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Last Updated: 04 Jul 2024 09:16 by ADMIN

Currently PropertyDefinitions have only one Property for DataBinding, which is very strange solution.

All these instances are DependencyObject, but at the same time they are not in the visual tree and we could not bind to a visibility or to readonly or to any other property without some starnge sorkarounds (why this was designed in this way?).

This makes these objects almost useless. becuae we cannot fully use them in an MVVM way (bindings, multiibindings, etc.)

Possible solutions:

  1. provide bindings for all properties to make them be bindable withput any workarounds
  2. Change PropertyDefinitions to something that will live inside visual tree.


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Last Updated: 21 Feb 2024 10:09 by ADMIN
The Methode go to page isnt jumping the to the right page if the zoom isnt a 100%.

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Last Updated: 08 Dec 2023 10:00 by ADMIN

Using RadTabbedWindow I noticed difficulty dragging maximized windows between monitors. It seems to happen in multi-monitor environments and only when dragging Left of the PrimaryScreen.

In the video I've included , the blue window is a standard window and can be maximized in one drag across any display.

The white window is RadTabbedWindow and the drag will default to the PrimaryScreen when dragged to the left-most display.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks