TreeView context menu remains visible when a permission alert is shown. I should be hidden like the Grid contect menu is.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Copy a file from the Grid in RadFileExplorer
2. Right click over the same directory in the TreeView and select Paste
There is a scroll and the Upload button is partially hidden when the Bootstrap skin is used in Classic render mode:
Reproduction code:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
RadToolBarDropDown dropDown = new RadToolBarDropDown("PageSize");
dropDown.CssClass = "perPageDropDown";
dropDown.EnableImageSprite = false;
// dropDown.Text = GetGlobalResourceObject("Insight", "Per pagina")
// dropDown.ToolTip = GetGlobalResourceObject("Insight", "Per pagina")
<telerik:RadFileExplorer RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="FileExplorer1" Width="595px" Height="350px"
AllowPaging="true" PageSize="10">
<Configuration EnableAsyncUpload="true" ViewPaths="~/"
UploadPaths="~/" DeletePaths="~/"></Configuration>
A workaround is to disable the embedded jQuery and use an older version (for example, 1.11.1 which is the previous version the suite used):
A workaround is to disable the embedded jQuery and use an older version (for example, 1.11.1 which is the previous version the suite used): Repro steps: 1. put a file explorer on the page 2. right click a file in it and select Rename 3. enter a new name, click OK Expected: file is renamed Actual: Firefox throws TypeError: access to strict mode caller function is censored Sample markup <telerik:RadFileExplorer RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="FileExplorer1" Width="520px" Height="310px"> <Configuration ViewPaths="~/images" UploadPaths="~/images" DeletePaths="~/images"></Configuration> </telerik:RadFileExplorer>
Only half of the Select button (the top part) in Upload dialog is clickable in Material, due to the unsufficient height of the .ruFileInput element. Workaround: html .rfeUploadContainer .RadUpload .ruInputs input.ruFileInput { height: 50px; } Steps to reproduce: 1. Open 2. Open the Upload dialog 3. Try to select a file to upload by clicking the bottom half of the button Result: The file selection window is not opened
The icon of the confirm dialogs in RadFileExplorer should be center aligned to the text.
RadFileExplorer allows renaming of extentions with capital letters (e.g. IMG, PNG, etc) even if the FileExplorer's AllowFileExtensionRename="false" property is set. As a result, the renamed extension is appended to the file name, and the original ext is kept. Video: Steps to reporduce: <telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server"> <Configuration ViewPaths="~/Images" UploadPaths="~/Images" DeletePaths="~/Images" AllowFileExtensionRename="false"/> </telerik:RadFileExplorer> Run the code above and try to rename a file with capital letters extension.
Changing the paths of FileExplorer dynamically leads to popping an alert message for "non-existing folder" even in no InitialPath has been set. After closing the alert RadFileExplorer gets bound successfully. video: The bug is introduced in version 2015.2.729. Steps to reproduce: 1. Run the following code: ASP: <telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server"> <Configuration ViewPaths="~/" /> </telerik:RadFileExplorer> <telerik:RadButton ID="Btn1" runat="server" Text="Change ViewPath" OnClick="Btn1_Click"></telerik:RadButton> CS: protected void Btn1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { RadFileExplorer1.InitialPath = "/Bin"; RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.ViewPaths = new string[] { "~/Bin" }; } 2. Click the "Change ViewPath" button Result: FileExplorer shows an alert with message "You are navigating to a non-existing folder or do not have proper permissions..."
