After items have been inserted at runtime in a DataGrid that uses grouping, visual glitches occur and upon tapping an exception is being thrown. The visual glitches may include an item overlapping a group header; missing items; duplicated items. Upon tapping an incorrectly drawn group header, an exception is thrown. Available in minor release 2017.3.1214. It will also be available in the R1 2018 release.
Available in the R1 2018 release.
Available in the R1 2018 release.
Programmatically changing column width does not reflect on the UI when the width value is lower than the current width value.
No issues when increasing the value, the UI is updated
In case there are more columns inside the DataGrid, a horizontal scrollbar appears when a user swipes left. However, sometimes it' not clear there are more columns further on the left. For example, when you define a column's width with a big value or when the number of first 5 columns fit perfectly with a device's width totally by coincidence. In those cases, it'll be helpful to display horizontal scrollbar by default so the user knows there're more information on the left. (Very similar to a vertical scrollbar)
Available in the R1 2018 SP release.
filtering can no longer be applied as the "Reset" and "Filter" buttons are disappeared.
workaround use Xamarin.Forms v
If you use a TrueType font for the DataGrid column's OptionsButtonFontFamily, it is not respected and falls back to a default OS font.
The only workaround at this time is to create a custom column HeaderTemplate with a custom options button and hide the default options button.
<dataGrid:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid" ...>
<dataGrid:DataGridTextColumn x:Name="productNameColumn" PropertyName="ProductName">
<Label Text="Name" TextColor="Black"/>
<Label FontFamily="MyCustomFont.ttf#MyCustomFont"
TextColor="Orange" HorizontalOptions="End" HorizontalTextAlignment="End" Grid.Column="1">
<TapGestureRecognizer Tapped="TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped"/>
<dataGrid:DataGridColumnHeaderStyle OptionsButtonFontSize="0" FilterIndicatorFontSize="0"/>
In the code-behind, we use reflection to access the column's command context and invoke the options menu via DataGrid command service.
public partial class YourPage : ContentPage
private readonly MethodInfo generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo;
public YourPage()
this.generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo = this.dataGrid.GetType().GetMethod(
BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);
private void TapGestureRecognizer_Tapped(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (this.generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo != null)
// Get a reference to the column, this is needed to invoke a command
var context = this.generateOptionsTapContextMethodInfo.Invoke(
new object[] { this.productNameColumn });
// Invoke the command service that opens the options button
if the Flow Direction RTL
the sort of columns changing each time item source changed when customize HeaderContentTemplates as a data template
and if HeaderText ysed instead of customizing label as data template the Arabic letters not shown correctly
The DataGrid does support or response to Custom Font set Using the ExportFont Attribute. But when a contentTemplate is used and a label control is place in it. The font shows on the label but not on the Header or Content of the Grid.