Last Updated: 31 Jul 2023 10:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Joey
Comments: 2
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
In KendoReact it is possible to merge rows in the Grid. I need the same functionality in the UI for ASP.NET MVC Grid.
Last Updated: 14 Dec 2022 11:00 by GL

Currently, the groupPaging is not supported and is missing in WebApiDataSourceRequestModelBinder, thus enabling groupPaging leads to undesired behavior with the following Grid configuration:

        dataSource: { 
          type: "webapi", 
          pageSize: 50, 
          page: 1, 
          groupPaging: true, 
          total: 0, 
          serverPaging: true, 
          serverSorting: true, 
          serverFiltering: true, 
          serverGrouping: true, 
          serverAggregates: true, 
          group: { 
            field: "SomeText", 
            dir: "desc"
          transport: {
            read: "Url..." 
          schema: { 
            data: "Data", 
            total: "Total", 
            errors: "Errors", 
            model: { 
              id: "SomeId", 
              fields: { 
                SomeId: { type: "number" }, 
                SomeText: {type: "string" }, 
                SomeDate: { type: "date" } } } } }, 
        sortable: true, 
        filterable: true, 
        pageable: true, 
        columns: [ { field: "SomeId"}, { field: "SomeText"}, { field: "SomeDate"} ] 


Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:25 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

My understanding after talking to support is that a grid with a popup editor has code behind the scenes that stops adverse scrolling behavior when the popup window closes.  However, under certain circumstances, this doesn't work if you have a grid nested in your popup editor that also has a popup editor.  As it was described to me, this "behavior is not directly related to the Grid, but the Kendo Window. Generally, it provides the preventScroll property, but I am afraid this scenario is more complex due to the window being internally embedded into the Grid".

The exact scenario I found was that if you shrink you browser window small enough that you need to use some scrolling, scroll down your grid a little, then do something to cause the popup editor to open.  Scroll down again to get to your nested grid, open that popup editor, then close it.  The browser then auto scrolls to the top.

I was given this code to fix the issue (and it DOES fix it):

    kendo.ui.Grid.fn._destroyEditableOrg = kendo.ui.Grid.fn._destroyEditable;
    kendo.ui.Grid.fn._destroyEditable = function () {
        var that = this;
        if (that._editContainer) {
            var kw = that._editContainer.data().kendoWindow;
                modal: false

The problem is that these fields aren't documented... I would never have figured this out on my own.  So my feature request is that either this behavior is fixed or these properties exposed from the Grid settings.  


PS: For Telerik, the original ticket was 1589389.

Last Updated: 07 Dec 2022 17:30 by Mahesh
Created by: Mahesh
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request a way to set all UI for ASP.NET MVC components to deferred without using the deferred() method for each individual component.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:20 by ADMIN
Created by: Paul
Comments: 3
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

I have a Kendo Notification component on my page. When the page loads, it is possible a notification needs to show immediately. This fails because the Notification component is not ready yet. Even putting this message show inside a document.ready() call does not work. There’s no rendered event on this component to know when Kendo has it added to the DOM and it is accessible. So I ended up creating an array of messages to show. And running a setInterval block on page load until it is ready to go. Then clearing the interval and message array. It’s a work around but it is hacky and it would be better if I could subscribe to an event that tells me when the notification component can be used.

Last Updated: 28 Nov 2022 08:16 by ADMIN

Hi Team,


We need a solution for the below issue

On Telerik grid when we do filter options (server side)  on multiple columns the grid adding the

SQL keywords in filter logic like “and, or, where “like…

Our WAF (web application firewall) is stopping these  keyworks as part of the application security.


We have created a ticket on this issue (Support ID:1584292) , support team has provided some custom solutions but

Those are not working.

Can we have any feature in the grid which can do encryption of SQL keywords while passing it

To the server.


Thank you.

Last Updated: 27 Oct 2022 12:40 by Teagan
Created by: Teagan
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

Font Awesome has an icon stacking feature: https://fontawesome.com/docs/web/style/stack It allows easier alignment, size and color customization of sets of icons. It would be nice, if a similar functionality is implemented for the Kendo UI web font icons.


Last Updated: 05 Oct 2022 08:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Sarah
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

In the Text Editor, I would like to suggest an upgrade to "Insert hyperlink". It would be great if you would split out the prefix from the address and have a selector that allows the user to choose website, email, or phone. Selector: Website/Email/Phone Address:sales@kendoui.com Text: Kendo UI Tooltip: Click Here Open Link in new window: No Results: <a href="http://www.kendoui.com">Kendo UI</a> <a href="mailto:sales@kendoui.com">Kendo UI</a> <a href="tel:8883652779">Kendo UI</a>

I believe your Ajax editor does this already, so can it please be added to the MVC one?

Also, we have just moved from a different editor to Telerik's, and the previous one did have this feature. Thanks!

