Last Updated: 21 Jul 2015 18:32 by Lenny_shp
In Q2 2013 the block commands in RadEditor were greatly improved to match desktop editors closely. This means that now block elements like <p> or <div> are required for operations like creating lists, indent/outdent commands.

The default value for the NewLineMode property of the control is BR for historical reasons and thus when the end users press enter they do no longer create elements the block commands can work with. Changing it would be a breaking change, however.
Here is a list with possible implications of changing the default NewLineMode value to P:

- The default text editing in modern browsers according to HTML5 specifications ( requires that a paragraph is inserted when enter is pressed
- The content generated by the end users by default will integrate better with the improved commands of the control
- Most desktop rich text editing applications (like MS Word) insert a paragraph when enter is pressed

- A breaking change in the current control behavior and configuration
- When paragraphs are inserted they will add more margins so the final appearance of the content and the editing process will require more height
- By default, the underlying rich-text editing engine of Firefox uses BR tags and Chrome's - DIV tags

Please use the buttons on the right to vote whether this change should be implemented. If you have anything to add - the comments below can be used.
Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:34 by ADMIN
Take a look at It works fine in all major browsers except for IE.

Image content is inserted right in the image tag like: <IMG SRC="data:image/png;base64,...">, and that's exactly what we need. We don't even need the pasted images to be uploaded to the server side.

It seems doesn't rely on the canvas element. You can remove it, and everything will work fine. Please see

Also please see It doesn't contain a canvas, but still works well.

You can also take a look at It doesn't look great because it works in Chrome only. But still it works in Chrome.
Last Updated: 14 Jan 2014 16:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Joana
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
AutoResizeHeight functionality is not working correctly under IE, Chrome and Opera, when it is set to true.

Under IE: Editor is not resized when content is deleted.
Under Chrome: Editor's content area is resized to cover the space but the editor preserve its height.
under Opera: Editor keeps expanding when removing content.
Last Updated: 12 Aug 2014 12:10 by Bram
Last Updated: 29 Apr 2022 14:42 by ADMIN
Created by: Rumen
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 27 Apr 2015 10:42 by MailUp Dev
Created by: Misho
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Feature request for implementing an improvement related to the current impossibility to select form elements like buttons in RadEditor content area. This is a browser behavior and it is currently preventing form editing element's properties in the module manager.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2013 15:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Danny
Comments: 3
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
It would be great to have RadEditor offer CMS type functionality similar to the RadEditor within Sitefinity. The Sitefinity editor allows you to drag and drop different layouts to the editor and then alter each area independently. 
Last Updated: 15 Mar 2016 10:52 by Pankaj
For example the Bold, Italic, Underline and Strike-trough commands are not accepted by invoking the AcceptTrackChanges() method. After the post back, the track changes stylization is still the same and the attributes set from the feature (cite, author, timestamp etc.) are not stripped. 

A possible workaround is using the corresponding method via the Client-side API. To do that you can use this example JavaScript method:

function acceptAllChanges() {
    var editor = $find("<%= RadEditor1.ClientID %>");
    var trackChanges = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.TrackChanges;


Note that you should get the correct editor object and pass it as an argument in the initialize() method's overload. 
Last Updated: 27 Apr 2016 12:22 by Jason

Created a table. Go to accessibility, checked 1 for both the header row and column & checked the associated cells with headers checkbox. ... This is the code that get's spit out.


Copy Code

<table style="width: 50%; " class="tableData">


<th style="" id="table_heading_0"> </th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_1">2011</th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_2">2012</th>



<th style="" id="table_heading_3">Fire</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1">5</td>

<td class="" style="" headers="table_heading_2">5</td>


<th style="" id="table_heading_4">Police</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1">5</td>

<td headers="table_heading_2">5</td>



Each header is assigned a unique ID (Correct!)

Each header is identified with a <th> class (Correct!)

Each non-header cell associates with just ONE header (INCORRECT! ... I assume)


Since there are two headers associated with each non-header cell, shouldn't there should be two IDs referenced in the "headers" attribute? Would the correct coding for this look something like this (each header ID separated by a space or comma)?


