:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Lennert
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request


We are using the DropDownList component as an inline editor in the grid, for managing a product hierarchy. Previously we were using the DropDownList with grouping enabled, without virtualization, but due to volume of data we now need to use virtualization.
This does not work with grouping at the moment.

At the bottom of this page it is mentioned that 'Virtual scrolling with grouping will be supported in a future version.'.

Any timeline on this feature?



Last Updated: 22 Mar 2024 10:30 by n/a
Created by: n/a
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
Most of the select components (e.g. ComboBox, MultiSelect) have a loading indicators in the popup that appear while the data is loading. Please add such a loading skeleton animation in the DropDownList component, too.
Last Updated: 19 Mar 2024 12:44 by Joe
When the user opens a filterable DropDownList or Combobox on a mobile device, the search box is initially focused, and the system keyboard opens. This way, the keyboard hides part of the listed items.
Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024 21:07 by Nicholas

Currently, a TextField value of empty string will produce a blank item in the dropdown.

On the other hand, a null TextField value will produce the fully qualified class name.

Here are possible workarounds: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/myOlFpFb1465jW8E07

Last Updated: 15 Jan 2024 15:35 by ADMIN
Dear Team,

I am reaching out to suggest an enhancement to the existing filtering feature in the Telerik Blazor dropdown component. Currently, the filtering capability is quite useful, but it would be even more powerful if there was an event trigger during the filtering process. This event would allow developers to execute custom logic while a user is typing in the dropdown field. The ability to respond in real-time as the input changes would significantly enrich the interactivity and functionality of the dropdown, enabling more dynamic and user-tailored experiences. Implementing this feature could greatly enhance the flexibility and utility of the dropdown component. Thank you for considering this enhancement, and I eagerly anticipate its potential integration in future updates.

Kind regards,
Suryateja KONDLA
Last Updated: 27 Mar 2024 16:05 by ADMIN

TlerikDropDownList keyboard navigation works differently from native html select.

In case we have a list with many similar options, for example:
In this case with native html select I can type 02 to select 021, but with TlerikDropDownList this would select 211.

If you type swiftly multiple printable characters, the DropDownList keyboard navigation will react only to the first character.

Last Updated: 28 Sep 2023 14:41 by ADMIN
Release 4.6.0 (11 Oct 2023) (R3 2023)

Using DropDownList with Filter enabled will lost track of Focus when an item from dropdown is selected or tabbing away from filter input.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open a DropDownList with filter enabled
  2. Press TAB

Expected Behavior:

Focus in the next focusable element

Actual Behavior:

Focus is lost, and will go to the browser buttons

It is possible to reproduce in the demos:


Last Updated: 12 Jul 2023 05:50 by Piotr
I have added a Filterable DropDownList inside the TelerikForm. When I select a value from the popup and tab away the focus class still denotes that the component is focused even though it is not. 
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2024 09:16 by ADMIN

When using the grouped DropDownList and performing a search for a specific element, the DropDownList incorrectly displays the initially shown group instead of the group containing the searched element.

To reproduce the issue: 

1. Open this REPL example: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QROrkouK40PFQCUU27
2. Open the DropDownList and type "v" in the filter input field.
Last Updated: 03 Jul 2023 12:05 by ADMIN
Release 4.4.0 (07/19/2023) (R3 PI1)
Created by: Sarah
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
I want to add default text within the search bar filter of the DropDownList (eg. "Search by number or name"). I do not want this to show up as the value field - only in the textbox of the search bar. 
Last Updated: 18 May 2023 07:41 by ADMIN
Created by: Kimmie
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report

The DropDownList remains open after tabbing and does not fire. It also won't fire OnBlur and OnChange in this case. The problem occurs only if the component was opened by clicking exactly on its arrow.

Here is a test page: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cxEfFVPq042owTt616

The workaround is to wrap the component in a <span> that handles @onfocusout and closes the component programmatically: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cnafPCYL21aT3fpD05

Last Updated: 05 Aug 2024 13:31 by ADMIN
Release 6.1.0
Created by: Matthijs
Comments: 4
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Open the Edit in Telerik REPL link from the demo page for DropDownList - Grouping.
  2. Add Filterable="true" to TelerikDropDownList.
  3. Run.
  4. Open the dropdown.
  5. Type in for instance the last item of the list "Röd Kaviar", that belongs to the category "Seafood".

Expected: the group name should change to "Seafood".

Actual: the group name is still "Beverages".

Last Updated: 24 Apr 2023 14:12 by Bably
Opening the DDL through the expand button and selecting an item results in focus loss
Last Updated: 04 Apr 2023 14:25 by Chris
Created by: Chris
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request

I need to be able to allow our users to tab into the dropdownlist control and open it with enter (similar to standard HTML select).

Here is also a sample from the W3 documentation to compare against: DropDownList keyboard support.

Last Updated: 08 Feb 2023 13:23 by Sébastien
Created by: Sébastien
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Feature Request
I would like to define a template for the main element of the DropDownList when no value is selected. I want to be able to add other content apart from the default text - for example, an icon.
Last Updated: 12 Oct 2022 07:26 by ADMIN
Release 3.7.0 (09 Nov 2022)
Created by: JamesD
Comments: 0
Category: DropDownList
Type: Bug Report

The DropDownList triggers exceptions if there are no items in the dropdown and one tries to use keyboard navigation:

  • up/down arrows to change the selected item, no matter if the component is open or not
  • Enter after filtering for non-existent item

Here is a test page. A possible workaround is to set DefautText, so that the dropdown always contains at least one  item.

Open and press Enter, Up or Down:

<TelerikDropDownList Data="@( new List<string>() )"
                     Width="200px" />

<br /><br />

Open, filter by something non-existent and press Enter, Up or Down:

<TelerikDropDownList Data="@DropDownData"
                     Width="200px" />

@code {
    string SelectedValue { get; set; }

    List<string> DropDownData = new List<string>()

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 01 Apr 2022 15:54 by ADMIN

The first element of the dropdown gets read aloud at page load even without being focused.

Using the latest version of (Chrome and Chromevox) and (Firefox and NVDA).

Last Updated: 01 Apr 2022 10:27 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0

DropdownList does not work very well with a screen reader.

It should work like this one https://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-practices-1.1/examples/listbox/listbox-collapsible.html

Using NVDA and Firefox, it reads the selected item 3 times, sometimes does not work at all (This is only when you open the dropdown using alt plus down arrow). Using just the arrow up and down keys does not work.

Using Cromevox and ChromeOn the dropdowns, it does not give a description of how many options are available like, "1 of 4" when you first tab to it. It reads it after I already selected the first option. That should be reversed, read the options first and not after its selected (This is only when you open the dropdown using alt plus down arrow). Using only the arrow key up and down it reads the selected item only but does not reads the other options.

1 2 3