Last Updated: 28 Sep 2022 06:18 by Yanislav
Created by: SAA
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Currently, the API does not expose functionality that enables the user to rotate images. It would be useful if you can add such a tool in the toolbar that allows image rotation. 
Last Updated: 25 Mar 2024 13:34 by ADMIN
Created by: Marcel
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

I'm using the ClientTemplate-Feature to render buttons for CRUD-actions in grids. For one entity I have to use a TreeList instead of a Grid due to parent-child relations. It would be great if I could use the same templates I use for the grid for the treelist as well.


columns.Bound(x => x.UserName)
        .ClientTemplate("<a href='" + Url.Admin().Account() + "/#= Id#/edit'>#= UserName #</a>")
Last Updated: 05 Jul 2022 08:20 by Holger
Created by: Holger
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
I have the following scenario:
I am using an ASP.NET MVC application with WebPack and Javascript modules. To initialize the Kendo components I embed the deferred scripts in a javascript function, which is then called by the JS view model. 

My problem is: Kendo registers the initialization scripts through the SyncReady function, which is then called asynchronously on the document.ready event. But there is no way to configure the controls after initialization in the javascript. So e.g. an OnAfterInit event or similar. For controls like the TileLayout this is very annoying, because no user gets the idea to click a button to load the "right" layout. But surely the other controls would also benefit from such an event. Also a global entry point after processing "syncReady" would be useful.
Last Updated: 17 Jun 2022 12:14 by Martin
Created by: Martin
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I'd like to request the functionality to directly include encrypted user credentials within the nuget.config.  I understand it is a limitation currently, but I would like to see change potentially in the future.

Thank you!

Last Updated: 21 Jun 2022 07:59 by ADMIN
Created by: Nuno
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request


I want to be able to right-click on a specific row-column and filter the rows using the value that appears from that row-column combination.
Instead of only having the filtering ability on the top of the column, have a way to filter a column in the middle by using, for example, the mouse right-click.

Nuno Araújo

Last Updated: 25 May 2022 11:36 by Chris Edmonds
Created by: Chris Edmonds
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Create a Telerik.Mvc.Export NuGet package for UI for ASP.NET MVC
Last Updated: 23 May 2022 12:23 by J.P.
Created by: J.P.
Comments: 0
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request
Implement a SplitButton or a DropDownButton with some of the capabilities of the MultiColumnComboBox. It should be able to display data in rows and columns in its popup.
Last Updated: 29 Mar 2022 17:57 by Brandon
Created by: Brandon
Comments: 1
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the functionality to configure the FilterDescriptor's Member as a List rather than a field.  

Thank you!

Last Updated: 17 Mar 2022 11:28 by ADMIN


During the completion of my ticket (1556993) it was suggested I request a feature and explain its purpose.

The a large grants accounting system I've built, management has requested the ability to control access to, and apply permission upon pages and features within the site.

For example, in the Federal Grants page with a grid using popup template editor, I need to limit display of the default create button, while displaying the rest of the toolbar.

Similarly, I to limit display of the edit and delete buttons individually.

I'm applying such constraints using custom roles with user membership in each roles.



Last Updated: 27 Jan 2022 08:39 by ADMIN

Hello community,

We would like to have the option / ability to apply accent insensitive filtering/searching for every control gives the ability to control, like grids, treelists, dropdownlists e.t.c.

For example, when using grid column filtering, if we have a data entry like 'Μόδεστος' in a column, we could retrieve this data entry by giving the following terms:

'μοδεσ' should return data entry, now doesn't

'μοδεστος' should return data entry, now doesn't

'ΜΟΔΕΣ' should return data entry, now doesn't

This case I am giving, takes cares only for " ΄ "  accent diacritic, but should apply for all diacritic, e.g 'προϊόντων', should return by searching for term like 'προιον'

I believe that that should be the default case, such as now ignoreCase does. 

Thank you,



Last Updated: 04 Nov 2021 10:50 by ADMIN
Created by: Steven
Comments: 2
Category: UI for ASP.NET MVC
Type: Feature Request

EditorViewData does not work for popup edit mode.  But there are situations where we need to pass view data for a specific editor, like we can in InCell and InLine edit modes.  Unfortunately there is currently no easy way to do this.

It has been suggested to use AdditionalViewData or create a custom popup editor, but AdditionalViewData values would be the same for each widget inside the popup editor, and creating a custom popup editor for each and every grid we use would be cumbersome.  So I ask that you please seriously consider this feature request.


Last Updated: 15 Oct 2021 16:31 by ADMIN

Consider implementing logic that strips js comments from the Kendo templates.

If the following js function is added into the Grid's custom popup editor:

	//some comment
	(function () {
the function won't work, because the when the template is serialized the content of the script tag is put into one line, which causes everything after the comment to get commented. 

A possible workaround is to use the following comment syntax:
	/*some comment*/
	(function () {
However, it would be helpful if there is dedicated logic that strips comments from the script tags, as this would allow using either of the comment syntaxes.