Last Updated: 22 Nov 2021 10:19 by ADMIN
Created by: Christophe
Comments: 2
Category: Menu
Type: Feature Request


The copyAnchorStyles option of the ContextMenu Widget is not available in MVC wrapper. It's not always suitable to retrieve the anchor style and this option is enabled by default.

I've found a workaround thanks to another thread related to this particular option, but the best solution would have been to be able to set it directly with the wrapper.

The workaround consist to override the default value of this option for all ContextMenu widget (or I believe that's what it does):


  kendo.ui.ContextMenu.fn.options.copyAnchorStyles = false;


Thank you for your time.

Last Updated: 05 Mar 2020 08:44 by ADMIN


I have problem with menu control. Sometimes its items are duplicated. To reproduce it do the following: 

- create a menu control;

- bind it to remote data source (to reproduce issue easier set some delay for server side method);

- hover on menu item (datasource request will start), fast leave menu item (don't wait until it open) and hover again (one more datasource request will start), leave it again (optional);

- wait some time until second request completed;

- open menu item.

As a result you will see duplicated menu items. This issue can be reproduced on your demo page https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/menu/remote-data-binding.

Could you please suggest me some workaround for this?


