When track changes disabled the backspace is OK: - User typed two lines (1) & (2) - At the beginning of the line (2) user presses the backspace key, it successfully appended the line (2) with line (1) (where there was a space available). When track changes enabled the backspace does not work as expected: - User typed two lines (1) & (2) - At the beginning of the line (2) user presses the backspace key, it removes the end of the character in line (1).
The CSS styling for copied tracked text remains after the track changes are accepted is Chrome. Video: https://www.screencast.com/t/Ul565rfo Steps to reproduce: 1. Open http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/trackchanges/defaultcs.aspx and clear the content in HTML mode 2. Switch to Design view and write some text 3. Copy this text and paste it into a new line 4. Click "Accept All track changes" Result: The copied row remains styled as tracked text
Several JS errors are trown when writing in re-focussed empty Editor in Chrome. Video: https://www.screencast.com/t/Wx6Ucs8m6S5w First error's message: RadEditor.js:10521 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'startContainer' of null Steps to reproduce: 1. Open in Chrome: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/trackchanges/defaultcs.aspx 2. Switch to HTML mode and clear the whole content 3. Switch back to Design mode 4. Click any of the Bold/Italic/Underline commands 5. Click out of the Editor's element 6. Click back in the Editor's content area and start typing Result: JS errors are thrown
Workaround is to add the following function override at the end of the page (a sample is attached below) Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.isWindowDestroyed = function (window) { var doc; try{ doc = window.document; } catch (e) { return true; } if(Telerik.Web.Browser.safari && !doc){ return true; } return !doc.defaultView && !doc.parentWindow; }
The Edit Content and other toolbar buttons are untouchable on Android Chrome on Galaxy S7, S8 and Note 5. It is very hard to switch to edit mode and so on. http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/mobile-and-touch-support/adaptive-behavior/defaultcs.aspx
There is a bug in the editor when using the image manager to insert an image after creating a new image. This is recreated on the live demo site - http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx 1. Open the image manager in the editor. 2. Click on an image editor after selecting an image. 3. Use the resizing tool to resize and save a new version of the image. 4. Once the save is made, both images (the original and the newly created) are selected and when you click insert, both images will be inserted.
Steps to reproduce: 1. go to demo url http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/edittemplate/defaultcs.aspx 2. click add new record 3. try to manually resize editor. it won't. 4. click add new record again. 5 try to manually resize editor, now it will.
The following concerns the editing of tables within RadEditor using the out-of-the-box Delete Row and Delete Column commands: Delete Rows: - Click in a cell. - Click the Delete Row button. The row is deleted. - The Delete Row button is still enabled, but when I click it nothing happens. The cursor is in the expected location and I'm able to immediately begin typing. However, I must again click in the cell for the Delete Row button to work. Delete Columns: - Click in a cell. - Click the Delete Column button. The column is deleted. - The Delete Column button is disabled. If I begin typing or click in the table it becomes enabled and functional again. The end-user should be able to repeatedly click either button and have it work until there aren't any more rows or columns left to delete.
The following code will trigger the issue: <ins author="Test user1" command="Insert" timestamp="1488935783059" title="Inserted by Test user1 on 3/7/2017, 5:16:23 PM" class="reU7"> <p cssproperty="verticalAlign" author="Test User2" timestamp="1488945891760" title="Formatted by Test User2 on 3/7/2017, 8:04:51 PM" class="reFormat reU0" command="Remove alignment"><span style="font-size: 12pt;"> </span><span style="font-size: 12pt; font-family: 'Times New Roman';">This is some sample text.</span></p> </ins> When track changes are enabled and you try to delete from the end of this text, the deleted characters move to the following lines with a strikethrough rather than just deleting.
Editing the RadEditor's Tools file is rather cumbersome and error prone. Thus, please provide an XML-Schema file that can be downloaded from the Telerik website and added to the corresponding Tools XML file header, so Visual Studio and other integrated IDEs can provide IntelliSense and error checking.
Out of stack space error is thrown by the Find & Replace dialog in IE11/Edge when there is an img tag withing the content. The image will cause the Find feature to sit and spin when searching for a string after the img tag. It does not return a result and it does not trigger a modal to display, e.g., “The search string was not found.”
Pressing ENTER over a list item not only creates a new li, but also inserts additional <br> element. Video: https://www.screencast.com/t/PZcYTKEtY4v Steps to reproduce: 1. Open in Chrome: 2. Switch to Html mode and insert the following content: <ol> <li>123 456 <ol> <li>abc</li> </ol> </li> <li>789</li> </ol> 3. Switch to design mode 4. Put the cursor inside the first li (e.g. before 5) and press ENTER Result: A <br> element is added in the beginning of the new <li> element
Deleting the fisrt char of a list item removes the li element instead of the char (using Delete button). The issue is introduced in Q1 2016. Steps to reproduce: 1. Open http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/overview/defaultcs.aspx 2. Insert the following content in html mode: <ol> <li>123</li> <li>456</li> </ol> 3. Switch to Design mode and click in the begining of the second list item (befor 4). 4. Press the Delete key Result: <ol> <li>123456</li> </ol> Expected <ol> <li>123</li> <li>56</li> </ol>
You can create a list item, but it is impossible to type text in the list item.
Toolbar icons are missing in Image Manager dialog when custom content provider is used https://www.screencast.com/t/VQyEb8tn
The Properties tab in Image Manager dialog Preview tab appear as blank when custom content provider is used.
The browser becomes not responding when pasting content with a lot of span elements in IE11 in RadEditor Design view. You can reproduce it in the following demo: http://demos.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax/editor/examples/workingwithlargecontent/defaultcs.aspx
The Table Wizard dialog, the Table Properties tab shows Cell Padding and Cell Spacing fields, but this fields can only apply values. If you edit them through the HTML mode or the Properties Inspector module, the fields in Table Properties dialog will not be updated.