Last Updated: 19 Apr 2021 14:24 by ADMIN

When SmallChange="1" and LargeChange="1" properties are equal, the Labels of the last RadSlider item are not centered on tick.

Code to reproduce:

        <telerik:RadSlider RenderMode="Lightweight" runat="server" ID="RadSlider1"
            Orientation="Horizontal" MinimumValue="0" MaximumValue="30"
            Width="370px" Height="70px" ItemType="tick"
            SmallChange="1" LargeChange="1">

Last Updated: 18 Jun 2020 15:55 by ADMIN
Created by: Peter Milchev
Comments: 0
Category: Slider
Type: Feature Request
When scrolling the page and the finger is on the slider, the slider value changes.

The following code prevents the scrolling when you scroll from the slider.

function pageLoadHandler() {
    $telerik.$(".RadSlider").on('touchstart', function (e) {
Last Updated: 31 Mar 2020 12:09 by ADMIN
When the ItemType property of RadSlider is set to Item, the ticks of the control are positioned between its items. This feature will allow you to change the position of the ticks so that they will appear on the actual items, not between them.
Last Updated: 22 Jun 2020 10:23 by ADMIN
Created by: Slav
Comments: 6
Category: Slider
Type: Feature Request
Currently the property LargeChange of RadSlider controls the following behaviors:

 - The interval for displaying value numbers in a slider with ticks;

 - The interval for moving the drag handle when an item in the slider is clicked. For example when LargeChange is set to 10, the currently selected value is 30 and the item with value 50 is clicked, the drag handle will be moved to 40;

Separating these functionalities will allow directly moving the drag handle to a clicked value on the slider track and displaying value numbers in the slider at the same time.