Last Updated: 12 Mar 2020 16:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Danilo
Comments: 0
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I would like to render a title attribute for the icons.
Last Updated: 20 Mar 2023 14:21 by David

We use QueryableExtensions.ToDataSourceResultmethod to load some data in our component. And at some moment we need to cancel data loading. But ToDataSourceResult method doesn’t support CancellationToken. So we are forced to use a workaround and just ignore the task's result. But task is still executing and causing the performance hit

It would be great if you implemented support for this feature!

Last Updated: 23 May 2024 13:46 by ADMIN
Created by: Maria
Comments: 4
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

I would like a comopnent similar to this one https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/dropdowntree/index

The goal is to be able to show and select hierarchical data, because the multiselect is flat https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/multiselect/overview

Last Updated: 25 Feb 2020 10:32 by ADMIN
If Possible a basic UI Layout manager for page layout and component layouts be nice, click and drag... something like radzen but working within Visual Studio..
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2019 07:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Edward
Comments: 1
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
As the subject says, this component is available in other libraries and is quite useful.  Would like to see it added to the Blazor suite of components.
Last Updated: 24 Jan 2024 13:02 by ADMIN
Created by: Igor
Comments: 8
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

WPF and Xamarin supports data binding to INotifyCollectionChanged (ObservableCollection) and INotifyPropertyChanged.

This binding scenario is widely used.

So implementation of this feature allows WPF and Xamarin developers use their experience and code base in Blazor.

Last Updated: 05 Dec 2023 10:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Jia
Comments: 18
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request



We are looking to port an angularjs web application to Blazor and I didn't see the diagram component similar to the one found in Kendo UI. It would be nice to see a viso-like component in UI for Blazor.

Thank you.

Last Updated: 14 Nov 2021 22:16 by cw
Created by: Ben Hayat
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

Hello Team;

We are building a "Social Media" style application. One of the requirements, is to provide an easy and professional for user to traverse through an Image gallery.

I'd like to request for such feature that allows us:

  • Ability to for us to provide a list of links (to physical location of images) to the Image Gallery component to display images in list format or individual image to traverse through the list.
  • Ability for user to click on image to see image in full size in a window.
  • Ability for user to download image.

It would be great if we don't have to resort to use the old jQuery implementation. We're trying to minimize to load jQuery, as Blazor client is already large enough.

Thank you in advance!

Last Updated: 20 May 2021 12:00 by ADMIN
Created by: Datafyer
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request

A rich text editor style control would be very helpful in specific cases as I could allow the user to edit and style text.



A Web application (such as Blazor applications) are based on HTML and CSS, and the Telerik UI for Blazor suite already offers a component that outputs HTML: https://demos.telerik.com/blazor-ui/editor/overview. You can even import and export its content from/to an MS Word document (or other formats) through the Telerik Document Processing Libraries that come with your license) as shown here: https://github.com/telerik/blazor-ui/tree/master/editor/ImportExport.


Last Updated: 22 Jun 2021 12:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Zachariah
Comments: 2
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
I use a 3D Cartesian Chart in my WPF applications. Id like to make a blazor server side version of these applications. Is a 3d cartesian chart in the works?
Last Updated: 10 Jun 2023 22:34 by Greg
Created by: shanthu
Comments: 3
Category: UI for Blazor
Type: Feature Request
Many applications need to play video content
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