A black bar appears around the content of the window when in Maximized states and the project is compiled for .Net4.0.
If OS Taskbar location on the screen is set to a value different than bottom and the RibbonWindow is in maximized state, the taskbar placement is not respected and part of the RibbonWindow could be hidden. Reproducible on Windows8 and Windows7 OS. Available in LIB version: 2015.1.2004
Implement AutoHide functionality in the RadRibbonWindow like the Office 2013 has.
In Office 2013, the user can click and press on a SplitButton or DropDownButton, which opens the drop-down without releasing the mouse. The user can move/drag the mouse down to a menu item, then release the mouse to execute the menu item. This is similar to the way menus work. Please provide this functionality in the RadRibbonSplitButton and RadRibbonDropDownButton.
RibbonView: А System.InvalidOperationException is thrown when RadDocumentPane is selected and the ribbon is minimized and its popup is open. Available in LIB Version: 2015.2.720.
Black bar apears on Windows10 machine when in Maximized state and the RadRibbonView has set Visibility="Collapsed". Available in LIB version: 2016.1.21
The KeyTips of the RadRibbonView are drawn incorrectly with FlowDirection set to RighToLeft Available in LIB version: 2016.2.725
Available in LIB version: 2016.2.516
Available in LIB version: 2016.1.21
Application title disappears when you change the current theme to Expression_Dark or Windows8. As a workaround: You can set the RadRibbonWindow.IsWindowsThemeEnabled static property to False in order to apply the Telerik predefined themes instead of using the Windows OS theme. Available in LIB version: 2016.1.21
Available in LIB version: 2016.2.725
RadRibbonDropDown is not closed when RadListBoxItem is selected with keyboard navigation(when enter is pressed) Available in LIB version: 2016.2.725
After you re-select a (RadRibbon)DropDownButton (wrapped in RadRibbonGallery expand content), the button disappears together with any other content of the RadRibbonGallery. Possible workaround could be handling DropDownClosed event of the DropDownButton and setting e.Handled = True. Available in LIB version: 2016.2.725
As a workaround set a Margin="0,0,1,0" to the RadBibbonView in order to have the functionality working in the area of the RadRibbonView.
This exception reproduces only if the keytips are enabled and the ribbonview is set as a Content of RadPane (or RadTabItem) that is not selected, and also the MinimizeButtonVisibility property is set to Visible. The error will occur also if the HelpButtonVisibility is set to Visible. As a workaround you can set the MinimizeButtonVisibility to Collapsed. Then subscribe for the SelectionChanged event of the pane group and in its handler set the visibility to Visible only when the corresponding pane is selected. Available in LIB version: 2016.2.725
Available in LIB version: 2016.2.725
The workaround is setting in the ControlTemplate of the RadRibbonSplitButton in Button x:Name="ButtonPart" setter for a custom style or Style="{TemplateBinding ButtonPartStyle}" and adding a ButtonPartStyle in the setters of the RadRibbonSplitButton to point to the default RadButtonStyle. Available in R3 2016 Release
If you have RadRibbonView control and xaml and design views are open, when click on some ribbon control (e.g. Tab or Button), the design view gets the focus and Smart Tag adorner is open. Moreover, the menu cannot be closed using "Close" button, but only when click outside the ribbon. Available in LIB version: 2017.2.605
When there are enough items in a RibbonBackstageItem for the ScrollBar to appear, it is clipped by the RadRibbonWindow's header. Workaround: 1. Extract the templates for RadRibbonBackstage and ScrollViewer 2. Refer the new template for the ScrollViewer in the template for the RadRibbonBackstage. 3. Change the margin for the PART_VerticalScrollBar from 0, -1, -1, -1 to 0, 27, -1, -1. 4. Set the new ControlTemplate to the RadRibbonBackstage in the application.