Last Updated: 13 Aug 2021 10:08 by ADMIN

The appearance of RadRadioButtonList is broken when it is used on the same page with RadButton and the set render mode equals to Auto or Classic.

The bug can be reproduced with the following setup:

No render mode set:        <telerik:RadRadioButtonList ID="RadRadioButtonList3" runat="server">
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="AllXxXxX" Value="d" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="Phone xxxxxxxxx" Value="P" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="IP/URL xxxxxxxxx" Value="I" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="General xxxxxxxxx" Value="O" />

        <telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="Button1" Text="Button"/>
        <telerik:RadRadioButtonList ID="RadRadioButtonList3" runat="server">
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="AllXxXxX" Value="d" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="Phone xxxxxxxxx" Value="P" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="IP/URL xxxxxxxxx" Value="I" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="General xxxxxxxxx" Value="O" />

        <telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="Button1" Text="Button"/>
Last Updated: 11 Aug 2021 19:03 by ADMIN
Currently when the RadButton is focused and the Enter key is pressed, the server-side event OnClick is not triggered. When the Enter key is pressed again, the server-side event is executed.

The issue is reproduced when a dialog is opened in OnClientClicking event.

The workaround is to use

-Either the OnClientClicked event
-OR trigger the server click of the RadButton in the OnClientClicking event:
		<script type="text/javascript">
			function OnClientClicking1(sender, args) {

				alert("Client-click triggered");;
Last Updated: 10 Aug 2021 14:11 by ADMIN
If the Width property of a RadButton is set, its appearance in the Visual Studio 2012 Design view will be broken.

The icons sprite starts showing when the width is sufficiently large, test with different values, e.g. 80px, 100px, 200px, 400px, etc.
Last Updated: 15 Jun 2021 07:06 by ADMIN
Created by: Pero
Comments: 2
Category: Button
Type: Feature Request
Improve the SplitButton functionality so it is easier to use. Also provide a way for easier integration of ContextMenu with SplitButton as shown in the following demo:
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2021 07:28 by ADMIN

Important: The issue only occurs when the Buttons are spread around in different rows in RadGrid.

When multiple RadButtons (ButtonType="ToggleButton" ToggleType="Radio") are grouped through GroupName property, the server-side property checked doesn't take effect when the button which is to be checked is declared before the current checked button. The workaround is to execute JavaScript from the server which sets the checked property. For example: C#: string script = "function f(){$find(\"" + RadButton1.ClientID + "\").set_checked(true); Sys.Application.remove_load(f);}Sys.Application.add_load(f);"; ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(this, this.GetType(), "key", script, true);

Last Updated: 18 Mar 2021 14:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Omar
Comments: 1
Category: Button
Type: Bug Report

Setting the font size of RadioButtonsList does not change its all dimensions as stated in the following article:

Code to reproduce the issue:

<html xmlns="">
<head runat="server">
    <style type="text/css">
        .RadRadioButtonList button {
            font-size: 26px;
    <form id="form1" runat="server">
            <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server"></telerik:RadScriptManager>
        <telerik:RadRadioButtonList ID="RadRadioButtonList1"  runat="server"  AutoPostBack="False" Height="196px"  Skin="MetroTouch" RenderMode="Lightweight">   
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="Sample1" Value="1"  />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="Sample2" Value="2" />
                <telerik:ButtonListItem Text="Sample3" Value="3" />

Last Updated: 23 Oct 2020 09:34 by ADMIN
Release R3 2020

Issue previously reported by others and marked resolved as of R2 2020 in June 2020

However, I am running Chrome 84 with the latest build - 2020.2.617.40.

The issue remains.

Radbutton with type=linkbutton, fails to postback

This button used to open the navigateURL as well as execute codebehind


<telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="btnPrint" ButtonType="LinkButton" Text="Print Deposit Slip" NavigateUrl="/printform.aspx" Target="_blank" UseSubmitBehavior="false" SingleClick="true" SingleClickText="working..." />

Protected Sub btnPrint_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles btnPrint.Click


End Sub




Last Updated: 12 Oct 2020 08:56 by ADMIN

RadButton embedded in RadGrid is rendered with rounded corners only when ButtonType="StandardButton" (by default) and UseSubmitBehavior="true" (by default). In all other cases, it has sharp edges:

Code to replicate:

<telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" Text="Outer button" RenderMode="Lightweight"></telerik:RadButton>

<telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" OnNeedDataSource="RadGrid1_NeedDataSource" RenderMode="Lightweight">
    <MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="False">
            <telerik:GridTemplateColumn HeaderText="TemplateColumn">
                    <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton2" runat="server" Text="StandardSubmit" UseSubmitBehavior="true"></telerik:RadButton>
                    <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton3" runat="server" Text="StandardNonSubmit" UseSubmitBehavior="false"></telerik:RadButton>
                    <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton4" runat="server" Text="LinkButton" ButtonType="LinkButton"></telerik:RadButton>
                    <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton5" runat="server" Text="SkinnedButton" ButtonType="SkinnedButton"></telerik:RadButton>
                    <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton6" runat="server" Text="ToggleButton" ButtonType="ToggleButton"></telerik:RadButton>


protected void RadGrid1_NeedDataSource(object sender, GridNeedDataSourceEventArgs e)
    (sender as RadGrid).DataSource = Enumerable.Range(1, 6);


Last Updated: 07 Aug 2020 07:48 by ADMIN
Created by: S
Comments: 2
Category: Button
Type: Feature Request
Add table layout to radiobuttonlist control. this will facilitate the use of the control in a dynamic situation where you cannot predict  the number of columns the user wants to have. table layout is available in the standard ASP control and should be in the rad version as well. Furthermore it would make our flexibility increase if the item text of the list items can contain markup language (bold, or div with style) instead of latterly displaying the HTML code as if this was normal text.

Thanks for your great work and keep focus on ASP.NET controls to improve their funtions.
Last Updated: 30 Apr 2020 09:21 by ADMIN
Created by: Andy Green
Comments: 1
Category: Button
Type: Feature Request
Add custom Attribute to the RadRadioButtonList control.

By the way its not available as a control in the drop down.

Won't Fix
Last Updated: 22 Jan 2020 13:40 by Peter
An error is thrown when RadButton NavigateUrl is defined in content page with tilde and the master page is up one level.

Workaround: Remove the tilde from the navigate url.
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2020 11:08 by ADMIN
Created by: Ruth
Comments: 1
Category: Button
Type: Bug Report
Just updated the controls and as usual got bitten by the change.  Very simple, we had a button that changed colors based on a change in an edit page.  The Button remained a White Color if nothing was entered, a Green Color if the fields were all correct and a Red Color if the fields were in error.  The determining factor is all behind the seen analysis on a save which has nothing to do with the Button.  Code behind the scenes sets a db value for the status of the Button. We know that the status is being set correctly because activity allowed or disallowed occurs correctly and that the DB settings having been checked are 100% correct as well.

There are seven Buttons with 7 Entry Pages that are affected and the users are totally confused when there is no visual direction as to the problem.

How do we Fix the Button to change Colors
Last Updated: 20 May 2019 11:52 by ADMIN
Created by: Danail Vasilev
Comments: 5
Category: Button
Type: Feature Request
You can configure the confirm dialog through a ConfirmText property that defines the confirmation text. The boolean result can be exposed in the arguments of the click event. If there is a RadWindowManager on the same page a radconfirm should be used otherwise - the browser one.

For the time being the functionality can be achieved manually as illustrated in this demo -
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2019 14:30 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2018 14:35 by Vasssek
Common scenario is to use PrimaryIconCssClass and SecondaryIconCssClass to decorate custom icons. Common situation is using bootstrap's classes for the glyphicons.

In order to workaround this you can use custom CSS rules and define the expected content properties for the before elements. This is an example with bootstrap icons ( 

    .rbSecondaryIcon.glyphicon-filter:before {
        content: "\e138";

<telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton2" runat="server" 
    Text="Filter" ButtonType="SkinnedButton" 
    Icon-PrimaryIconCssClass="glyphicon glyphicon-filter" >

Last Updated: 25 Jul 2018 07:43 by ADMIN
RadButton, RadPushButton and RadLinkButton can have a custom icon URL and CSS class.

When a CSS class is added, the background-image: url() rule is not rendered initially.

It does not matter what the class holds, it can even be empty

If you hover and leave the button, the icon shows up because the inline rule gets rendered.

