<div id="grid"></div>
// The dataSource is initialized as a stand-alone widget that can be bound to the Grid.
var dataSource = new kendo.data.DataSource({
transport: {
read: {
// The remote endpoint from which the data is retrieved.
url: "https://demos.telerik.com/kendo-ui/service/products",
dataType: "jsonp"
pageSize: 10
// The dataSource configuration is set to an existing DataSource instance.
dataSource: dataSource,
pageable: true
The breakpoint is added at the last line (326079) of the file.
The breakpoint is added at the desired line (e.g., 3715).
Bug report
The issue is reproducible when the DatePicker with DateInput is used as an editor in Kendo Grid for ASP.NET MVC with "InCell" edit mode.
When a value which is less than the Min value or more than the Max value is typed in, the DatePicker is left blank rather than applying the Min/Max value.
Reproduction of the problem
1. Create a grid and set the "InCell" edit mode.
2. Create a DatePickerFor() editor and enable the DateInput(true) property.
3. Input value which is before 1/1/1900 or after 12/31/2099. E.g 1/1/1111
4. Value is left blank instead of the Min value being applied. (Same goes for Max value)
Current behavior
When value before 1/1/1900 or after 12/31/2099 is typed in, the cell is left blank instead of the Min/Max value being applied.
Expected/desired behavior
Apply Min/Max value to the model, instead of null.
Kendo UI version: 2019.1.220
jQuery version 1.12.4
Browser: [all]
Consider implementing logic that strips js comments from the Kendo templates.
If the following js function is added into the Grid's custom popup editor:
//some comment
(function () {
/*some comment*/
(function () {
https://www.pioneeroutsourcing.com : The wind shifted, as long as the company does not try to reduce the cost of growth and efficiency, outsourcing in the current form, will grow to include all the other a variety of business tasks.
EditorViewData does not work for popup edit mode. But there are situations where we need to pass view data for a specific editor, like we can in InCell and InLine edit modes. Unfortunately there is currently no easy way to do this.
It has been suggested to use AdditionalViewData or create a custom popup editor, but AdditionalViewData values would be the same for each widget inside the popup editor, and creating a custom popup editor for each and every grid we use would be cumbersome. So I ask that you please seriously consider this feature request.
Your HTML Helpers generate fairly simple HTML and javascript ... but its not easy to read because it is somewhat minified (at least it has no indentation). It would be nice to set a flag somewhere to enable a pretty print option. I assume you have something like that internally anyway?
I have data that is in RTF format to be able to format font the way the users want with links, etc. To show that on a kendo grid is touch. had to create/find a regular expression and do some special formatting for the links. You currently only have editing for HTML
It would be nice to be able to assign a unique ID to each column to go along with the column's title. Makes it easier to find a column by it's ID instead of trying to find it by title. Especially if the user has reordered the columns.
Please add support for your own ORM in the MVC scaffolding.
Currently, you can accidentally click on the "X" when clicking on a spreadsheet tab, which is very easy to do, and it instantly is deleted with no warning and no way to get it back. This is a serious problem for me, as I don't know of a workaround. Suggestions: 1) Add a "Tab Deleted" event so that you can catch this and optionally cancel it. 2) Honor Workbook Protection in Excel so that you could prevent the tabs from being deleted. Thanks, Mark
When upgrading to Kendo MVC, the existing method renames the folder inside the kendo folder instead of the files. This method of upgrading applications breaks them every time. The MVC Bundle.config allows the use of the wildcard {version} for version changes. Why not use this system instead of the upgrade method you use?
Would be great to limit the Locale files and / or make them specific to the locales you are actually using. e.g. only EN-NZ or EN-US
Probelm: Filterable Grid with a cell-type "number". When this Cell will be filtered for the "number"-cell with the value "20", the value will automatically change to "20,00". In order to remove this behaviour, you will have to asign a whole new kendo ui numeric textbox. (which is a littlebit too much). Wouldn't it be better to asign a new cell option in the grid to avoid this problem?
Is it possible to add a Outlook "Preview Row" functionality in the next release please? see https://demos.devexpress.com/MVCxGridViewDemos/Rows/Preview robert
It would be nice to have option to bind ComboBox to data on client (javascript array). In case you have 2 ComboBoxes using same list of items, combos call server method 2 times.
Buttons can be added to the toolbar as Enabled(true/false), it would be consistent to have the same option for Visible(true/false) Currently the visibility can be changed via the API button.hide() or button.show(), however, not when initializing the toolbar using the MVC wrapper
The serialization of a grid should be more lightweight. Texts are serialized multiple times - for each column and in case of several grids on a single view all texts are serialized many times. The serialization of "standard-texts" can be optimized: "filterable": { "messages": { "info": "Zeigt Zeilen mit Werten, die", "isTrue": "ist richtig", "isFalse": "ist falsch", "clear": "Löschen", "and": "Und", "or": "Oder", "selectValue": "-Wählen Sie-", "value": "Wert", "cancel": "Abbrechen" }, "operators": { "string": { "eq": "Ist gleich", "neq": "Ist nicht gleich", "startswith": "Beginnt mit", "endswith": "Endet mit", "contains": "Beinhaltet", "doesnotcontain": "Beinhaltet nicht" }, "number": { "eq": "Ist gleich", "neq": "Ist nicht gleich", "gte": "Ist größer als oder gleich", "gt": "Ist größer als", "lte": "Ist kleiner als oder gleich", "lt": "Ist kleiner" }, "date": { "eq": "Ist gleich", "neq": "Ist nicht gleich", "gte": "Ist nach oder gleich", "gt": "Ist nach", "lte": "Ist vor oder gleich", "lt": "Ist vor" }, "enums": { "eq": "Ist gleich", "neq": "Ist nicht gleich" } } },