RadEditor allows the copy and paste of images directly into the Editor content area. The Editor converts this images to a base 64 string and includes them in the HTML. What would really be great is if it could instead convert the image to a file, perhaps even from the base 64 string, and save it server side, and instead add an img tag referencing the saved file. This would be very useful for when the editor is being used for sending emails (less space) and even creating content as the file would be able to be cached. It's already being done in the TeamPulse product when a screenshot or other image is pasted into the editor. Please extend this functionality to be built into the AJAX version.
Rejected with the following description: RadEditor performs complex operation in order to manage its content when switching between Design and HTML modes like cloning elements and inserting content in iframe elements. Internet Explorer, however, has some limitations related to that particular operations that prevents the control from preserving the onload attribute (e.g., attributes are not preserved when the iframe is cloned, writing html to an editable iframe doesn't always preserve the event attributes). In order to handle that scenario you can replace the event attributes with JavaScript events. For example: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" ContentFilters="ConvertToXhtml"> <Content> <html> <head> <script> window.onload = function () { alert(1); } </script> </head> <body > some text </body> </html> </Content> </telerik:RadEditor> Note: the ConvertToXhtml filter should be enabled as well.
When there is a hidden <tfoot> element in the table, the Delete Row command in the editor context menu cannot delete the last row in IE. Works with other rows and other browsers. WORKAROUND: use visibility: collapse for the footer rows instead of dispay:none for the footer Repro steps: - Use the markup attached below - right click the last row in any table - choose Row > Delete Row Expected: row is always deleted Actual: in IE you cannot delete the last row of the second table
The problem could be described with the following behavior: · Cannot insert a link with the Link Manager; · If switched to HTML mode cannot return to Design mode, switching to Preview – allows Design mode. · A JavaScript error is thrown on focusing and on editing the content area. Possible fixes are: o Removing the Modernizr JavaScript file; o Setting the RadEditor with ContentAreaMode="Iframe" property;
When a Hyperlink element is set with an onclick handler, after passing through the Preview mode it is being stripped under IE7. Also related problem is that the link in the Preview mode are clickable and the URL set to the href attribute is opened in new tab/window. Possible solution for both bugs is to override the function responsible for the conversion of such attributes in the Preview mode with this JavaScript code: Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.setTargetsForPreview = function (editor) { var contentArea = editor.get_contentArea(); var links = contentArea.getElementsByTagName("A"); for (var i = 0, l = links.length; i < l; i++) { var link = links[i]; //handle targets var target = link.getAttribute("target"); if (target != null) { link.setAttribute("re_target", target); } if (target != "_blank") link.setAttribute("target", "blank"); //handle ckick event var oldOnClick = (link.getAttributeNode('onclick') && link.getAttributeNode('onclick').value) || link.getAttribute("onclick"); if (oldOnClick != null) { link.setAttribute('re_onclick', oldOnClick); } link.setAttribute('onclick', 'return false;'); if (typeof link.onclick === "string") { link.onclick = function () { return false; }; } } }; Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.restoreTargetsAfterPreview = function (editor) { var contentArea = editor.get_contentArea(); var links = contentArea.getElementsByTagName("A"); for (var i = 0, l = links.length; i < l; i++) { var link = links[i]; //handle targets var oldValue = link.getAttribute("re_target"); if (oldValue != null && oldValue != "null") { link.setAttribute("target", oldValue); } else { link.removeAttribute("target"); } //handle anchors urls var oldOnClick = link.getAttribute("re_onclick"); link.onclick = null; if (oldOnClick != null && oldOnClick != "null") { link.setAttribute('onclick', oldOnClick); } else { link.removeAttribute("onclick"); } link.removeAttribute("re_onclick"); link.removeAttribute("re_target"); } }; Note that this script must be placed in a script tag right after the RadEditor control.
ContentEditable=true attribute is added to the body element of the Editor's content when resizing a table in RadEditor in Chrome. http://screencast.com/t/0s3QlydHv
Color items should persist the Title property/attribute so that when hovered, the text to be shown in the tool.
For a better description of the issue and reproduction steps, please view the ticket: http://www.telerik.com/account/support-tickets/view-ticket?threadid=1010438 If a user clicks 'Ignore All' for a misspelled word, the focus moves to the next misspelled word after the last word included in the ignore all list. This becomes problematic when editing a large quantity of text and the user's trying to go through things in order, but the focus moves to the very bottom of the content area. In MS Word, it works as our users expect it would. Once 'Ignore All' is chosen, the very next misspelled word is highlighted.
There is a problem in Safari on Mac while selecting Table cell properties via the context menu when a table cell is selected. Its Wrongly selected in the Table Wizard window. Reproduction steps: - Load the default demo in Safari Mac: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx - Right click over the third cell in the second column ("Los Gigantes is located...") and choose Cell Properties. - The Preview of the Cell Properties in the Table Wizard will show that the first cell is selected but not the right one.
FIX: RadEditor in an iframe on iPad grows infinitely The following workaround could be used temporarily: <script type="text/javascript"> Sys.Application.add_load(function () { var editor = $find("<%=RadEditor1.ClientID%>"); var viewportWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; var viewportHeight = document.documentElement.clientHeight; editor.setSize(viewportWidth.toString(), viewportHeight.toString()); } ) </script>
When a new anchor is created and an anchor name is set via the Hyperlink Manager tool of RadEditor, the 'name' attribute will not be applied under IE7. Under IE8 the specified anchor name is set to a 'submitname' attribute of the anchor element.
The 'Link Text' text box does not always appear in the Link Manager of RadEditor in IE. Behavior is observed when text in an inline element is selected and Link Manager is opened.
The value set to the EmptyMessage of the editor floats outside the EDitor if its length exceeds the Editor's width - http://screencast.com/t/rPLVwFVfU
The Insert Web Part tool in RadEditor for SP 2010 throws JavaScript error (reproducible in all browsers). Steps to reproduce: 1. Open http://sharepoint.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/web-parts/Pages/Content-Editor-Web-Part-using-RadEditor.aspx 2. Click over the content of the Editor, so the toolbar will be shown 3. Click over the Insert Web Part Tool video - http://screencast.com/t/Df3aV6svUy
When indenting list items in ordered list, the created nested list type remains the same.
The right side of the ImageManager's upload window is truncated in IE7 - http://screencast.com/t/zB2lWaGXdYd
The Advanced Mode (embed code) textbox in the Insert External Video dialog is always readonly and you cannot put the code in it. In the meantime you can use the following workaround that will access the textbox and remove the readonly attribute: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" OnClientCommandExecuted="OnClientCommandExecuted"> <Tools> <telerik:EditorToolGroup> <telerik:EditorTool Name="InsertExternalVideo" /> </telerik:EditorToolGroup> </Tools> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> function OnClientCommandExecuted(sender, args) { if (args.get_commandName() == "InsertExternalVideo") { var extVideoDialog = sender.get_dialogOpener()._dialogContainers["InsertExternalVideo"]; if(extVideoDialog){ extVideoDialog.add_pageLoad(editTextbox); } } } function editTextbox(sender, args) { sender.get_contentFrame().contentWindow.document.getElementById("embedCode").removeAttribute("readonly"); sender.remove_pageLoad(editTextbox); } </script>
Currently the " entity is converted to a single quote under Chrome or Firefox, when ConvertToXhtml filter is enabled and the entity is placed in the value of an HTML attribute, for example href.