The RadToggleButton does not manifest this behavior

You can find attached below a simple repro and workarounds
Last Updated: 11 Oct 2017 14:04 by ADMIN
RadButton configured as an Image button cannot be clicked if a node from a RadTreeView is selected and EnableDragAndDrop property of the RadTreeView is set to true. The issue is reproducible in iPAD.

For the time being either the EnableDragAndDrop property of the RadTreeView can be set to false or the following JavaScript code can be placed after the declaration of the RadTreeView:

<script type="text/javascript">
                    var $T = Telerik.Web.UI;
                    Telerik.Web.UI.RadTreeView.prototype._onDocumentMouseUp = function (e) {
                        if ($telerik.isTouchDevice) {

                            if (this.longTouchID) {
                                this.longTouchID = 0;
                            this._treeTouchScroll._dragCanceled = false;


                        if (!this._dragging) {
                            this._initialDragMousePos = null;
                            this._initialDragNode = null;

                        var sourceNodes = this._sourceDragNodes,
                target = $telerik.getTouchTarget(e);

                        var destinationNode = null;
                        if (target == this._dropClue) {
                            // If the event has hit the DropClue we take the node it is attached to
                            destinationNode = this._dropClue.treeNode;
                        else {
                            destinationNode = this._extractNodeFromDomElement(target);

                        if (destinationNode) {
                            if (destinationNode._isDescendantOf(this._initialDragNode) || this._initialDragNode == destinationNode) {

                        var htmlElement = target;

                        var eventArgs = new $T.RadTreeNodeDroppingEventArgs(sourceNodes, destinationNode, htmlElement, this._draggingPosition, e);
                        this.raiseEvent("nodeDropping", eventArgs);
                        if (eventArgs.get_cancel()) {

                        htmlElement = eventArgs.get_htmlElement();
                        var command = this._getDropCommand(destinationNode, sourceNodes, htmlElement);

                        if (command.commandName) {
                            eventArgs = new $T.RadTreeNodeDroppedEventArgs(sourceNodes, e);
                            this.raiseEvent("nodeDropped", eventArgs);

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2017 14:35 by ADMIN
Implementing a fix for the Lightweight RenderMode is likely to cause regressions:

Thus, there are several workarounds:
- use the Classic RenderMode, if possible
- use the script below
- use CSS to set the icon instead of a property (example further down)

JS workaround:
			<telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="rb1" RenderMode="Lightweight">
				<Icon PrimaryIconUrl="~/Circle_Green_20.png" />
			<telerik:RadPushButton runat="server" ID="rpb1" text="sample text">
				<Icon Url="Circle_Green_20.png" />
				function repaintButtons() {
					$telerik.$(".RadButton.rbIconButton, .RadButton.rbIconOnly").each(function (index, elem) {
						if (elem && elem.control && elem.control.repaint) {
					//uncomment this if you want the method to fire after each partial postback as well

CSS workaround:

			<telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="rb1" RenderMode="Lightweight" CssClass="myCustomIcon" Text="some text">
				<Icon PrimaryIconUrl="Circle_Green_20.png" />
				.myCustomIcon .rbPrimaryIcon
					background-image: url(Circle_Green_20.png);
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2017 14:30 by ADMIN
The workaround is to override the background image of the button:


        .RadButton.RadButton_Default.rbLinkButton .rbPrimaryIcon {
            background-image: url("images/Groups (16x16).png");


       <telerik:RadButton ID="RadButton1" runat="server" ButtonType="LinkButton" Text="Click" Skin="Default">
            <Icon PrimaryIconUrl="images/myImage (16x16).png" PrimaryIconTop="2" PrimaryIconLeft="2" />
Last Updated: 02 Jun 2017 10:23 by ADMIN
Checkbox buttons are missing when ToggleType='CustomToggle' in Lightweight rendering. The issue is introduced in 2017 R1 release.

Code to reproduce:
        <telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="btnEnableTrace" RenderMode="Lightweight"
            ButtonType="ToggleButton" ToggleType="CustomToggle">
                <telerik:RadButtonToggleState PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckbox"></telerik:RadButtonToggleState>
                <telerik:RadButtonToggleState PrimaryIconCssClass="rbToggleCheckboxChecked"></telerik:RadButtonToggleState>