The current filtering of the grid wastes a lot of screen space If for example I want to filter a column to have values between X and Y. the column width especially on date column will need much more space for the filter than for the data actually shown. On the current filter of the grid the user cannot filter on columns he is not seeing My proposed implementation is simple but should work: The control will be similar to the Menu control and will render just like in the video two lines of filters: static and optional. It will have a filters collection. Each filter will have these basic properties: 1. AlwaysDisplay - if true the filter is always displayed and cannot be removed. 2. Displayed - if true the filter is displayed. if not it is displayed on the static list last button as an optional filter 3 Type - Can be single value, Multiple values (checkbox list), Single date, Date range, Textbox (for free text search in all of the columns). obviously with needed properties for values etc. 4. Text - the name of the filter 5. The actual property to filter by * pressing each filter will display a popup similar to the Custom menu sample with the needed filter type. selecting the value will update the filter text shown. * the static filter list will show a button for optional filters which can be shown on the line below. filters on the optional line can be removed with a click on a X button * all UI changes (adding/removing filters) should be on client side so the control will be very responsive. * over time filters can evolve so that the date range filter popup for example can show except for the obvious option of from X to Y other options for the user (e.g. last X weeks/days/years) and other ideas shown on the video I sent you The result the control produces is a LINQ expression which can be applied to the data source in a LINQ Where statement (my usage case) or other values (SQL where statement) that can be used by other users. The proposed new control has the following advantages: 1. It can be positioned anywhere 2. It can show fixed filters and optional filters 3. It can filter based on columns not visible on the grid 4. Optional filters can be removed quickly with the X button which provides faster change of filters for the user. The end result of this filter is a much easier UX for filtering data. it uses far less screen space and is modular enough for future columns and to filter data sources for things other than the grid
Create a tool that allows a powerpoint to be displayed in a web page. Extra bonus if it's able to include sound. It should have the usual controls at the bottom - forward, back, beginning, end. The powerpoint page would change based on user clicks.
The issue is reproducible when an is added in from of the white space, when adding a subsequent white space after a word. The caret is repositioned at the start of the next tag, if such does not exists, it goes to the end of the line.
The functionality for strongly typed model-bound controls provides a significant boost in re-usability and ease of development. The documentation and support for this feature is, for all intents and purposes, non-existent. Please provide demo applications for each data-control capable of model binding with full code showing how the make the feature work. Capabilities should include common usages such as placing a drop-down list into a radgrid row, CRUD, filtering, and data-annotation and validation.
There is a JS error thrown in IE8 when the SlidingPanes are loaded. The error message is "Invalid procedure call or argument".
Deleting of a table by delete or backspace key does not work when the selection contains only the table. Steps to reproduce: 1. Set the following content <p>test p1</p> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td>test</td> <td>test</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>test p2</p> 2. Select the table only and press delete or backspace key Actual: Only the content has been deleted. Expected: The table and its content to be deleted. Workaround: <telerik:RadEditor ID="RadEditor1" runat="server"> </telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> (function () { var $T = Telerik.Web.UI; var utils = $T.Editor.Utils; var isTableSelected = function (selected) { if (utils.isTag(selected, "table")) { return true; } var table = utils.getElementParentByTag(selected, "TABLE"); return table && !!utils.getElementParentByCondition(selected, function (current) { return utils.isAncestorOrSelf(table, current) && utils.isSingleChild(current); }); }; // Fix for delete table by delete or backspace key var formatFragments = $T.Editor.DeleteSelectionCommand.prototype.formatFragments; $T.Editor.DeleteSelectionCommand.prototype.formatFragments = function (fragments) { var cmd = this; var selected = cmd.get_editor().getSelectedElement(); if (isTableSelected(selected) && fragments.length) { var table = utils.isTag(selected, "table") ? selected : utils.getElementParentByTag(selected, "TABLE"); var $table = $telerik.