If the user opens a dialog (Table Wizard, for example) clicking the 'OK' button applies the new changes, but does not close the dialog - it instead loses focus. The bug is reproduced in all versions of Internet Explorer when RadEditor is configured to use classic dialogs.
Steps to reproduce: 1. Insert two lists <ol> <li>test1</li> </ol> <ol> <li>test2</li> </ol> 2. Copy the first list 3. Insert one more list item in the second list and paste the first list Expected: <ol> <li>test1</li> </ol> <ol> <li>test2</li> <li>test1</li> </ol> Actual: <ol> <li>test1</li> </ol> <ol> <li>test2</li> <li> <ol> <li>test1</li> </ol> </li> </ol>
When the editor is wrapped inside a fixed size parent with overflow:y: scroll, the "Toggle Full Screen" command (F11) does not make the Editor occupy the whole view port. The issue can be reproduced in IE. video: http://screencast.com/t/0pWlWAgKX1qD
Issue caused by: RadPanelBar, ContentAreaMode="Div" When RadEditor is placed in a contracted RadPanelBar and RadEditor's ContentAreaMode is set to Div, upon the panel's expansion, RadEditor's height shrinks and JavaScript errors are thrown. Occurs in: IE7 and IE8.
FIX: RadEditor in an iframe on iPad grows infinitely The following workaround could be used temporarily: <script type="text/javascript"> Sys.Application.add_load(function () { var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID%>"); var viewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; editor.setSize(viewportWidth.toString(), viewportHeight.toString()); } ) </script>
When an input of type text is selected user cannot change its properties from Design mode. Workaround: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1"> <Content> <input type="text" style="width: 100px; height: 22px;" /> <br /> <textarea></textarea> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.RadEditor.prototype.getSelectedElement = function (range) { var editor = this; var contentArea = editor.get_contentArea(); var $ = $telerik.$; var $Editor = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor; var utils = $Editor.Utils; if (editor.get_renderMode() === Telerik.Web.UI.RenderMode.Mobile) { var highlighted = $(contentArea).find(".__reTextHighlight,.__reNodeHighlight"); if (highlighted.length) { var first = highlighted.get(0); var last = highlighted.last().get(0); return first === last ? first : utils.findCommonAncestor(first, last); } } range = range || editor.getDomRange(); if (!range) { var activeElement; try { activeElement = editor.get_document().activeElement; } catch (ex) { return undefined; } return $(activeElement).is('input[type=text],input[type=password],textarea') ? activeElement : undefined; } var container = range.commonAncestorContainer; if (container === contentArea || $.contains(contentArea, container)) { var selectedNode = $Editor.RangeEdges.commonNode(range); var isTextNode = utils.isTextNode(selectedNode); return utils.isTextNode(selectedNode) ? selectedNode.parentNode : selectedNode; } }; </script>
For the time being you can use the following workaround: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" ></telerik:RadEditor> <script> var oldExecute = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.InsertLinkCommand.prototype.onExecute; Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.InsertLinkCommand.prototype.onExecute = function () { this.linkProperties.href = encodeURI(this.linkProperties.href); oldExecute.call(this); } </script>
If you try to re-format a paragraph with a link inside to a heading, the final result will be multiple headings split by the link.
When HTML content is set to the editor and has stylization with the inline style attribute the 'ConvertInlineStylesToAttributes' filter converts some of them to attributes, but after a post back they disappear.
The get_text() client side function of the editor seems to append a newline character to the retrieved text. This had the effect of breaking a string comparison I had to clear placeholder text ('enter detailed text here') when the user clicks on the content area. The problem is apparent only on Chrome and Safari, but not IE. I fixed this problem by removing the trailing newline character using a regular expression: var t = editor.get_text(); t = t.replace(/\n/g, "") ....then do the string comparison The problem appeared in version 2012.2 912.
Created a table. Go to accessibility, checked 1 for both the header row and column & checked the associated cells with headers checkbox. ... This is the code that get's spit out.
Copy Code
<table style="width: 50%; " class="tableData">
<th style="" id="table_heading_0"> </th>
<th style="" id="table_heading_1">2011</th>
<th style="" id="table_heading_2">2012</th>
<th style="" id="table_heading_3">Fire</th>
<td headers="table_heading_1">5</td>
<td class="" style="" headers="table_heading_2">5</td>
<th style="" id="table_heading_4">Police</th>
<td headers="table_heading_1">5</td>
<td headers="table_heading_2">5</td>
Each header is assigned a unique ID (Correct!)
Each header is identified with a <th> class (Correct!)
Each non-header cell associates with just ONE header (INCORRECT! ... I assume)
Since there are two headers associated with each non-header cell, shouldn't there should be two IDs referenced in the "headers" attribute? Would the correct coding for this look something like this (each header ID separated by a space or comma)?
Copy Code
<table style="width: 50%; " class="tableData">
<th style="" id="table_heading_0"> </th>
<th style="" id="table_heading_1">2011</th>
<th style="" id="table_heading_2">2012</th>
<th style="" id="table_heading_3">Fire</th>
<td headers="table_heading_1,table_heading_3">5</td>
<td class="" style="" headers="table_heading_2,table_heading_3">5</td>
<th style="" id="table_heading_4">Police</th>
<td headers="table_heading_1,table_heading_4">5</td>
<td headers="table_heading_2,table_heading_4">5</td>
The content of RadEditor overflows the height ot the content area in Mobile Safari (tested with IOS 9.3). The issue is reproducible as of version 2015.3.930 Reproduction code: <telerik:RadEditor ID="emailMessageInput" runat="server" Style="font-size: 12px;" Height="450" Width="600"> <Content> foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br />foo<br /> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> <br /> <asp:Button ID="btn" runat="server" Text="the editor overflows on an ipad" />
Rejected with the following description: RadEditor performs complex operation in order to manage its content when switching between Design and HTML modes like cloning elements and inserting content in iframe elements. Internet Explorer, however, has some limitations related to that particular operations that prevents the control from preserving the onload attribute (e.g., attributes are not preserved when the iframe is cloned, writing html to an editable iframe doesn't always preserve the event attributes). In order to handle that scenario you can replace the event attributes with JavaScript events. For example: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" ContentFilters="ConvertToXhtml"> <Content> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function () { alert(1); } </script> </head> <body > some text </body> </html> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> Note: the ConvertToXhtml filter should be enabled as well.
For example the Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike-trough commands are not accepted by invoking the AcceptTrackChanges() method. After the post back, the track changes stylization is still the same and the attributes set from the feature (cite, author, timestamp etc.) are not stripped. A possible workaround is using the corresponding method via the Client-side API. To do that you can use this example JavaScript method: function acceptAllChanges() { var editor = $find("<%= RadEditor1.ClientID %>"); var trackChanges = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.TrackChanges; trackChanges.initialize(editor); trackChanges.acceptAllChangesSilently(); } Note that you should get the correct editor object and pass it as an argument in the initialize() method's overload.
http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx Currently, TabStrip cannot be focused because it's missing AccessKey. All elements in the dialog should be accessible.