Last Updated: 15 Feb 2024 10:41 by Martin Ivanov
Currently, when you select multiple shapes, you can rotate them altogether using the rotate icon displayed on top of the ManipulationAdorner visual (the rectangle that encloses the shapes). However, there is no property or a method that allows to programmatically provide a rotation angle for the adorner. 

Add a RotationAngle property or a Rotate() method or something similar that will automatically update the rotation of the ManipulationAdorner along with the shapes inside.
Last Updated: 21 Nov 2023 09:40 by Stenly

Add an option to modify the StartPoint and EndPoint properties of RadDiagramConnection instances via the SettingsPane.


This functionality can be achieved by modifying the default ControlTemplate of the SettingsPaneView element to include an additional RadTabItem instance in the RadTabControl element. In the additional RadTabItem, input controls can be used, such as the RadNumericUpDown element. These elements should modify properties that will be present in a custom LinkViewModelBase<NodeViewModelBase>> class. More specifically, the X and Y properties of the StartPoint and EndPoint properties of the RadDiagramConnection element.

The attached sample project shows the implementation of the above approach for achieving this requirement.

Last Updated: 20 Nov 2023 16:38 by Stenly

Add an option to customize the available colors in the SettingsPane control:

Last Updated: 20 Nov 2023 11:11 by Vladimir
Introduce the option for snapping connections while they are being drawn. 
Last Updated: 01 Aug 2023 07:11 by William
WPF Demo export as HTML does not work with specific examples
Last Updated: 23 Jan 2024 14:29 by ADMIN
If the ActiveTool of a RadDiagram instance is changed from a PointerTool to PanTool while a shape is being resized, shape will still be resizable when the mouse gets close to the resize rectangles. 
Last Updated: 20 Jan 2022 15:07 by ADMIN
Currently, you can hit an ArgumentNullException in case you are using the GraphSource feature of RadDiagram. The exception is thrown if you define a ContainerShapeStyle or ContainerShapeStyleSelector that adds a Style with a TargetType that is different than the one of the container added to the diagram. 

Throw a more descriptive error that tells the concrete reason. In this case, the issue relates to the wrong TargetType of the Style.

To reproduce the error, it is enough to add a container node (ContainerNodeViewModelBase<NodeViewModelBase>) in the graph source and then to add a ContainerShapeStyle with a wrong TargetType. For example, use a type of Button.
Last Updated: 16 Jul 2021 14:14 by ADMIN

Hundreds of Connections with ConnectionsBridges turned on in diagram. One on top of the others.

StackOverflowException between updating the Connections' Start/End points.

Last Updated: 14 Jun 2021 08:33 by ADMIN
TreeLayout sorts 3 components with 3, 2, 1 shapes respectively. User needs to add 2 shapes in the second group, but does not want to have it sorted after layout on the left of the first group. So an option to preserve the tree layout in each component is needed but to disable the automatic sorting of groups (components). 
Last Updated: 14 Sep 2020 09:17 by ADMIN
Created by: David
Comments: 1
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request

I looked at the RadDiagram options, but it doesn't have anything that compares to a circular relationship chart.  Here's an example:


Part of this article:


I gave some thought at trying to rewrite the code into WPF, but I've got too many other irons in the fire.  Figured I'd ask as this sort of visualization control doesn't appear in your current collection.  I have a project that could benefit from displaying weighted relationships in such a manner, but my choices are either do something sub-par with the RadDiagram option, write one myself, find another controls collection and port everything, or leave the feature out for now.  I'm going for the leave it out option for the moment, and see if your UI wizards can come up with something...

Just as a use case, one of the reasons for wanting this is to diagram conversations between individuals in email messages.  Being able to show who's talking to whom and how frequently using one of these charts for visualization allows you to quickly find patterns...




Last Updated: 05 Feb 2020 08:06 by ADMIN
An API could be created so that an Image can be added to the Background or Grid of the Diagram so that the user can zoom and pan over the image.
Last Updated: 27 Aug 2019 13:58 by ADMIN
Add API so that the user can prevent the auto close popup wrapper behavior.
Last Updated: 16 Aug 2019 10:15 by ADMIN
Created by: Dinko
Comments: 0
Category: Diagram
Type: Feature Request
Support out of the box Fishbone diagram.
Last Updated: 20 Feb 2024 01:26 by Antonio

Currently, the print preview control provides only options for the current printer, the page orientation and the page size . Include the following options too:

 - Paper Format (Lettre, A4, etc.)
 - Paper Orientation (Portrait or Landscape)
 - Number of copies (1, 2, 3, ...)
 - Print Color Settings (Colors or Monochrome)
 - Margins
 - Resolution (DPI based on the capabilities of the printer)

Last Updated: 19 Sep 2018 15:44 by Patrick
Be able to pre-select, printer, page size and page orientation in the RadDiagramPrintPreview. By default, RadDiagramPrintPreview set the printing orientation in landscape even if we created a diagram in portrait. 
Last Updated: 30 Mar 2018 11:08 by ADMIN
As a workaround, the property can be set locally for the time being.
Last Updated: 12 Feb 2018 15:36 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 20 Oct 2017 12:11 by ADMIN
Windows DPI is 125 % (you need to sign out from win 10 then sign in again in order to apply the setting successfully).

Diagram is hosted in RibbonWindow.

The diagram ruler does not show the ticks and labels on the left of the zero tick (label). The Position property of Diagram could (0,0) or (500, 0), (300, 0) etc...

Check the attached image for better illustration.

Workaround could be replacing the RibbonWindow with MS Window.
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2017 09:00 by ADMIN
When you switch between two different positions and zoom levels leads to a wrong visualization of the diagram items.
Last Updated: 20 Sep 2017 08:01 by ADMIN
Loading the diagram via its Load() method adds additional "Copy of" to the GroupName property of the groups.
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