$(table); var data = $table.find("th,td"); var firstCell = data.first().get(0); var lastCell = data.last().get(0); var firstFragment = fragments[0]; var lastFragment = fragments[fragments.length - 1]; var firstSelected = firstFragment.nodes[0]; var lastSelected = lastFragment.nodes[lastFragment.nodes.length - 1]; if ((firstSelected == firstCell || firstSelected == firstCell.firstChild || cmd.isMarker(firstCell.firstChild)) && (lastSelected == lastCell || lastSelected == lastCell.lastChild)) { $table.find("." + cmd.getMarkersCssClass()).insertBefore(table); $telerik.$(table).remove(); return; } }, fragments); }; // Fix for select and delete a table by the DomInspector in Chrome var Modules = $T.Editor.Modules; if (Modules && Modules.RadEditorDomInspector) { var removeSelectedElement = Modules.RadEditorDomInspector.prototype.removeSelectedElement; Modules.RadEditorDomInspector.prototype.removeSelectedElement = function (element) { if (isTableSelected(element)) { element = utils.isTag(element, "table") ? element : utils.getElementParentByTag(element, "TABLE"); }, element); }; } })(); </script>
When zoom is applied in IE browser and button coordinates are not an integer RadImageButton tries to convert them to an integer on the server on postback and fails. Workaround: <telerik:RadImageButton runat="server" ID="rib1" Width="50" Height="50" OnClick="rib1_Click" Image-Url="~/images/myImage.png"></telerik:RadImageButton> <script> Telerik.Web.UI.Button.ImageCoordsFunctionality.prototype._calculateCoords = function (e) { var container = this._ui.element; var pos = $telerik.getLocation(container); var scroll = $telerik.getScrollOffset(container, true); return new Telerik.Web.UI.Point(parseInt(e.clientX + scroll.x - pos.x), parseInt(e.clientY - pos.y + scroll.y)); } </script>
RadCombobox with allowed custom text is transperant in Silk in Classic Render mode. Video: Code to reproduce: <div style="width: 300px; background-color: red"> <h2>Allow custom text</h2> <telerik:RadComboBox RenderMode="Classic" ID="RadComboBox1" runat="server" Width="100%" AllowCustomText="true" Skin="Silk"> <Items> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="RadComboBoxItem1" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="RadComboBoxItem2" /> <telerik:RadComboBoxItem Text="RadComboBoxItem3" /> </Items> </telerik:RadComboBox> </div>
After having a filter applied, filter value is not cleared when FilterOption was set to "NoFilter". The following client-side logic would clear the textbox values before the filtering is applied if filter options are set to "NoFilter" function onCommand(sender, args) { if (args.get_commandName() == "HeaderContextMenuFilter") { var firstTextBox = $("[id$='HCFMRTBFirstCond']")[0].control; var firstFilterOption = args.get_commandArgument().split("|")[1]; var secondTextBox = $("[id$='HCFMRTBSecondCond']")[0].control; var secondFilterOption = args.get_commandArgument().split("|")[3]; if (firstFilterOption.includes("NoFilter") && firstTextBox.get_value() != "") { args.set_cancel(true); var value = firstTextBox.get_value(); firstTextBox.clear(); var newArg = args.get_commandArgument().replace("|" + value + "|?", "||?"); args.get_tableView().fireCommand(args.get_commandName(), newArg); } if (secondFilterOption.includes("NoFilter") && secondTextBox.get_value() != "") { args.set_cancel(true); var value = firstTextBox.get_value(); secondTextBox.clear(); var newArg = args.get_commandArgument().replace("|" + value + "|?", "||?"); args.get_tableView().fireCommand(args.get_commandName(), newArg); } } }
We could use a new calendar control that works differently than the scheduler, or any existing calendar control.
Overview of features and how it would work:
Treat as an array so we could loop through the control and read each value for saving to database or to take action on from code.
Example shown below. This is dynamically creating using tables and HTML. Not the nicest looking, and a pain to reuse anywhere. We could make use of this type of control in a lot of applications.
There seems to be a bug with the RadEditor "Find and Replace" feature. I have recorded a screencast available here documenting the issue and will also provide below the information written:
Reproduction Steps:
Expected: '<img' is replaced with '<picture'
Actual:'<img' is replaced with '<picture'
Notes:This seems to be an issue with encoding as < is a less than tag. As you can see in the video, I do not think there is a way to escape the character to allow it to be replaced correctly. If you have additional questions, please ask.
Best Regards
This property can be used for server-side validation.
When i set the TextBox width to a percentage value i.e. 100% inside a table cell that has colspan > 1, the TextBox does not expand to fill the table cell. This problem occurs in IE 9 with Telerik ASP.NET AJAX Controls v2013.1.220.40. It works fine in FireFox and Chrome. Attached are the screenshots and a clean sample project (no browser specific code/css).