When the TitleBarVisibility is Collapsed, the backstage close button is aligned with the top of the backstage adorner. The button should have a top margin applied.
This reproduces when the BackstagePosition property of RadRibbonBackstage is set to Office2013, which is the default setting of newer Telerik themes.
To work this around, get the backstage close button and set its top margin.
private void RadRibbonBackstage_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var backstage = (RadRibbonBackstage)sender;
var closeButton = backstage.FindChildByType<RadRibbonButton>();
closeButton.Margin = new Thickness(closeButton.Margin.Left, 15, closeButton.Margin.Right, closeButton.Margin.Bottom);
it would be convenient to add an extra small font size to te existing enumerations. For instance in Windows 11 theme, could it be possible to add a XS size:
Windows11Palette.Palette.FontSizeXS = 10;
Windows11Palette.Palette.FontSizeS = 12;
Windows11Palette.Palette.FontSize = 14;
Windows11Palette.Palette.FontSizeM = 18;
Windows11Palette.Palette.FontSizeL = 20;
Windows11Palette.Palette.FontSizeXL = 28;
Having a range in the bigger font sizes is very useful. It owuld be equally helpful to have a range on the smaller font.
Thank you for considering it :)
Some lines on attached files are to thick. Other pdf programs shows that correctly.
When using the RadToggleSwitchButton and the CheckedContent and UncheckedContent properties are not utilized, in some themes, the on and off states cannot be correctly distinguished. For example, the track or the thumb does not indicate whether the button is checked or not.
Themes, in which this is present are the following ones:
Some colors are changed due to incorrect import of some graphic state colors.
The numeric box that allows you to select the "to" page in the PrintPreviewControl is clipped when the "Pages:" and "to" strings are translated to a language where these words are longer. For example, this reproduces with Dutch culture which uses the "Pagina's:" and "naar" texts.
To work this around, you can get the Grid panel that hosts the content and increase the Width of one of its ColumnDefinitions.
private void PrintPreviewControl_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
var printPreview = (PrintPreviewControl)sender;
var rootGrid = printPreview.FindChildByType<Grid>();
rootGrid.ColumnDefinitions[0].Width = new GridLength(355);
In the scenario where the Fluent theme is applied and the MonthViewDefinition'sAllowCustomAppointmentSize property is set to True, appointments with different heights may overlap the expand/collapse RadToggleButton when collapsed.
To work this around, extract the default GroupHeaderStyleSelector for the Fluent theme. Then, extract the Style with x:Key="MonthViewBottomLevelWeekGroupStyle" and modify the Padding property's value. Set this Style to the MonthViewBottomLevelWeekGroupStyle property of the extracted OrientedGroupHeaderStyleSelector (default GroupHeaderStyleSelector). Finally, set an instance of the modified style selector to the GroupHeaderStyleSelector property of RadScheduleView.
Using the SpreadStreamExport feature of RadGridView doesn't work as expected when exporting DateTime objects. It exports the dates as String values which prevents the date-related features (like formatting) to work in Excel.
To work this around, you can create a custom SpreadStreamExportRenderer and override its SetCellValue method. This will allow you to manually provide the DateTime object instead of the string.
public class MyRenderer : SpreadStreamExportRenderer
public override void SetCellValue(DataType dataType, object value)
DateTime date;
if (value != null && DateTime.TryParse(value.ToString(), out date))
base.SetCellValue(DataType.DateTime, date);
var cell = this.GetCell() as ICellExporter;
cell.SetFormat(new SpreadCellFormat() { NumberFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" });
base.SetCellValue(dataType, value);
spreadStreamExport.RunExportAsync(FILENAME, new MyRenderer(), options);