A common scenario for the Chart is to have several Y-Axis, where some could be on the left, others could be on the right side of the Chart.
In some cases, a redundant extra tick is drawn when using a DateTimeContinuousAxis.
Add support for dynamic series through ChartSeriesProvider API
The data points should allow setting shape and color to each one individually.
Currently the only way to apply different colors to the bars is through the ChartPalette. Provide an option to set the color according to the bound data item.
Allow easy exporting of a chart to a Xamarin.Forms image object. This will allow the images to be shared using social media.
The VisibleRange property can hold the actual visible minimum and maximum of the axis while the chart is being zoomed and panned.
Provide ability to chart series to appear with animation
Annotation (Grid line ) for the DateTimeContinuousAxis is not visualized on iOS. It works as expected on Android.
Add grid line annotation for the datetime axes. the grid lines are not visualized on iOS.
<telerikChart:RadCartesianChart x:Name="chart">
<local:ViewModel />
<telerikChart:DateTimeContinuousAxis LabelFitMode="Rotate"
<telerikChart:NumericalAxis />
<telerikChart:SplineSeries ValueBinding="Value"
ItemsSource="{Binding Data}"
<telerikChart:CartesianGridLineAnnotation Stroke="#0E72F6"
Value="{Binding Threshold}"
Axis="{x:Reference horizontal}">
<x:Array Type="{x:Type x:Double}">
Currently RadChart provides only a ScatterPointSeries which does not support categorical axes and you can only use a numerical one.
Add a title for the horizontal and vertical axis.
When having the following code on a button click
private void Button_Clicked(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
this.chart.Zoom = new Size();
The chart zoom is reset first time, but when zooming again and pressing the button, the zoom level does not reset. You have to pan the chart, then zoom reset works.
This code resets the zoom:
private void OnResetZoomClicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
this.chart.Zoom = new Size(1, 1); // This line is added as a workaround to reset the Zoom level
this.chart.Zoom = new Size();
Put several Pie charts in a StackPanel and set the WidthRequest and HeightRequest to let's say 60. You will notice that the circular pie itlsef appears much smaller than the expected 60. In Android and Windows Phone it appears as expected.
Expose API for series items label formatting in the chart.