Currently, the native wrappers are suited to work directly with classes that implement Java.Lang.Object and customers should provide such in common scenarios. We should consider improving the wrappers so all of them can work directly with CLR objects.
An exception is thrown when the AutoComplete is hosted inside a horizontal StackLayout.
Client request for complete implementation of a DataForm CustomEditor, that uses a RadListView, to be added to the SDKBrowser examples.
When the AUtoComplete is bound to an ObservableCollection and you add/remove items from the collection -> the changes are not applied in the AutoComplete in iOS and Android. The UWP implementation works as expected. Available in minor release 2017.3.1214. It will also be available in the R1 2018 release.
We get great support from Petar Marchev -- the guy really goes the extra mile to provide information and suggestions. It's impressive, and much appreciated. Steve Rothkopf, Thinking Software
Please add an API reference section to the existing UI for Xamarin documentation. Available in the R1 2018 release.
Available in the 2018 R2 SP release.
When there are only two items in the ItemsSource and users reorder them, the underlying collection is not reordered Edit: Avalable in R3 2017 SP release.
a label that support text formatting using HTML tags like <color>, <size>, <font>, <b>, <i>, <u>, <br>, <a>. Similar to the WinForms label (
Implement a component that can be used as button, themes with Telerik theme and can host templated content.
Available in the R2 2018 release.
Available in the R3 2018 SP release.
Please add support for ListViewCachingStrategy to the ListView. It's performance for large collection of items makes it unusable for production.
Add view mode showing Quarters, just like the month view mode.
Currently, the parameter names are not descriptive but names like p0, p1, etc. are being used.
Currently, you need to create a separate class for each binding. We should consider improving the behavior so that no such overhead is required from the users.