Last Updated: 25 Jan 2018 11:46 by ADMIN
At the moment the theme of the RadPdfViewerToolBar can be set only by setting the theme of the entire application. The individual setting (using telerik:StyleManager.Theme="Windows8") should also be supported.
Last Updated: 26 May 2021 10:31 by ADMIN
When executing a Find command in Fit to Width scrolling mode (when more than one page and the result is on the next page) the search result is shown on the bottom of the page instead of the page being centered according to the content found, which results in the number of the current page as well (check the attached image). 
Last Updated: 26 Mar 2018 10:37 by ADMIN
Currently, RadPdfViewer uses default constant value for the font size in this scenario.
Last Updated: 02 Jun 2021 14:58 by ADMIN

Inserting PNG ImageSource into a document and applying the document instance directly to the RadPdfViewer`s Document property (without exporting to stream) leads to a wrong image rendering.

Workaround: Export the document with the PdfFormatProvider:

MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream();
PdfFormatProvider pdfFormatProvider = new PdfFormatProvider();
pdfFormatProvider.Export(radFixedDocument, ms);

PdfDocumentSource source = new PdfDocumentSource(ms, pdfViewer.DefaultImportSettings);
this.pdfViewer.DocumentSource = source;

Last Updated: 16 Jun 2021 05:05 by ADMIN
The document seems empty when loaded in the viewer.
Last Updated: 28 Jun 2021 07:14 by ADMIN

There are missing characters when importing documents containing Standard fonts with a Differences array defined in the Encoding, which contains characters that do not fit in the first 255 glyph definitions in the font. Most of these characters are the ones with an accent such as "ccaron" (č).

Last Updated: 28 Jun 2021 13:03 by ADMIN

When importing a document containing a single associated widget annotation merged into the field dictionary the field is skipped on import and an exception is thrown.

According to the PDF Specification: Field Dictionaries: Kids:

An array of indirect references to the immediate children of this field.
In a non-terminal field, the Kids array is required to refer to field dictionaries that are immediate descendants of this field. In a terminal field, the Kids array ordinarily must refer to one or more separate widget annotations that are associated with this field. However, if there is only one associated widget annotation, and its contents have been merged into the field dictionary, Kids must be omitted.

Last Updated: 30 Jul 2021 13:04 by ADMIN
While scrolling a document containing many Link annotations there is a decrease in the performance.
Last Updated: 17 Aug 2021 13:03 by ADMIN
Created by: Alexander
Comments: 0
Category: PDFViewer
Type: Bug Report
Invalid character rendering with specific glyphs. For example, the two dots of the umlaut characters are not centered. 
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