Last Updated: 22 May 2022 13:01 by ADMIN
Created by: Jstemper
Comments: 11
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

After update to 3.0.0 TextArea autosize no longer works.

AutoSize is no longer one of the available properties.

Also Label is no longer an available property.

Last Updated: 13 May 2022 12:55 by ADMIN

Hi Team,

We are using Telerik Modal popup on the GridView edit click button.

This Modal Window moves out of the screen when user clicks on popup header click when there is a vertical page scrollbar and the scroll position is not top.

Can you please fix this bug? We implemented your workaround, but using that workaround with below link, after opening the popup, below screen automatically scrolls on top. This is not good user experience on lengthy page.

Expectation : Page scroll should stay with the previous position after opening the popup with scrollbar.

Modal Window moves away from the cursor on drag start when there is a vertical page scrollbar and the scroll position is not top (


Aarti Tare

Last Updated: 11 May 2022 05:41 by Michael
Created by: Michael
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

This Feature (above) would make my life more easily :) I mean custom main line, which shows, for example, how many items are selected.  The existing solution (below) does not work for me because of overflow behavior.

Last Updated: 10 May 2022 19:53 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Created by: Kevin White
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I am really missing a "File Explorer" razor component in your Blazor offer. Most of our existing apps have a file explorer tied to a remote UNC shared network location.
Last Updated: 09 May 2022 10:04 by ADMIN

I have a telerikdropdownlist in the EditorTemplate of a Grid. If a user uses the keyboard to speed the navigation of the dropdown (for example: they type a T to immediately scroll to the T section), then clicks on a selection further down in the list, the selected item becomes the item navigated to via the Keyboard, not the item that is actually clicked on. Clicking on an item (without using the keyboard navigation first) works as expected. I was able to replicate this behavior in REPL using the following code:

<br />
<br />
    Data = "@People"
<br />
<br />
       <GridColumn Field="@nameof(Asset.AssetId)" Title="ID" Width="50px"/>
       <GridColumn Field="@nameof(Asset.BarCode)" Title="BarCode" Width="125px"/>
       <GridColumn Field="@nameof(Asset.UserId)" Title="User" Width="125px">
                    CurrentAsset = (Asset)context;
                    Person? p = People.FirstOrDefault<Person>(x => x.Id == CurrentAsset.UserId);
                    if(p != null)
                    CurrentAsset = (Asset)context;
                        Data = "@People"

        <GridCommandColumn Width="100px" Locked="true">
            <GridCommandButton Command="Save" Icon="save" ShowInEdit="true"></GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Edit" Icon="edit"></GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Delete" Icon="delete"></GridCommandButton>
            <GridCommandButton Command="Cancel" Icon="cancel" ShowInEdit="true"></GridCommandButton>

<br />

@code {
    public List<Person> People = new();
    public List<Asset> Assets = new();
    int SelectedUser = 0;
    Asset CurrentAsset = new();

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    public void LoadData()
        People.Add(new Person(1, "Brent", "Tuominen"));
        People.Add(new Person(2, "Tina", "Tuominen"));
        People.Add(new Person(3, "Casey", "Tuominen"));
        People.Add(new Person(4, "Ryan", "Tuominen"));
        People.Add(new Person(5, "Alex", "Tuominen"));

        Assets.Add(new Asset(1, "BC001"));
        Assets.Add(new Asset(2, "BC002"));
        Assets.Add(new Asset(3, "BC003"));
        Assets.Add(new Asset(4, "BC004"));
        Assets.Add(new Asset(5, "BC005"));

    public void Update(GridCommandEventArgs args)
        Asset a = (Asset)args.Item;
        Asset? asst = Assets.FirstOrDefault(x => x.AssetId == a.AssetId);

        if(asst != null)
            asst.BarCode = a.BarCode;
            asst.UserId = a.UserId; 

    public class Asset
        public Asset()
        public Asset(int assetId, string barcode)
            AssetId = assetId;
            BarCode = barcode;
        public int AssetId{ get; set; }
        public string BarCode { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public int? UserId{ get; set; }

    public class Person
        public Person(int id, string fName, string lName)
            Id = id;
            FirstName = fName;
            LastName = lName;
        public int Id{ get; set; }
        public string FirstName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public string LastName { get; set; } = string.Empty;
        public string LastFirst
                return LastName + ", " + FirstName;
        public string FullName
                return FirstName + " " + LastName;

Last Updated: 06 May 2022 12:44 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Created by: Irfan
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

I would like to use scaffolding with Telerik UI for Blazor


**Admin Edit**

The plan is to be released in 3.3.0 release once extensions are thorougly tested.

**Admin Edit**


Last Updated: 26 Apr 2022 08:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Benjamin
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Hello everyone,

at the moment the TooltipTemplateContext isn't very useful and hard to work with:

Problem: As you can see, "start" and "end" only contains a weired pre-build string.
As a developer I can't parse this (at least the year is missing), so I'd like to suggest, that you replace the Dictionary of <string,string> with an <string,object> and add the start and end as DateTime.

An alternative would be to pass a custom parameter or have the task item accessable directly.
In our use-case we have no need for the time (it's a gantt not a time table!) and the tasks won't end at the end of the year.



