Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016 12:22 by Jason

Created a table. Go to accessibility, checked 1 for both the header row and column & checked the associated cells with headers checkbox. ... This is the code that get's spit out.


Copy Code

<table style="width: 50%; " class="tableData">


<th style="" id="table_heading_0"> </th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_1">2011</th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_2">2012</th>



<th style="" id="table_heading_3">Fire</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1">5</td>

<td class="" style="" headers="table_heading_2">5</td>


<th style="" id="table_heading_4">Police</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1">5</td>

<td headers="table_heading_2">5</td>



Each header is assigned a unique ID (Correct!)

Each header is identified with a <th> class (Correct!)

Each non-header cell associates with just ONE header (INCORRECT! ... I assume)


Since there are two headers associated with each non-header cell, shouldn't there should be two IDs referenced in the "headers" attribute? Would the correct coding for this look something like this (each header ID separated by a space or comma)?


Copy Code

<table style="width: 50%; " class="tableData">


<th style="" id="table_heading_0"> </th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_1">2011</th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_2">2012</th>



<th style="" id="table_heading_3">Fire</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1,table_heading_3">5</td>

<td class="" style="" headers="table_heading_2,table_heading_3">5</td>


<th style="" id="table_heading_4">Police</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1,table_heading_4">5</td>

<td headers="table_heading_2,table_heading_4">5</td>


Last Updated: 13 Jun 2021 11:11 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2023 15:06 by Chris
Created by: Chris
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the following image file extensions to be displayable using the RadEditor's ImageManager/DocumentManager.  

  • abci
  • avif
  • heif
  • heic
  • webp

Thank you!

Last Updated: 19 Jan 2017 16:51 by Joe

Use the following markup:

<p><ins author="RadEditorUser" command="Insert" timestamp="1461912623680" title="Inserted by RadEditorUser on 4/29/2016, 9:50:23 AM" class="reU0">Apple</ins></p>
<p><ins author="RadEditorUser" command="Insert" timestamp="1461912654319" title="Inserted by RadEditorUser on 4/29/2016, 9:50:54 AM" class="reU0">Banana</ins></p>

Place the cursor in front of Banana

Press backspace

Expected: The empty paragraph is deleted OR the empty paragraph deletion is tracked (leave the preferred behavior in the comments)

Actual: The last letter of the first paragraph is deleted
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2019 00:00 by ADMIN
I am currently using the Radeditor "Insert Table" function. I would like this to allow user to auto adjust columns and rows live just like the following demo. https://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-mvc/editor.  I have disable the table wizard and table properties, so user will not be able to mess with this extra stuff. In the Capture.PNG is what I currently have. I would like to have the Want.PNG picture. 
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2021 11:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Arvind
Comments: 3
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
In RadEditor with Ribbon Bar Toolbar When we click  Type 1 Dropdown (Here "Font Name", "Real font size", "Foreground Color", "Background Color", "Apply CSS Class", "Paragraph Style" and "Undo") it is opened or expanded and if click on same expanded drop-down control it still remains open instead it should be closed(Toggle Behaviour) on any "Type 2" Dropdown then "Type 1" dropdown is still remaining open or expand.
Last Updated: 13 Jun 2021 11:18 by ADMIN
Created by: Ian
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

these pages shows the accessibility standards for tables.

For these two sub links "Tables with two headers" & "Tables with irregular headers", they are looking for "scope=col", "scope=row", "scope=colgroup", "scope=rowgroup".

There doesn't seem to be any built in support for "scope" to be added when using the table wizard, having set on the Accessibility tab a Heading for both a Row & Column.

Add support for "scope" be added to tables created in the Rich Text Editor.


Last Updated: 08 Sep 2021 09:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Fit2Page
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

As Bootstrap is the industry standard for website and app grids, a very powerfull addition for RadEditor would be a Bootstrap grid builder like this one:


How cool would that be, building your Bootstrap parts in the Editor itself. Did anyone try this? Any hints on how one could build this functionality.

Let me know if we could collaborate to get something like this.



Last Updated: 07 Jan 2015 12:37 by Anthony
There are some areas within the RADEditor that do not support localization:

1. Alerts for Accept All and Reject All track changes.
2. The Comments user interface.
3. Certain strings in the Undo menu.

See attached.
Last Updated: 03 Apr 2015 13:25 by ADMIN
Cut, Copy and Paste commands shortcuts are not respected in RadEditor. This is preventing the users to apply custom shortcuts to these commands as it is described in the documentation:
Last Updated: 26 Jul 2023 12:44 by ADMIN
In order to support the described situation in your project you need to further implement a custom logic that transforms the img's src's value to base46. 

