Available in the 2018 R2 SP release.
Please add an API reference section to the existing UI for Xamarin documentation. Available in the R1 2018 release.
We get great support from Petar Marchev -- the guy really goes the extra mile to provide information and suggestions. It's impressive, and much appreciated. Steve Rothkopf, Thinking Software
Client request for complete implementation of a DataForm CustomEditor, that uses a RadListView, to be added to the SDKBrowser examples.
If the AutoComplete is visualized in a second (nested) view controller, the control stops autocompleting. Available in the R1 2018 release.
Currently, the Zip and SpreadStreamProcessing files are located only in the shared/portable folders and are not present in the iOS, UWP and Android ones. This is the case with the Nuget packages as well - if you install it, no references are added to Zip/SpreadStreamProcessing in the iOS, UWP, Android projects. We should modify both approaches.
Setting the cell style properties for border width to 0 does not remove the borders.
One way to work around this is to set a new items source.
At times in Android on initial load, the chart is not stretched properly but instead it is shrank to its minimum size and positioned in the top left corner. Nothing specific was found in the chart setup or the xaml set up. A possible work-around is to wrap the chart inside a Grid, set two row definitions in the Grid, and set the row span of the chart to two.
Is it just me, or does Xamarin lack a solid (and well documented) social login component that leverages OAuth2 to support all popular social media sites? Xamarin.Auth seems incomplete and the documentation is horrible. Telerik, what are the odds that you could create a component that could do this for us? We choose what provider(s) to use or can add our own and then you control handles everything from selecting the provider all the way to giving us the token back? This could save a TON of time and really give your tool set a leg up on, well, everyone!
ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown when using stacked AreaSeries with DateTimeContinuous axis and series source is not sorted by the DateTime values on UWP. In the same scenario the chart is not rendered correctly on Android. If not supported, the control should either handle this or throw a dedicated exception.
Allow customers to style the controls in focused/unfocused states.
Add gesture support to DataGrid, similar to the gestures found in RadListView (reorder, tap and hold, item swipe, pull to refresh, etc).
Xamarin.Forms has made MergedWith obsolete in XF 3.1, you can now use the more traditional Source path to merge ResourceDictionaries. Provide a path to the UI for Xamarin ResourceDictionaries. This can be done directly through the DLL itself or include the XAML files in the product distribution (or both).
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/xamarin-forms/platform/ Xamarin Forms is growing! Does your controls-set plans to grow with it?? I'm currently working on a new project, and had to drop the usage of telerik's products, because its lack of support to other platforms. What are your plans on this subject? It would be great if we could have support to (but not limited to): Android, IOS, UWP (Mobile and Desktop "win10"), WPF (For Desktop Applications on win7,8,10), GTK# (Linux) and macOS. I'm sure I wouldn't be the only one to buy your products if you upgrade yours platforms support. Thanks!