It would be nice to have the ability to check/uncheck a range of consecutive check boxes in a tree view, for example by clicking the starting check box and shit-clicking the ending check box. I would like to check a range of nodes as shown in the attachment, without checking one at a time.
Keyboard navigation for the RadTreeView control should neglect invisible nodes when deciding which node to select based on user navigation. To know what I mean, please try the following: - Navigate to the example at - In the console of the developer tools of your browser, type the following: $telerik.findTreeView("ctl00_ContentPlaceholder1_RadTreeView1").get_nodes().getNode(0).get_nodes().getNode(0).set_visible(false) This will hide the "Calendar" tree node. - Using your mouse, click on the "Mailbox - John Smith" root node. - Press the ↓ key once. Notice how the selection disappears, while it should have gone to the "Contacts" node. - Type the following in the console: $telerik.findTreeView("ctl00_ContentPlaceholder1_RadTreeView1").get_selectedNode().get_visible() The console prints "false" which means that the currently selected node is invisible, which is a wrong behaviour. - Press ↓ once again, and the "Contacts" node will be selected. This problem annoys me because I have a situation where I hide tree nodes based on what the user types in a filter text box. After the user filters the tree and tries to navigate using the keyboard, the procedure becomes weird.
I think that TreeView incorrectly handles the case of a drop beneath a node that is expanded. When a node (with or without children) is _not_ expanded, then dropping directly beneath (meaning lower down on the page) that node indicates that the node should be made the next sibling of the node. - A + B ------ <- Drop indicator means that dropping here will cause the dropped node to be the next sibling of B, which makes sense. - C This case makes perfect sense. However, when the node is expanded, the drop indicator doesn't change it's behavior, and I think it should. - A + B ------ <--- Dropping here will cause the dropped node to be the next sibling of B, but this is not visually where it will appear in the tree. - B.1 - B.2 <--- This is where the node will appear after drop. - C This is counter-intuitive to most people. People think that dropping between B and B.1 would make the dropped item to become a child of B and a prior sibling of B.1. But instead, it has the same effect as if the B node wasn't expanded and adds the new dropped node as the next sibling of B. Note that in this case, the newly dropped node doesn't show up where it was dropped. When a node doesn't appear in the tree where it was dropped, people assume that that's a bug. To see the issue, go here: In the "RadTreeView1" treeview, try to drag the "Deleted Items" item to be the last item in the list (but not a child of "Search Folders"). If you drag toward the bottom of the tree, after you drag down past "Unread Mail", you see the drop indicator that shows that you can drop to make it be the next sibling of "Unread Mail". If you keep dragging down, you _don't_ see an indicator that you can drop to make the next sibling of "Search Folders". However, if you drag between "Search Folders" and "Form Follow Up", then you _will_ see an indicator that shows that the item will be made the next sibling of "Search Folders". And if you drop there, it will indeed be made the next sibling of "Search Folders", but of course it will appear at the bottom of the tree (not where you dropped it). The kendo TreeView has the same behavior as the RadTreeView. However, I have found some TreeViews that handle it in the way I would prefer. See for an example.
At the moment it is not possible to rebind the RadTreeView on the client if the datasource is changed when treeview is bound to a ClientDataSource or WebService. Scenarios: - Changed nodes on the server (database) cannot be refreshed on the client. - TreeView is populated based on a custom parameter value.
ADD: Copy node on Drag And Drop TreeView
On IPAD, for treeview rootnode when expanded. It calls the client side event, fetches the records from the service and do the databinding as exected. But after completing all the binding ClientNodeCollapsing event is fired which causes the node to collapse. Same control works fine on desktop.
How we can save the listbox items to radtree view in ajax.(when we drag it on drop on radtreeview ) and i will save that value on database in sequence mode.this is my problem