You can find attached an example which you can follow. 
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 11:47 by ADMIN
The radeditor is quite a useful control.  It just seems to lack some basic events that you would expect to seen from any input type control.  The control is great for html translation, but if you are using it for user input it could us a few basics. 

Yes, there is a OnClientInlineEditCompleted event that works when you are in InlineEdit mode which is a good start, but InlinEdit mode is not good for all scenarios.  

Take for example when you have a survey with a "time from started" asp:timer.  Each time the timer ticks and you are in InlineEdit mode the menu disappears even when the user is still actively using the radeditor. 

If we are in the same survey.  We can also automatically save the information that was entered by the user if we have either or a on_change or lost_focus event that could be used.  Obviously there are a bunch of menu interactions that could be cause the lost_focus or on_change event to occur, but those could be filtered by the user so they could be caught so you know that you are not actually leaving the radeditor.

Thank you for your consideration.
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2020 11:29 by ADMIN
Created by: n/a
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Are there any plans to introduce Word-compatible comments, which can be viewed in Word using the "review" Office functionality? Or at least the ability to preserve comments after exporting to Word and then back to html?
Last Updated: 01 Mar 2021 11:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Thippa
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

I found the Rad Editor track changes feature as useful control in telerik. As many software or finance companies have their operations going on, on each stage they would require to change their BRD, UD, Product Documents etc. to keep track of the change the editor is useful.

I would like to add some points for improvement, that we have costumized in our portal.

1) Listing of all the changes in left side of the editor (Added/ Deleted/ Replaced).

2) Can track text replacement also.


Thank you,

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:53 by ADMIN
This would be needed in cases when the developers desire to create a logic which accepts all changes on Client-side without alerting any messages to the user. 

For the time being you can use the following example have more control over the Track Changes feature on the client:

 <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" EnableTrackChanges="true">
         <p>Some text</p>
     <TrackChangesSettings CanAcceptTrackChanges="true" />

 <telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="RadButton1" AutoPostBack="false" 
     OnClientClicked="OnClientClicked" Text="Accept Changes!"/>

 <script type="text/javascript">
     function OnClientClicked(sender) {
         var editor = $find("<%= RadEditor1.ClientID  %>");
         var trackChanges = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.TrackChanges;


         /* use acceptAllChanges() method to prompt the user 
         whether to accept or not accept the changes */


         /* use acceptAllChangesSilently() method to directly 
         accept changes without notifying the user */

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2015 12:57 by ADMIN
The current content filters of the RadEditor control supports XHTML content, in which attributes should have a proper value. Although with HTML5 the browsers started supporting boolean attributes that could be used without any type of value.

Such attributes are being stripped or replaced, which at some point leads to an incorrect behavior if the user's HTML code.

It would be useful if developers could have the ability to modify this behavior and generate correct HTML5 code.

A possible usage of such attributes is when they are used as XHTML5 valid attributes, with the proper value (e.g. disabled="disabled").

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:48 by Joe
There are some cases where Find and Replace produces unexpected content when Track Changes is enabled. For example:

    1. add some tracked content;
    2. modify the content;
    3. use Find and Replace to replace words in the tracked content.

The output is that words are removed, but the replacements never appear. 

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:44 by ADMIN
This will enable developers to easily change this property without customizing the FileBrowser dialog.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:01 by ADMIN
When creating a list or multiple paragraphs, which have links inside text, applying fore color to the whole text, links does not get affected. 

As a side effect, when only the link is selected and the same color is applied, nothing happens.  

To temporarily improve RadEditor by default to style the links according to the span wrapper elements, you can use the following approach:

 ○ When ContentAreaMode is set to Iframe or not configured:

        <telerik:RadEditor runat="server">
                <telerik:EditorCssFile Value="Styles.css" />
                    <li>text <a href="#">link</a> text</li>
                    <li>text <a href="#">link</a> text</li>
                    <li>text <a href="#">link</a> text</li>

        span a {

 ○ When ContentAreaMode is set to Div:
            .reContentArea span a {

        <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ContentAreaMode="Div">
                    <li>text <a href="#">link</a> text</li>
                    <li>text <a href="#">link</a> text</li>
                    <li>text <a href="#">link</a> text</li>
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 06:39 by ADMIN
This feature is available when ContentAreaMode is Iframe.
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