Last Updated: 20 Jan 2021 12:27 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 1
Category: NumericTextBox
Type: Feature Request


My team and I work on science-related applications often dealing with very small numbers, like 0.0000000000456.  We actually have calculated values stored with over 300 digits to the right of the decimal (one of our current values is 1.70747723470817E-307), so we store them in our databases in Scientific Notation.

We have begun using the Kendo UI NumericTextBox with ASP.NET MVC throughout our applications, and we would like to provide our users with the ability to input values in Scientific Notation; for example, allow a user to type 7e-17 instead of having to type 0.00000000000000007.  We use the kendo.toString() functionality to display values in Scientific Notation, but we need to allow our users to input values using Scientific Notation.

Is there any way we can accomplish this with the Kendo UI NumericTextBox?  If not, could this feature be added?

Thank you for your assistance,


Last Updated: 19 Oct 2022 12:35 by Yahya
Created by: Yahya
Comments: 0
Category: NumericTextBox
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the API does not expose configurations that allow changing the decimal and number group separators. It would be useful if you can add such configurations. 
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2021 12:24 by ADMIN
Created by: Maurice
Comments: 1
Category: NumericTextBox
Type: Feature Request

The ability to mask/encrypt the social security number and or credit card number, only showing the last 4. On focus, show all values on blur encrypt value showing only last 4. On post, send unencrypted value.

i.e. social security:  XXX-XX-1234

Last Updated: 21 Jan 2021 07:49 by ADMIN


For example:

  1. Go to: https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/numerictextbox
  2. Click on "Events" in left menu.
  3. Click on back button in browser.
  4. The fields are now empty.

Tried with Firefox 67 for Mac.