When user is dragging the crop rectangle, the cursor should be a hand (for example).
Add an option to zoom towards the mouse cursor.
Some formats that can be considered are JPEG 2000, CALS, GIF, IOCA, JBIG, JBIG2, TGA, TIFF, EXIF, ICO.
Add properties for setting minimal and maximal scale factor in RadImageEditor.
Add tool for creating selection, and integrate the other tools to work only in the selected region, if one is present.
If you have a large image inside RadImageEditor or have zoomed a relatively big image, it would be great to have the ability to set panning on, so that the user can move around more easily. Available in R1 2017 Release
Sometimes it is better not to integrate changes directly into a bitmap. Layers will enable grouping the effects of several tools and applying/reverting the changes at a later time. Alphachannel support in Silverlight is already available. Saving may require a proprietary file format, Paint.NET's .pdn or tiff export/import.
Implement a drawing tool that will enable drawing over the picture using the mouse. This feature will be available in our official release Q1 2015.
Add more built-in brushes and pencils to the DrawTool. Currently, this can be achieved by customization of DrawTool.