Add increased customisation opportunities to the Configuration Panel in the RadPivotGrid: Allow sorting of "All Fields" Allow addition of fields to "All Fields" collection without adding to Filter / Row / Group / Aggregate Zones User specified dimensions of Filter / Row / Group / Aggregate sections
Add possibility to translate PivotGrid Total and Grand Total labels via RadPivotGrid.Main.resx file.
Would like to have the ability to remove and add items to a pivot grid's filter window prior to rendering. Any item added or removed would be persisted/updated to the data-source. Many requests come from vendors that require certain information to be provided or removed based on user privileges, business rules, user inputs, etc..
Aggregate functions like Max, Min and Count would be useful in some scenarios with fields of type DateTime.
In an at least two level pivotgrid scenario, it would be nice to have the option of calculating the percentage of the inner level within that level and not based on the grand total (i.e. on the subtotal of the parent). In the attached image we can see that the inner levels have percentages based on the grand total instead of percentages of the category they belong. For example Diprivan should have a percentage of 100% since it is the only element of Astrazeneca. Same goes for Astrazeneca since it is the only element of Anesthetic, General.
Hi Telerik Team, I want to make a hierachy in PivotGridColumnField as in screenshot (pivotgrid_desired.png). I made a GradeBook project. It holds Student Names, Exam Names,Parent Exam Names, and Grades as in ( gradebook.rar ) . My pivotgrid screenshot is in ( pivotgrid.png ). I googled and read PivotGrid online documents but I couldn't find how to make hierarchy in columns as (pivotgrid_desired.png). Looking forward for your solution. Thanks.
The current RadPivotGrid handles sum, count, etc. but does not handle 'distinct count'. To elaborate: a field contains numerous different values that are duplicated over a number of rows - 'distinct count' counts the number of distinct values in the record set. Looks like someone has already submitted a similar question/request: Hope it makes it into a future release. :-) Many thanks,
As stated in the title: in RadPivotGrid, user should be able to drag and drop fields directly to row / aggregate / filter fields without having to check them first in the configuration panel. See attached image. In current situation, user has to (a) first check the box to move the field to e.g. row fields and THEN to drag it to the order they want - this is TWO postbacks. If this feature was implemented, users could drag the field from the config. panel and drop it directly in the place they want - only ONE postback. Dragging and dropping is by far the most intuitive way of doing things in the pivot grid (what is "Move to row fields" supposed to mean to an average user???) so please consider this. It is a strikingly missing feature.
I want to display multiple grand totals with different aggreagtes. For example I want to have 3 Aggregate rows which are displaying MIN of each field, MAX of each field and AVG of each field
We are able to bind the data from OLAP cube by using ADOMD data provider and XMLA data provider. How do we access multiple cubes from RadPivotGrid?
Biff export (RadTreeList, RadGrid, RadPivotGrid) throws an "Out of Memory" exception when exporting from application hosted on Azure.