Last Updated: 03 Apr 2024 20:07 by ADMIN
Created by: Muhammad Jamil Nawaz
Comments: 1
Category: AutoCompleteBox
Type: Bug Report


We have a problem in our application, where when the user is typing the text to the input field of auto completed. After pressing "@" the text starts shaking. I tried to reproduce the same issue with online demo.


Use render mode Classic.


In the render mode Lightweight, the text is always shaking but in the Classic render mode, when the "@" typed, the text is shaking. 

The customer reported this as production issue in our application. Please suggest the solution of this asap.


Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 15:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Ivan Zhekov
Comments: 1
Category: AutoCompleteBox
Type: Feature Request
Based on customer feedback: there should be a property that limits the maximum height of the input of AutoCompleteBox.

Once that height is reached, a scrollbar should appear.
Last Updated: 27 May 2021 20:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Eli
Comments: 0
Category: AutoCompleteBox
Type: Feature Request
It would be helpful if there was a built in way for a token to be a linked item.  This could be done through an ItemTemplate or a NavigateURL property on an Entry.
Last Updated: 29 May 2020 14:26 by ADMIN
Currently, when the InputType=Text and AllowCustomEntry is set to true, the AutoCompleteBox does not persist the value of the entry when an item from the dropdown is chosen. 
Last Updated: 31 Oct 2019 15:33 by David

I have an AutoCompleteBox that cuts off the last letter of the default message.

This only happens on load and in Mozilla FireFox.

After the user focuses the AutoCompleteBox and loses focuses the full default message is available.

It seems that this is related to the inability of FireFox to handle the size property of the input elements. On initial load, the input is sized by setting the size property of the input. 

A possible workaround would be calling the internal _updateInputSize method in the OnClientLoad event of the AutoCompleteBox: 

function OnClientLoad(sender, args) {
    if (Telerik.Web.Browser.ff) {

Last Updated: 28 Oct 2019 21:02 by Jeff


While JAWS will announce all of the items in the list as results are first read, it only says "Blank" as you arrow through the available options. Tabbing out of the control and back in, also does not read the selected content.

This is basically the opposite of what happens when ARIA support is turned off.


In that case, there is no announcement when results come back, but JAWS will read each individual item as you arrow through the available choices. Tabbing out of the control and back in still does not cause JAWS to read the selected item. 

This makes it seem like the ARIA version of the autocomplete box is missing either the appropriate ARIA roles or some other piece of rendered markup that is present in the non-ARIA-enabled version.


Ideally, when working with screen readers,  we would like to see something like the following behaviors:

* The number of items are announced when results are loaded, including empty results

* Each item is announced as the focus is moved through the list

* The selected item is announced when picked or whenever focus returns to the field. 

Last Updated: 28 Jul 2016 14:26 by ADMIN
Occasionally, instead of a single request the controls will make multiple requests to the service.
Last Updated: 09 May 2016 14:39 by FG Developer