Described in this forum thread-
RADScheduler events does not align with the time columns headers on IE10. Demo can be used to reproduce the bug on IE10,
Hello When you save the data by adding the beginning of the day 2 and day laborers booking on the booking end When you display the same process works, but counterproductive Please help Thank you
can be replicated on this on-line demo-
When moving from 2.611.45 to the latest 2.717.45 ASP.NET AJAX binaries, we are experiencing a problem with the client-side drag ('move') of appointments. Repro steps: * Unpack the attached MVC project (bare-bones...does web-service binding on an XML document). Run the project (just go to the /Home/Index action). You should see the RadScheduler there. * Create an appointment of AT LEAST 90 MINUTES duration. This should succeed. * Drag the appointment up/down. I have included a piece of sample JavaScript which prints out the eventArgs.get_targetSlot().get_startTime() value. Expected results: * The logged value coincides with the visual position of the start of the appointment while it is being dragged. Actual results: * The logged value is offset by a constant amount compared to what is being shown on the Scheduler during the drag. For example, the appointment will appear to be shown at 12:00 but the value retrieved in script will be 12:30. This only seems to be reproducible for appointments of 90 minutes or longer. It does not occur with your 2.611.45 binaries. I noticed that you guys changed your implementation of client-side methods like _startDrag, _raiseMoveEnd, _finishDrag etc in this latest might have something to do with that, but I didn't have time to go debugging your script. (Note: The attached zip is only a zip of the cleaned project file. The only non-standard MVC4 assemblies are your Telerik assemblies, so you'll just have to fix up the path to those so that the project builds.)
There is an OnClientTimeSlotClick event that fires if the user clicks in a single time slot. If the user clicks in one time slot and drags to select multiple time slots before releasing the mouse button no event is fired. It would be useful if the existing event was fired in this case, or another event was added to fire in this case.
In firefox, the scheduler adds additional option buttons and checkboxes.
We'd like to control how simultaneous appointments are displayed. It would be nice if the appointments are shown above eachother, as it were layers with transparancy. If that's not possible than we'd like to control the placing of the appointments. For example the appointments in order of priority from left to right.
I will be very helpful to have a Gantt view to the scheduler with a Grided info on one side and the Gantt on the other.
Extend RADScheduler not just to creating appointment. Extend it to be timelogging\time clocking feature where user can use RADScheduler to perform timelogging\clocking. Also allows copy and paste from 1 day to another day.
Related Feedback item:
In Plamen indicated a feature request was created to implement CRUD via ODatabinding for the RadScheduler control but I can't find it. Currently it's read-only but we really would like to be able to maintain appointments as well via OData because we already have that API available in our product. This way we don't have to build\maintain a new web service.