The text set to the custom dropdown buttons added to the FileExplorer's Toolbar is not visible in LightWeight rendering, unless the tooltips of the buttons are also configured. Workaround (set the tooltip of the added button): RadToolBarDropDown dropDown = new RadToolBarDropDown("PageSize"); dropDown.Text = "Page Size"; dropDown.ToolTip = "Page Size"; RadFileExplorer1.ToolBar.Items.Add(dropDown);
For the time being the following workaround can be used: <telerik:RadFileExplorer ID="RadFileExplorer1" runat="server" Width="230px" Height="430px" DisplayUpFolderItem="true" ExplorerMode="FileTree"> </telerik:RadFileExplorer> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.RadFileExplorer.prototype._onTreeContextMenuItemClicked = function (sender, args) { var treeNode = args.get_node(); var menuItem = args.get_menuItem().get_value(); switch (menuItem) { case "Rename": treeNode.startEdit(); var nodeInput = treeNode.get_inputElement(); if (!this._allowFileExtensionRename) { var item = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(treeNode); if (!item.isDirectory()) nodeInput.value = $T.FileExplorerHelper.stripExtension(item); } this._attachFileNameValidator(nodeInput); var treeUL = sender.get_childListElement(); this._treeKeyDownDelegate = Function.createDelegate(this, this._treeKeyDown); if (treeUL) $telerik.addHandler(treeUL, "keydown", this._treeKeyDownDelegate, true); break; case "NewFolder": if (!this._isNodeADirectory(treeNode)) { treeNode = treeNode.get_parent(); } var nodeValue = treeNode.get_value(); this.createNewDirectory(nodeValue); break; case "Delete": var selItems = sender.get_selectedNodes(); var delItem = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < selItems.length; i++) { var currItem = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(selItems[i]); delItem.push(currItem); } this.deleteItem(delItem); break; case "Upload": this._showUploadWindow(); break; case "Copy": var selectedItem = null; if (!treeNode.get_selected()) { selectedItem = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(treeNode); } this._copy("tree", selectedItem); break; case "Paste": var pasteItem = this._createItemFromTreeViewNode(treeNode); this._paste(pasteItem); break; } } </script>
The issue is reproducible with RadEditor. When using Lightweight rendering in RadEditor, the FileExplorer's address bar has an inline style with height: 16px rule. This rule should be added only in Classic rendering. As a side effect, the text in the address box is cut off. Possible workaround is to add setting in the web.config to force Lightweight rendering for RadFileExplorer: <add key="Telerik.Web.UI.FileExplorer.RenderMode" value="lightweight" />
The following setup will cause an Invalid Argument error in IE8: <div style="display: none;"> <telerik:RadFileExplorer runat="server" ID="RadFileExplorer1" Width="700px" Height="520px" RenderMode="Lightweight"> <Configuration ViewPaths="~/images" /> </telerik:RadFileExplorer> </div> It can extend to a FileExplorer in a MultiPage, for example. Solution for the time being is to avoid using RenderMode=Lightweight for IE8
RadFileExplorer only natively works with standard Windows files that are on the server. This precludes us from effectively using Azure's data structures, especially blob and the newer file types. With things like Webjobs where there is no standard file structure, we need the ability to access files that are stored in a shared space.
When users quickly select different folders in the TreeView and content is still loading, the caching mechanism of FileExplorer fails and loads incorrect data to the last selected folder.
When trying to drag files with not-so-common extensions to upload, they are not uploaded. For the time being, you can workaround the issue by using this patch: <telerik:RadFileExplorer runat="server" ID="RFE1"> <Configuration ViewPaths="~/" UploadPaths="~/" DeletePaths="~/" SearchPatterns="*.*"/> </telerik:RadFileExplorer> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.RadFileExplorer.prototype._onAsyncUploadFilesUploading = function (sender, args) { var currentDroppedFileType = this._pullNextDroppedFileType(); if (this._isDropUploadCancelled === true) { args.set_cancel(true); if (this._isThisLastUploadingFile()) this._finalizeFileDrop(); } this._currentUploadRow = args.get_row(); if (this._btnUpload != null) { this._btnUpload.control.set_enabled(false); } }; </script>
Steps to reproduce: 1. Delete Flower3.jpg 2. Rename Flower5 to Flower3 Actual: The image with Flower3 name has changed to the one which was deleted