Reproduction -
Setup to reproduce:
<telerik:RadContextMenu ID="RadContextMenu1" runat="server">
<telerik:ContextMenuDocumentTarget />
<telerik:RadMenuItem Text="item">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server" />
<telerik:RadButton runat="server" ID="RadButton2" Text="Postback" AutoPostBack="true" />
Steps to reproduce:
Rendering and tabbing through the menus goes well BUT - the following was reported:
The BIG issue seems to be the lack of indication that a SubMenu exists - is this a known issue? Am I not enabling something I should be?
Current RadMenu config:
<telerik:RadMenu AriaSettings-Label="Manage a Business Menu" runat="server" ID="m" Width="100%" Skin="Simple" Flow="Horizontal" RenderMode="Lightweight"
EnableAriaSupport="true" CausesValidation="false" EnableOverlay="false">
<KeyboardNavigationSettings CommandKey="Alt" FocusKey="M" />
In the latest version of the controls (v.2012.3.1205.40 Dev) RadMenu links are not clickable on iPad/iPhone iOS 5.1 or iOS 6.
If the text is too long in a RadMenuItem, when you mouse over the menu items, part of the highlighting isn't visible. The following code demonostrates. See Capture.png to see that part of the highlighting is missing. The rendering problem seems to be browser independent. I tested it using IE, Firefox, and Chrome and they all have the same problem. <telerik:RadMenu ID="RadMenu1" runat="server" Width="100%"> <Items> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="UBorrow"> <Items> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Borrowing Transaction Counts by Borrowing Library" NavigateUrl="~/BorrowingTransactionCountsByBorrowingLibrary.aspx" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Borrowing Transaction Counts by Is First Lender Filled and Month" NavigateUrl="~/BorrowingTransactionCountsByIsFirstLenderFilledAndMonth.aspx" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Cancelled Lending Transaction Counts by Cancellation Reason" NavigateUrl="~/CancelledLendingTransactionCountsByCancellationReason.aspx" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Filled Borrowing Transaction Counts and Average Turnaround Times by Borrowing Library and Lending Library" NavigateUrl="~/FilledBorrowingTransactionCountsAndAverageTurnaroundTimesByBorrowingLibaryAndLendingLibrary.aspx" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Filled Borrowing Transaction Counts and Average Turnaround Times by Borrowing Library and Month" NavigateUrl="~/FilledBorrowingTransactionCountsAndAverageTurnaroundTimesByBorrowingLibraryAndMonth.aspx" /> <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Filled Lending Transaction Counts and Average Turnaround Times by Lending Library and Borrowing Library" NavigateUrl="~/FilledLendingTransactionCountsAndAverageTurnaroundTimesByLendingLibaryAndBorrowingLibrary.aspx" /> </Items> </telerik:RadMenuItem> </Items> </telerik:RadMenu>
I have imported the configuratorpanel.cs into my application and use it in a webform The control works, but the compiler always creates an error in the designerfile.. it doesn't accept the namespace. even if i comment out the namespace, then it doesn't find the configuratorpanel <%@ Register TagPrefix="qsf" Namespace="Telerik.QuickStart"%> .. <qsf:ConfiguratorPanel runat="server" Title="neu" Expanded="false" Orientation="Horizontal" ID="cnfPanel_Folder_Neu"> <telerik:RadTextBox ID="tbxFolder_Title_Neu" runat="server" LabelWidth="64px" Resize="None" Skin="Silk" Width="160px" DisplayText="Neuer Order.."> </telerik:RadTextBox> <telerik:RadTextBox ID="tbxFolder_Description_Neu" runat="server" LabelWidth="64px" Resize="None" Skin="Silk" Width="160px" DisplayText="Beschreibung.."> </telerik:RadTextBox> </qsf:ConfiguratorPanel> .. and in the configuratorpanel.cs file ---- namespace Telerik.QuickStart { public enum ConfiguratorPanelOrientation { Horizontal, Vertical } public class ConfiguratorPanel : Panel, IPostBackDataHandler { protected override void RenderContents(HtmlTextWriter writer) { ----
Workaround: Set ClickToOpen = true in the control markup or if you want to set it only for the problematic browsers, use the following server-side code: protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { string userAgent = Request.UserAgent; string searchPattern = "ARM(?i)|Touch(?i)"; if (System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch(userAgent, searchPattern)) { RadContextMenu1.ClickToOpen = true; } }
The demo for the Adaptive Behavior of the menu control ( is not functioning on iOS devices. It works just fine on a desktop computer, but will not respond on an iOS device. On my iOS device, when I click (touch) the menu, it fails to expand. However, when I download the sample code project and upgrade it to the latest version of the dll, the menu works as expected.
After clicking the item, the custom class is removed (the color of the item text is changed) <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns=""> <head id="Head1" runat="server"> <style> .TopToolbarAlert, .TopToolbarAlert:link, .TopToolbarAlert:visited, .TopToolbarAlert:hover, .TopToolbarAlert:focus, .TopToolbarAlert:active { /*background-color: red;*/ color: red !important; } </style> </head> <body> <form id="form1" runat="server"> <telerik:RadScriptManager ID="RadScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <div> <telerik:RadMenu runat="server" ID="toolBarMenu"> <Items> <telerik:RadMenuItem ID="toolbarAlerts" runat="server" Text="Alerts" /> </Items> </telerik:RadMenu> </div> </form> </body> <script type="text/javascript"> $telerik.$(document).ready(function () { $telerik.$("#toolbarAlerts").addClass("TopToolbarAlert"); }); </script> </html>
CSS workaround: html .RadMenu_Context .rmVertical .rmItem { clear: both; }