Last Updated: 25 Apr 2022 11:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Thomas
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
For example, I want to set the Sunday day to red or any other date to a special color.
Last Updated: 19 Apr 2022 13:29 by ADMIN
Created by: Robert
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report

With an item selected, I want to reset the drop down list to the state it has when the page loads, i.e. populated with nothing selected.
Setting the backing filed to zero does not work. I have read Clear the selection, I know it works if you have a default text,
I dont't want to have a default text.

As you can see in the repl, there's some more experiments, since I thought I could maybe clear the content and re-populate
the list to reset it.
Setting the data source to null does nothing?!?!
Clearing the data source removes the items in it, but keeps the selected value!?!?

I've seen answers to this question that suggests using CSS to achieve this, but that's just stupid and shouldn't be necessary.

Finally, we have the hack solution, which is totally crazy but seems to work.
I leave it here for others to see, since it seems a lot of people also have this problem.

Please fix this.

Last Updated: 15 Apr 2022 10:55 by ADMIN
Release 3.3.0
Created by: Steve
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Create code snippets for all Blazor controls.

Provide either automation for installing into the Visual Studio toolbox or just provide as a web page for users to copy paste them into the Toolbox.

Last Updated: 14 Apr 2022 14:20 by Matt
Created by: Matt
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Not finding any examples or similar, so I wanted to see if there is a way to include a Gantt Chart into a WordsProcessing document. I am currently bringing the data into a table, but my end-user has requested to see the chart view of the same data.


if (JobMilestones.Count > 0)
            editor.InsertText("MILESTONES").FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;


            Table tblMilestone = editor.InsertTable(JobMilestones.Count + 1, 3);
            tblMilestone.PreferredWidth = new TableWidthUnit(720);
            Paragraph p = tblMilestone.Rows[0].Cells[0].Blocks.AddParagraph();
            tblMilestone.Rows[0].RepeatOnEveryPage = true;
            tblMilestone.Rows[0].Cells[0].Borders = tcb;
            tblMilestone.Rows[0].Cells[1].Borders = tcb;
            tblMilestone.Rows[0].Cells[2].Borders = tcb;

            editor.InsertText("Task").FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
            p = tblMilestone.Rows[0].Cells[1].Blocks.AddParagraph();
            editor.InsertText("Start").FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
            p = tblMilestone.Rows[0].Cells[2].Blocks.AddParagraph();
            editor.InsertText("End").FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
            int x = 1;
            foreach (FlatModel fm in JobMilestones)
                p = tblMilestone.Rows[x].Cells[0].Blocks.AddParagraph();
                p = tblMilestone.Rows[x].Cells[1].Blocks.AddParagraph();
                p = tblMilestone.Rows[x].Cells[2].Blocks.AddParagraph();
                tblMilestone.Rows[x].Cells[0].Borders = tcb;
                tblMilestone.Rows[x].Cells[1].Borders = tcb;
                tblMilestone.Rows[x].Cells[2].Borders = tcb;
                x += 1;

Last Updated: 14 Apr 2022 11:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Shuvra
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request


I need the older version of CSS (2.9.0) for Blazor for telerik. I visited the site as follows but get error:

An error occurred.

Sorry, the page you are looking for is currently unavailable.


Find CSS until 2.22.0. the following link works

Could you fix the link or please provide me the CSS for 2.9.0 ASAP.



Last Updated: 12 Apr 2022 13:35 by ADMIN

We would like a parameter for Grid to set the placeholder of the DateTime filter in FilterRow (e.g. instead of 'yyyy. MM. dd' an own pattern).

We think of a parameter like the FormatPlaceholder parameter of the DatePicker component.


Last Updated: 11 Apr 2022 11:16 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0
OutOfMemory exception when an infinite loop updates the Telerik UI for Blazor components in an EditForm
Last Updated: 09 Apr 2022 11:10 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Bug Report


"srting representation"  should be "string representation"

Last Updated: 06 Apr 2022 16:39 by ADMIN
Created by: Rikam
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Hi team,

I know we have Diagram like Kendo UI for Blazor, But it's confusing and gets very messy with more customizations. I would be very helpful if we have native Blazor component for diagram rather than integrating JQuery with Kendo. Hence making a feature request

let me know if there is any plan in pipeline for this feature.



Last Updated: 06 Apr 2022 15:13 by Max
Created by: Max
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

The File Manager (exactly like for Blazor is needed.

I see there is the File Select Blazor FileSelect Component | Telerik UI for Blazor, but not File Manager that is a more complete and richer control.

Last Updated: 06 Apr 2022 07:35 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Will be nice have a native blazor conversational ui, I know you have this control in Kendo UI and others technologies. But not in blazor.
Last Updated: 04 Apr 2022 13:54 by Max
Created by: Benjamin
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

The File Manager (exactly like but for Blazor would be very nice.

There are no File Manager out there and this feature could support the purchase decision.

Last Updated: 31 Mar 2022 13:44 by ADMIN
Release 3.2.0
Created by: Wayne Hiller
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Can you add Debounce to the filtering?



At the moment, you can use the OnRead to implement custom filtering and also debounce the operations: and the particular example the article links is shown here:

You may also want to look at item virtualization in the dropdowns - Follow it here:

There is also a sample attached of implementing debouncing in a WASM app as a reference too.
