If you prepare a Xamarin.Forms app to respect iOS Dark Mode, it is apparent that the RadDataForm is only respecting the native elements for Dark Mode.
For example, use my attached reproducible. Notice how the text in the native editors has the appropriate light text, but the background is still stuck on light coloring.
If you try to use Editor style or GroupHeaderStyle, you can't use DynamicResource because the style's properties are not BindableProperties:
We really need these properties to be usable with DynamicResource, so this is a feature request more than a bug report. Update the properties to BindableProperties that with with DynamicResource.
A workaround for this would be to set everything you can to be transparent:
Thank you.
Setting DataFormPasswordEditor inside a custom renderer on Android leads to the following exception:
Java.Lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.util.Iterator java.util.ArrayList.iterator()' on a null object reference
If the following data annotations are defined: [DisplayValueFormat(Date = "MM-dd-yyyy HH:MM tt")] [ReadOnly] DisplayValueFormat is not applied properly.
In Xamarin.Forms, there is no multiline text box editor in RadDataForm.
When the decimal separator is comma "," for example on a device with Spanish location (es-ES), and the source property is of type decimal, the DecimalEditor of RadDataForm does not receive the decimal separator.
The issue is not reproduced with properties of type double.
I am using DataForm for my project and in the process of implementing validation. For validation, I use DataAnnotation-NonEmptyValdator for the required fields.
Is there a way to change it dynamically in runtime?.
For example, I have 2 fields, the first field is always required. However, the second field is not always required, it depends on the selected item of the first field.
Add public-facing methods to re-call DataSourceProvider GetSourceFor methods. This would allow for refreshing the datasource. Alternatively, add support for ObservableCollection to be used for DataSources so that the pickers reflect any changes to the underlying data source.
Expose an IsEnabled property for editors that can be toggled after DataForm is rendered. Currently, only Data Annotations can determine whether or not a property's editor is read-only. If a specific editor's read only state needs to be changed dynamically (e.g. due to a selection in another editor), you would need to completely reload the DataForm.
Currently, all groups are expanded by default. We should expose methods to collapse/expand certain groups. Furthermore, CollapseAll, ExpandAll groups should be considered as well.
The error message is not showing when the editor is empty and the ValidateAll method is called
Numeric and date editors are not aligned identically to the other editors inside the dataform