In Android the OneWay binding to Text property is not working
Available in minor release 2018.3.1122. It will also be available in the R1 2019 release.
IsFocused doesn't appear to work when it's bound to a property in an item template.
Introduce a MaxLength property. An example of such a feature is the Xamarin.Forms Entry control's MaxLength property:
Available in minor release 2018.2.821. It will also be available in the R3 2018 release.
Available in minor release 2018.3.1109. It will also be available in the R1 2019 release.
If you apply a border with rounded corners and background color to RadEntry, the background exceeds the border.
When setting a FontFamily on RadEntry, and the font family resource cannot be found, you'll be presented with an exception: "Value cannot be null. Parameter name: descriptor" Stack Trace: at UIKit.UIFont._FromDescriptor (UIKit.UIFontDescriptor descriptor, System.nfloat pointSize) [0x00011] in /Library/Frameworks/Xamarin.iOS.framework/Versions/
As a workaround you could set TextColor property of the Entry control.
On Android, when binding the Text value to a view model property, the value doesn't update. Use the following to reproduce: // VIEW <Label Text="RadEntry" /> <telerikInput:RadEntry x:Name="MyRadEntry" Text="{Binding Username}" Margin="0,0,0,20"/> <Label Text="Xamarin.Forms Entry" /> <Entry Text="{Binding Username}"/> // VIEW MODEL public class ViewModel : NotifyPropertyChangedBase { private string username = "initial"; private int counter; public ViewModel() { Device.StartTimer(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(500), (() => { counter++; Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { Username = $"{counter}"; }); return counter < 100; })); } public string Username { get { return username; } set { username = value; OnPropertyChanged();} } } Update: Available in R1 2018 SP release.
Explicitly setting the Text property of the RadEntry to null results in NullReferenceException. This is not the behavior with the standard Entry control.