Copy Code

<table style="width: 50%; " class="tableData">


<th style="" id="table_heading_0"> </th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_1">2011</th>

<th style="" id="table_heading_2">2012</th>



<th style="" id="table_heading_3">Fire</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1,table_heading_3">5</td>

<td class="" style="" headers="table_heading_2,table_heading_3">5</td>


<th style="" id="table_heading_4">Police</th>

<td headers="table_heading_1,table_heading_4">5</td>

<td headers="table_heading_2,table_heading_4">5</td>


Last Updated: 13 Jun 2021 11:11 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 14 Apr 2023 15:06 by Chris
Created by: Chris
Comments: 0
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Hi Team,

I would like to request the following image file extensions to be displayable using the RadEditor's ImageManager/DocumentManager.  

  • abci
  • avif
  • heif
  • heic
  • webp

Thank you!

Last Updated: 07 Jan 2015 10:55 by ADMIN
Such feature will be a convenient availability for developers to create document templates and easy add HTML specified headers and footers 
Last Updated: 06 Jun 2016 15:27 by ADMIN
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 24 Jul 2013 08:40 by ADMIN
Created by: Marin Bratanov
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
In light of th recent feature of google analytics - Enhanced Link Attribution ( ) - the end users may want/need to inspect/edit the id attribute of the anchors generated by the manager or already present in the content.
Next to the id textbox ina the manager a button may be added that will generate a random id for the user to make things easier for them.
This attribute should also be added to the realtime DOM inspector as a textbox that will allow quick inspecting/editing.
Last Updated: 07 Oct 2013 13:38 by ADMIN
Visit the page and create a hyperlink including the tool tip and the press ok.  You should end up with something similar to:

Copy Code <a href="" title="please click on me">Microsoft</a>

Now, edit the link and switch to the email tab and enter in an email address and click on ok.  You should end up with:

Copy Code
<a href="" title="please click on me">Microsoft</a>

Note, the title attribute has been carried over from the information on the hyperlink tab.
There should be a tooltip field to the email tab.
Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021 08:42 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 02 Mar 2022 12:15 by ADMIN
Created by: sitefinitysteve
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Using sitefinity we get a lot of admins getting "Enter happy" and generating obnoxious amounts of <p> tags or empty divs, or something...

I'd love a filter such that when they save it'd go through and clean up (remove) the empty crap content.

<p>some text</p> <-- FINE
<p></p> <-- GONE
<p><br/></p> <-- GONE
<p>Final bit of text</p> <-- FINE
Won't Fix
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2021 09:37 by ADMIN
RadEditor allows the copy and paste of images directly into the Editor content area. The Editor converts this images to a base 64 string and includes them in the HTML.

What would really be great is if it could instead convert the image to a file, perhaps even from the base 64 string, and save it server side, and instead add an img tag referencing the saved file. This would be very useful for when the editor is being used for sending emails (less space) and even creating content as the file would be able to be cached.

It's already being done in the TeamPulse product when a screenshot or other image is pasted into the editor. Please extend this functionality to be built into the AJAX version.
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2016 15:31 by ADMIN
Created by: ChrisS
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
We would like the image manager to be able to support:


and produce output similar to:

<img src="/randomlink.png" style="width : 100%; height : auto; max-width : 960px; min-width : 200px;" />

This way we can use the RadEditor to produce responsive content.
Last Updated: 29 Jan 2015 11:45 by ADMIN
Created by: Ben Hayat
Comments: 10
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Hello Team;

The following request, is a feature that everyone needs all the time. It is eMail mailmerge control.

Here how it works:
a) Just like a mailmege that has been around since the 80's, A user can use the editor to create the body/content of an email more like a template that will have tags/placeholders that at run time live data will replace them. This control can use the RADEditor to create such template. This template should be saved in order for the email Merge control to use.

b) The second part is the Mailmerge control - W should be able to attach it to a collection of objects (that these objects could have come from database), and each object could provide the FROM, TO, SUBJECT and for MESSAGE, it could use the template that user had created and saved. The Mailmerge will create new email for each object replacing place holders and sends email to SMTP server.

If you need more info, please contact me and I'll provide more info.

Please everyone, vote for this control/feature.
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