I want to save the state of a control from the client. My use case can be seen in one of your demos. http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/tabstrip/examples/application-scenarios/persisting-tabstrip-settings/defaultcs.aspx?product=persistenceframework I want to save the selected tab when its been clicked, this way the user does not have to click on some other button or remember to do that. I also don't want an OnTabClick event to happen on the server to slow things down.
When saving a RadTabStrip, the RadPersistenceFramework should save the order of the tabs. This will allow users to save their preferred tab order when the RadTabStrip property EnableDragToReorder is enabled. See the following forum post from July 2014 concerning this: http://www.telerik.com/forums/radpersistencemanager-and-reordered-radtabstrip-tabs
Currently the persistence framework will not restore the values of a checkbox filter. You may use the attached runnable demo as an example.
I would like to see support for RadMonthYearPicker in the Persistence Framework
Add RadDatePicker and RadRadioButtonList to the controls supported by RadPersistance Framework by default: