I am creating a Donut Chart and believe I have found a bug. On the initial load of the page, the donut chart element is not playing its animation when the label property "Visible=false". Instead, it pops on with no animation. The animations do play on the drilldown elements on their initial loads, but clicking the refresh chart button also causes this behavior even on drilldown levels. Resetting the drilldown also causes this behavior. The chart legend remains visible during the time when the chart is not. Setting the labels visible property to true causes the animations to play correctly. This proof of concept utilizes static data. The application was created using the telerik templates and is correctly injecting the telerik components as all other telerik components, including other chart components, are functioning as expected. I have isolated the code for the donut chart and posted it here.
<TelerikButton OnClick="@(() => DonutChart.Refresh())">Refresh Donut Chart</TelerikButton>
When OnAxisLabelClick is set, the ChartCategoryAxisLabels do not get 'cursor: pointer' which is confusing for users because it makes it appear as if the axis labels are not clickable when they actually are.
In the meantime add the cursor: pointer CSS style to the labels. Here is a REPL example:
For real-time data purposes, I need to update the data and add new items. If I drill down and then add a new item, the Chart refreshes and goes to the top page (resets the drill down level to 0).
Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QeOtQaOD46j4I3Ih46.
I want to be able to dynamically enable/disable the Pan and Zoom functionalities at runtime. Currently, the Chart does not react to such changes.
A possible option for the time being is to dispose the component and re-initialize it after changing the Pan/Zoom properties: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/mSuNQkEj10nSug2k22.
I would like to synchronize several Charts, so when I move the mouse through one of them, the other two Charts show crosshairs at the same position as the first hovered Chart.
Prerequisite: Chart Crosshair
This functionality would be very useful for data analysis.
Moving the cursors within the chart itself, allows to define a range within the series, being able to offer useful data.
I want to connector to be directly connected with the chart.
See https://dojo.telerik.com/AkEHuSiq/3 for reference.
Thank you.
I would like to be able to stack series on a range chart. Currently the best hack recommended by Telerik is to show two charts on top of one another, with no interactivity or legends, https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/wHPclTFm28WuoSOp57.
Source: Is it possible to 'stack' series in a Range Column Chart? in UI for Blazor | Telerik Forums
Thank you
Enhance the Chart date axis label format, so that it's culture-aware in globalization scenarios, and there is no need to set ChartCategoryAxisLabels Format explicitly.
In the meantime, here are a few workarounds for the case when the ChartCategoryAxis BaseUnit is Days and the Chart shows MM/dd labels even to non-US users.
<ChartCategoryAxis BaseUnit="ChartCategoryAxisBaseUnit.Days"
<ChartCategoryAxisLabels Format="d" />
<ChartCategoryAxis BaseUnit="ChartCategoryAxisBaseUnit.Days"
<ChartCategoryAxisLabels Format="@( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthDayPattern )" />
<ChartCategoryAxis BaseUnit="ChartCategoryAxisBaseUnit.Days"
<ChartCategoryAxisLabels Format="@( GetShortDayMonthPattern() )" />
private string GetShortDayMonthPattern()
var mdp = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat.MonthDayPattern;
var separator = CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture.DateTimeFormat.DateSeparator;
string pattern = mdp.IndexOf("M") < mdp.IndexOf("d") ? $"MM{separator}dd" : $"dd{separator}MM";
return pattern;
Regards, Author nickname Progress Telerik
We would like to be able to draw a label for a group of series in the chart axis while also labelling the series individually. See the following example:
In Kendo UI you can achieve this: https://dojo.telerik.com/ulIJihIF. In Blazor, we can force the text into the chart axis categories, but we cannot seem to position them accurately, REPL.
Thank you
In Kendo-React chart i can set the property "maxDivision" like this:
and the chart will show only 30 dates in the displayed range, even if zoom in.
Is there a way for doing the same thing in Blazor Chart?
I tryed Type"fit" and MaxDateGroup but i need to show always all the points and this isnot a good solution.
I tryed ChartCategoryAxisLabels Step="number_of_labels_to_render" but when i zoom in the chart
will not show other dates.
To reproduce the problem, hover over the last value of the series. While the Tooltip enters, it causes horizontal and vertical scroll and flickers. Then, it is positioned correctly.
The issue is better observed if you increase the transition speed of the Tooltip wrapper.
Reproduction: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/cREDloaV42j7Z19G13.
A possible workaround for the time being is to alter or stop the Tooltip animation with CSS. Here is a runnable sample demonstrating the approach: https://blazorrepl.telerik.com/QnEjvIOC04hXA6W709
The Scatterline Chart is flipped upside down if the Height is under 100px.
We are implementing chart control in our application and we noticed spikes in the chart when we are using time series that contains UTC timestamps with milliseconds that are divisible by 100. The issue is reproduceable on Telerik REPL as well and I am attaching the REPL link as well
I was wondering if you guys can provide some insight from your end as to whether that is indeed a bug and some work arounds and timeline on when we can resolution from your end.
Danish Shahid