Last Updated: 09 Nov 2020 17:07 by ADMIN
Created by: John S.
Comments: 0
Category: TreeList
Type: Bug Report
Add/Edit/Remove columns using the TreeListColumn Collection Editor in VS Design mode is not working.
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2018 14:14 by Attila Antal
Created by: Attila Antal
Comments: 0
Category: TreeList
Type: Bug Report
Workaround would be to apply the first-column indicator CSS class name in the markup. Then this class name will be inherited by the next column if the first is Hidden.

With the following markup, the rendered results, the "Parent Category ID" column header will have the "first-visible-column" CSS class name set.
<telerik:TreeListBoundColumn DataField="ID" UniqueName="ID" HeaderText="Category ID" Visible="false">
    <HeaderStyle CssClass="first-visible-column" />

<telerik:TreeListBoundColumn DataField="ParentID" UniqueName="ParentID" HeaderText="Parent Category ID">

If applying in the Code Behind, try using the PreRenderComplete event of the Page.

protected void Page_PreRenderComplete(object sender, EventArgs e)
    string firstVisibleColName = RadTreeList1.RenderColumns.Where(x => x.Visible && x.Display).First().UniqueName;

    TreeListHeaderItem headerItem = RadTreeList1.GetItems(TreeListItemType.HeaderItem)[0] as TreeListHeaderItem;
    headerItem[firstVisibleColName].CssClass += " first-visible-column";
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2016 05:33 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 31 May 2021 12:54 by ADMIN
ADD: Functionality in TreeList to Sorting with Subobjects like this:

<telerik:TreeListBoundColumn DataField="subobject.MyPropertyName" SortExpression="subobject.MyPropertyName"
 HeaderText="MyPropertyName" UniqueName="MyPropertyName"  >
Last Updated: 05 Oct 2022 22:23 by Thiago
Created by: Satvinder
Comments: 3
Category: TreeList
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 18 Jun 2021 07:56 by ADMIN
Currently there is no client side API to bind data from client side. Please add this feature.