Last Updated: 29 Nov 2021 08:49 by ADMIN
When having a video object added via the Media Manager, switching from Design to HTML couple of times results to multiple param tags duplicated. 
Last Updated: 20 Jun 2022 14:59 by ADMIN
Tracked content that is deleted should be removed directly, but newly added content should be tracked.
Last Updated: 21 Dec 2016 05:58 by ADMIN
Setting render mode to auto or lightweight via the web.config does not affect the rendering of RadEditor with markup that is used with FileManager's composite properties. For example, ImageManager-MaxUploadFileSize, ImageManager-ViewPaths, etc. 

For the time being, you can explicitly set the RenderMode property of RadEditor to either Auto or Lightweight in order to resolve the problem. 
Last Updated: 28 Mar 2019 10:57 by ADMIN
Created by: Mattias Davidsson
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
When resizing images in RadEditor design mode using the corner-handles the image should retain its aspect ratio. This works very good in Firefox (v. 41.0.2) out-of-the-box because the browser implements that functionality but not in IE (v. 11.0) or Chrome (46.0) in Windows 8.1 (v 6.3, build 9600).
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2015 12:05 by ADMIN
FileBrowser dialogs cannot upload files greater than 200kb when AsyncUpload is disabled (i.e., the Upload control is used instead). 
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2021 12:33 by ADMIN
Release R2 2021 SP1
ColorPicker inside a RadEditor don't fit inside DropDownBody, the last color jumps down a row. This happens when RadEditor Skin is set MetroTouch and RenderMode to Lightweight.
Last Updated: 02 Oct 2015 10:05 by ADMIN
The RadEditor is posting multiple symbols when you select to insert a symbol. This happen when the RenderMode is set to LightWeight. The problem is reproducible also when inserting code snippets via the "Insert Code snippet" tool.
video -

Steps to reproduce:
1. Open
2. Try to insert a symbol through "Insert Symbol" command
    Result: Two symbols are inserted instead of one
Last Updated: 11 Sep 2015 08:53 by Jenny
Created by: Danail Vasilev
Comments: 2
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report

Last Updated: 20 Jan 2016 16:32 by ADMIN
Created by: majda
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Feature Request
Did telerik rich text editor check arabic language with the spell checker ?
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2022 15:26 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2022 13:04 by ADMIN
When there are words highlighted as wrong and triggering the Finish Spellchecking without correcting any words, subsequent editing of words inside the sentence causes random cursor replacement. 


<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad">
    <Content>Whether you need a mere Textbox with Google-like spellchecker, or a Word-like content authoring environment, the result is the same: clean <strong>XHTML</strong></Content>

    function OnClientLoad(sender, args) {

    function spellCheckLoaded(sender) {
        var editor = sender;
        var spell = editor.get_ajaxSpellCheck();

        spell.add_spellCheckEnd(function (sender, args) {
Last Updated: 29 Sep 2015 11:10 by ADMIN
The click event of the button is not prevented and the native anchor behavior occurs. This causes the page to scroll to the top and a # to appear in the URL. 

You can use the following code snippet to prevent the native click behavior of the anchor element and workaround the issue:

<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RE1" ToolbarMode="Floating" OnClientLoad="OnClientLoad"></telerik:RadEditor>

    function OnClientLoad(sender, args) {
        $telerik.$(".RadEditor a[title='Toggle Floating Toolbar']").attr("href", "javascript:void(0);")
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2015 06:49 by Khushboo
Created by: Vessy
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report
When link is given to any image or text, Unlink command should get enabled. But it gets enabled for text only while remains disabled for images.

The issue has been reproducible since 2015 Q1 release
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2022 14:45 by ADMIN
Another post appears as "Provide ability to paste/insert images from clipboard/local drive directly into RadEditor" and talks about similar but to date a facility does not exis as I envisage.

When I work with for example a web mail facility like Yahoo Mail I am using an editor like RadEditor to create my email. When I say I want to attach a file this editor assumes that the file will come from my local drive (rather than a Yahoo server). This is what I would like to see as an option for Radeditor image handling - something like a button that says "upload". Clicking on it takes you to a dialogue to simply upload from local into the document. I appreciate that uploading from local can be done with existing Radeditor Image manager but this also offers access to server space that in the case of e.g. web mail is irrelevant and confusing.

In an ideal world I would also like the uploaded document to be automatically associated with the document (email) that it has been loaded into although that can of course be handled manually.

Last Updated: 07 Jun 2016 07:38 by ADMIN
Created by: Khushboo
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report
When link is given to image or text, Unlink command should get enabled. But it gets enabled for text only while remains disabled for images. 

To get a better understanding, please refer to the following video:
Last Updated: 11 Jun 2021 14:28 by ADMIN
Currently, by using ExternalDialogsPath property, developers can extend the built-in dialogs by adding the user controls in a local folder. It would be a nice-to-have feature, if these user controls can be also located in a virtual folder.
Last Updated: 21 Aug 2015 15:31 by ADMIN
The error causes the editor's content area not to render. 

The following script can be used as a temporary workaround:

<telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEdior1" OnClientSelectionChange="OnClientSelectionChange">

<script type="text/javascript">
    function OnClientSelectionChange(editor, args) {
        if (!editor.getSelectedElement()) {

Last Updated: 10 Aug 2021 13:33 by ADMIN
Steps to reproduce:
Run this in IE7 or another IE in IE7 mode:
<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" EditModes="Preview"></telerik:RadEditor>

<telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server" EditModes="Preview"></telerik:RadEditor>

<script type="text/javascript">
	(function ($T) {
		if ($telerik.isIE7) {
			var prototype = $T.Editor.UI.SizerLegacyIE.prototype;
			var setContentElementHeight = prototype.setContentElementHeight;
			$T.Editor.UI.SizerLegacyIE.prototype.setContentElementHeight = function () {;
				var editor = this.editor;
				if (editor.get_mode() != $T.EditModes.Html) {
					var iframeParent = this.getIframe().parentNode;
					if (Math.abs(iframeParent.offsetHeight - editor.get_element().offsetHeight) < 5) { = "";
Last Updated: 01 Dec 2015 12:14 by ADMIN
Created by: Ianko
Comments: 1
Category: Editor
Type: Bug Report
When user has changed image properties via Image Properties dialog, changes are getting cleared when area is being added via Image Map Editor. 
Last Updated: 16 Jul 2015 05:02 by siddhi
Trying to operate with images in RadEditor under IE11 leads to unresponsiveness. For example, using the paragraph style, selecting an image and switching to HTML and Design mode, etc.

You can workaround that by forcing the compatibility mode of the IE to IE8:

<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=8" />