The layout of these dialogs in SharePoint's Editor is broken to the point where the user would be unable to use them.
If you like the Google Material design, you can vote for this item. This will help us prioritize the item and decide when to implement a Material skin for the Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX controls.
RadImageGallery fullscreen mode overrides viewport meta tag set on page. If the user sets the following meta tag: <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1, maximum-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no, height=device-height" /> initially the page is not scalable. When the Gallery enters fullscreen mode, the page is zoomed out. And when you exit fullscreen, the page stays zoomed out, the gallery proportions are changed and fonts are smaller.
as you know we purchased DevCraft Complete and it is really hard to download everything file by file. I really wish if you have one magic button which when i click it it will download the entire files for all DevCraft Complete updates for ajax, kendu, reporting etc
Removing the vertical scrolling of the source code container will make the code much easier for reading, both for desktop and mobile devices.
when trying to use the Visual Style Builder with IE 11, I get error "System requirements not met The Visual Style Builder requires a modern browser. You can either upgrade Internet Explorer, or try Firefox for better experience on javascript-rich applications, such as this."
If a long paragraph is copied into the editor, <br> tags appear in thea content without being added at first place. For the time being you can resolve this by adding the following script below the editor declaration: <telerik:RadEditor runat="server" ID="RadEditor1" StripFormattingOptions="AllExceptNewLines"></telerik:RadEditor> <script type="text/javascript"> var oldStripFormatting = Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.stripFormatting; Telerik.Web.UI.Editor.Utils.stripFormatting = function (textHtml, clearValue) { if (clearValue === "ALL_NO_BRAKES") { textHtml = textHtml.replace(/\n/g, ""); textHtml = textHtml.replace(/<\/p>/g, "<br/>"); } textHtml =, textHtml, clearValue); return textHtml; } </script>
Under IE, when two tables are placed next to each other, the Table Properties may cause the one to appear nested inside. Currently, this can be workarounded only by assuring that there is some element between them - <br>, <p>, <div>, <span> etc.
Here is the missing resource name: pTelerik.Web.UI.Skins|Telerik.Web.UI.Skins.Web20.Common.radGradientListSprite.png You can see if this is your case as well by decrypting the WebResource request that fails as shown here:
At present, when a Telerik product is installed via an automated installer (WebInstaller or a downloaded MSI package), a shortcut to it is added on the desktop. This feature should be optional, e.g., via a checkbox during the installation wizard.