Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 13:01 by ADMIN
The Width of the ColumnDefinition is not updated after resizing it via the resizers.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 13:01 by ADMIN
If the following steps are performed:
- Hold the Ctrl keyboard key
- Highlight a task by clicking it with the mouse
- Highlight a second task
- Release the Ctrl key
- Click the first task again

Cause the second highlighted task to still be highlighted.
Last Updated: 03 Aug 2016 13:01 by ADMIN
When adding new tasks the control does not update his ExtentHeight and ExtentWidth.
Last Updated: 01 Aug 2016 07:43 by ADMIN
Created by: Nelson
Comments: 2
Category: GanttView
Type: Feature Request
Not for Silverlight, I need it for WPF projects.
Please change it.
Last Updated: 27 Jun 2016 14:01 by William
Created by: Telerik Admin
Comments: 1
Category: GanttView
Type: Bug Report
If the Timeline part of the control is shrunk to a state it doesn't need a scroll bar anymore (by changing PixelLength or VisibleRange) and after that it is enlarged, its size doesn't change, but the ScrollBar values update.

Available in LIB version 2016.2.627, it will be also available in the 2016 R3 release.
Last Updated: 30 May 2016 12:04 by ADMIN
If the current culture (German) is set to a culture with 24 format the default 12 format is used in the TimeRuler and the dragging/resizing Tooltip of the control.

Available in LIB version 2016.2.530, it will be also available in the 2016 R2 SP1.
Last Updated: 30 May 2016 12:02 by ADMIN
If the TasksSource is cleared in the TaskEdited event of the control the event is called in a loop.

Available in LIB version 2016.2.530, it will be also available in the 2016 R2 SP1.
Last Updated: 19 May 2016 08:26 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 05 May 2016 07:23 by ADMIN
Available in the 2016 R2 release.
Last Updated: 05 May 2016 07:16 by ADMIN
Make the default behavior of the auto scrolling which is trigger by selection of a task in the GridView part of the control customizable. 

The current default built-in behavior is:
* If you select a row (task) in the GridView part which has its event container currently not visible is auto scrolled into to the view to the default (left) position in the TimeRuler

Available in the 2016 R2 release.
Last Updated: 23 Nov 2015 15:07 by ADMIN
Available in LIB version 2015.3.1123, it will be also available in the 2016 Q1 release.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2014 23:59 by John
When collapsing the parent task first and then the child tasks a System.OverflowException is thrown.
Last Updated: 24 Nov 2014 07:46 by ADMIN
When removing Tasks that are not visible (the parent task is collapsed) an ArgumentOutOfRangeException is thrown.
Last Updated: 16 Oct 2014 13:12 by ADMIN
Created by: Polya
Comments: 1
Category: GanttView
Type: Feature Request

Last Updated: 23 Jun 2014 07:25 by rain
Created by: Polya
Comments: 1
Category: GanttView
Type: Bug Report

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