Last Updated: 14 May 2020 08:38 by ADMIN
Release 2.13.0
Created by: James
Comments: 6
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Please add a side navigation bar for Blazor.
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2020 13:37 by ADMIN
Release 2.20.0
Created by: James
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Please add a toolbar control for Blazor
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2022 18:47 by ADMIN
Release 3.0.0
Created by: Zachariah
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Would be nice to have a MapView for Blazor. Is this in the works?



In the meantime, you can use the Kendo Map widget in a fashion similar to this project.


Last Updated: 30 Jan 2020 11:48 by ADMIN
Release 2.7.0
Created by: Edward
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I am very surprised that Multiselect is missing among the list of Blazor controls being offer.  Syncfusion already offers a full-feature Multiselect.  Is a Multiselect on the road map?  When should we expect it.  Currently the only way to have a select list with multiple selections enabled is a pretty ugly JSInterop hack.  I am honestly considering switching to Syncfusion as they seemed to be far ahead of Telerik in Blazor development.
Last Updated: 19 Nov 2020 12:22 by ADMIN
Release 2.20.0
Created by: Tyler
Comments: 5
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
The Notifications component I think would be a great addition to UI for Blazor!  
Use it quite often with SPAs
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2021 09:41 by ADMIN
Release 2.26.0
Created by: Kay
Comments: 6
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

A Gantt Chart is one big thing missing that is always high on my blazor UI wish list.


Kind regards,




For the time being, a workaround could be to wrap a JS widget, an example is available in this sample project, see the MyKendoGantt.razor component.


Last Updated: 05 Feb 2020 10:37 by ADMIN
Release 2.6.0
Created by: David
Comments: 11
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
We use the jQuery autocomplete in our apps now and would like to be able to use it in our Blazor apps.
Last Updated: 04 Aug 2020 12:01 by ADMIN
Release 2.16.0
Created by: Marcel
Comments: 4
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Could you consider implementing a component for adding a "contextmenu" to any kind of markup/components. This is very important for more packed UIs and business applications.
Last Updated: 14 May 2020 08:39 by ADMIN
Release 2.10.0
Created by: shanthu
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I would like a simple list with templates for my items. Much like the grid, but not confined to cells and rows.
Last Updated: 12 Sep 2019 11:17 by ADMIN
Release 1.6.0
Created by: Carl
Comments: 20
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

A basic Menu control is one of the most fundamental common controls ....  Why was it not included in the first release of UI for Blazor???

How about a basic fundamental Menu control in the UI for Blazor?   If not now, when?

Last Updated: 03 Jul 2019 11:45 by ADMIN
Release 1.3.0
Created by: Brandon
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

At the moment, dropdown and popups (like the DatePicker and DropDownList) render in the place of declaration, and CSS rules from their parent elements affect them heavily (for example, they are hidden behind grid cells when used as custom editors).

The popups should be detached and rendered higher in the DOM if possible, so they don't get confined in their parent like that. This may be applicable for more components as well.

Last Updated: 04 Aug 2020 15:04 by ADMIN
Release 2.16.0
Created by: shanthu
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Ability to edit and save HTML content
Last Updated: 05 Dec 2019 11:23 by ADMIN
Release 2.5.0
Created by: shanthu
Comments: 6
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Many applications need an ability to schedule people/resource.
Last Updated: 04 Sep 2020 13:16 by ADMIN
Release 2.17.0
Created by: shanthu
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Most of the screens need to provide visual feedback to users when some work is in progress. We are using MVVM, this should play nice with MVVM pattern.
Last Updated: 28 Apr 2023 12:37 by ADMIN
Release 3.7.0 (09 Nov 2022)
Created by: Elie
Comments: 6
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

This is a request for a new feature that I haven't seen across all of the Telerik products.

A new control that makes use of the HTML Canvas to allow for inking within web applications.

Can be used for free hand writing (inking) on mobile devices instead of requiring online keyboard in limited real estate scenarios. Can use to implement signature blocks on forms, convert to text, etc.


Last Updated: 29 Apr 2019 05:32 by ADMIN
Created by: Ben Hayat
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Hello Team;
Hope you're enjoying your well-deserved holiday.

As the new features arrive, the new/update docs will be arriving too. In order for us to stay on the top of all the changes taking place on the Doc section, I'd like to suggest to have a page that each line contains:
a) Date
b) Doc description
c) A link to that section

This way, we can regularly look at this list and jump to the new docs to stay up to date with the team.


Last Updated: 29 Apr 2019 05:31 by ADMIN
Created by: Ben Hayat
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Hello Team;

The current Blazor demo, runs as a client that is being hosted by a server side project. In the client project under wwwroot folder, there is an index.html there that acts as Blazor loader, with a fancy CSS animation and etc.

My suggestion for the RTM version of Telerik Blazor is to have something similar to this index page the we can use in out application that we can customize it a bit more.

I see a series of script files and links that many not needed for our apps.
It's just a thought and hope it can be done.


Last Updated: 12 Mar 2020 09:47 by ADMIN
Release 2.9.0
Created by: ben
Comments: 4
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Tooltip is another one of those controls we use everywhere, would like to see a Blazor implementation. 

Last Updated: 04 Aug 2020 13:59 by ADMIN
Release 2.16.0
Created by: ben
Comments: 8
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Looking for the TreeList control from kendo-ui to be brought over from jQuery to Blazor


Last Updated: 06 Nov 2019 13:33 by ADMIN
Release 2.3.0
Created by: ben
Comments: 8
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Looking for feature parity with -

ADMIN NOTE: The goal is to expose a method like args.Request.ToODataString() for the grid OnRead event, so you can pass this on to a service so it knows the grid state (page size, current page, filtering,..). The grid will still expect the total of items and the current page of data to be set in the local fields.

Our grids / drop downs / comboboxes pull 1000s of items, resulting in JSON of 20mb+ if we pull all of the elements to the client.  The OData server operations have greatly reduced what we send over the wire, and have worked amazing well in our current React application.  Would love to have the same capability for Blazor client side.  We are treating Blazor as a client side replacement for React/Redux, we do not want to run Server Side Blazor.