Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017 12:49 by ADMIN
The InsertTable command should copy the current style to all paragraphs in the new table.
Last Updated: 19 Jun 2017 12:10 by ADMIN
Hyperlink tooltip is not changed when the HyperlinkNavigationMode property of RadRichTextBox is changed.

Workaround: Invoke radRichTextBox.ActiveEditorPresenter.RecreateUI() method just after the property value change:
this.radRichTextBox.HyperlinkNavigationMode = HyperlinkNavigationMode.Click;

Steps to reproduce:
1. Insert a hyperlink in RTB.
2. On button click change the HyperlinkNavigationMode.

Observe: The tooltip is not changed from Click to ... Ctrl + Click to .. and vise versa.
Last Updated: 15 Jun 2017 12:52 by ADMIN
Selection doesn't work as expected at the end of a Paragraph. If the user holds down the mouse button down and drags just after the paragraph end (in the free space after the last line), the end of paragraph symbol is unexpectedly selected when the mouse hovers the end of paragraph symbol.

Instead, the first letter before the paragraph end should be selected, but only after the mouse hovers it.

Steps to reproduce: 
- Add two paragraphs.
- Click in the empty space just after the end of the last line of the first paragraph, and start moving in direction of opposite to the text flow (left in LTR text case).
Expected: Text is selected only after the mouse passes the first symbol before the paragraph end.
Actual: Paragraph end symbol is selected as soon as the mouse hovers it.
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2017 11:01 by ADMIN
RadRichTextBox/RadDocumentEditor's MailMerge(bool) method doesn't respect the startEachRecordOnNewPage parameter. When the parameter is set to 'false', records are still merged on different pages, instead of on one.

Workaround: Use RadDocumentMerger to append the resultant documents:
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2017 06:47 by ADMIN
The spellchecker does not recognize words with non-breaking spaces between them as separate.
A workaround when pasting text into the RadRichTextBox is to subscribe to the CommandExecuting event of the control, get the paste text from the clipboard and replace all non-brekaing spaces with spaces.

private void editor_CommandExecuting(object sender, Telerik.Windows.Documents.RichTextBoxCommands.CommandExecutingEventArgs e)
            if (e.Command is PasteCommand)
                var pasteText = Clipboard.GetDataObject().GetData("HTML Format") as string;
                if (pasteText != null)
                    pasteText=  pasteText.Replace("&nbsp", " ").Replace(' ',' ');
                    var originalDataObject = Clipboard.GetDataObject();
                    DataObject dataObject = new DataObject();
                    foreach (string format in originalDataObject.GetFormats())
                        dataObject.SetData(format, originalDataObject.GetData(format));
                    dataObject.SetData("HTML Format", pasteText);
Last Updated: 08 Jun 2017 06:41 by ADMIN
Words separated by certain punctuation symbols are treated as single word by the "spell check as you type" real-time spell checker.

Steps to reproduce:
Case 1:
1. Type 'testt/mest'.
Expected: The two wrong words should be underlined separately
Actual: The whole text is underlined.

Case 2:
1. Type 'test/mest'.
Expected: Only the second word is underlined
Actual: The two words are underlined

Case 3:
1. Type 'testt/mest
2. Show the context menu by clicking on the second word, and choose spell checking suggestion.
3. Show the context menu by clicking again on the second word.
4. Show the context menu for the first word.
Expected: Context menu contains spell checking suggestions
Actual: Context menu doesn't contain spell checking suggestion

Case 4:
1. Type 'test'mest'.
2. Shown context menu by clicking on 'test'
Expected: Context menu contains suggestion for the whole word - 'testament'
Actual: Context menu contains suggestion for the 'mest'

Case 5:
1. Type 'test.mest'.
2. Shown context menu by clicking on 'mest'
Expected: Context menu contains suggestion for the whole word - 'testament' (this happens if the context menu is shown by clicking on the 'test')
Actual: Context menu contains suggestion for the 'mest' only. Clicking on the suggestion replaces only 'mest' with the suggestion.

Case 6: (the same as Case 2, but with non-breaking space)
1. Copy and paste this text in RadRichTextBox 'testt mest' (the white space in non-breaking space)
Expected: only the second word is underlined.
Actual: both words are underlined as one.
Last Updated: 26 May 2017 11:57 by ADMIN
NullReferenceException is thrown when a hyperlink is removed from the document while the user is hovering it with the mouse. Such cases are when hyperlink is removed from the context menu, or when TOC field containing hyperlinks is updated from the context menu.

The exception is with the following call stack: 

ErrorMessage: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
StackTrace:    at Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.UIProviders.HyperlinkUIProviderBase.UIElement_MouseEnter(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
   at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)


If the mouse hovers the hyperlink a moment later, exception is not observed. The situation when the mouse is over a hyperlink is not so uncommon:

- When the user operates hyperlink context menu with the keyboard and removes the hyperlink

- when there are multiple items in the ToC, there is great probability for the mouse to be over a hyperlink which is just below the Update Field button in the context menu - and when the context menu disappears, the mouse gets over the hyperlink.

Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.529.
Last Updated: 26 May 2017 07:05 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 23 May 2017 05:52 by ADMIN
If the font applied to text doesn't contain Bold or Italic typefaces, the text at the end of the line is clipped.

Workaround: Switch to the old rendering mode (which is somewhat slower):
this.radRichTextBox.TextRenderingMode = TextBlockRenderingMode.TextBlockWithPropertyCaching;
Last Updated: 19 May 2017 13:26 by ADMIN
 ArgumentException is thrown when a missing image with no width and height is imported from HTML format.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Import the attached HTML.
2. Wait for a few second for loading the image.

Actual: An ArgumentException is thrown for setting the width or height of an image to an infinity.

Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.522.
Last Updated: 19 May 2017 12:44 by ADMIN
The focus stays in the combo box.

Workaround: Attach to the DropDownClosed event of the combo box and focus the presenter:
(this.radRichTextBox.ActiveEditorPresenter as Telerik.Windows.Documents.UI.DocumentWebLayoutPresenter).Focus();

Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.522.
Last Updated: 18 May 2017 10:52 by ADMIN
DocumentRuler.CreateHorizontalRuler and DocumentRulerCreateVerticalRuler properties are not always changing the visibility of the horizontal and vertical ruler when set to false. If the properties are set to false in XAML, the corresponding ruler parts are still visible.

The problem is that the values of the properties are reset internally during the controls creation, and after the layout mode of the document is changed.

Workaround: Set the properties in code behind, and reset them after layout mode change:

        public MainWindow()

            this.ruler.CreateHorizontalRuler = false;
            this.radRichTextBox.DocumentLayoutModeChanged += (sender, e) => this.ruler.CreateHorizontalRuler = false;
Last Updated: 17 May 2017 16:07 by ADMIN
Bullet with a big font-size applied is not horizontally aligned with the rest of the bullets of the same level.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Add several paragraphs.
2. Apply a list to the paragraphs.
3. Select a paragraph in the middle.
5. Apply a big font-size, like 24.
6. Export to HTML.

Actual: The bullet with the bigger font-size is not horizontally aligned with the rest of the paragraphs.
Expected: All paragraphs should be horizontally aligned
Last Updated: 17 May 2017 15:41 by ADMIN
A custom list applied to several paragraphs is not exported to HTML format with the required font-family and font-size.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a custom list with custom font-size and custom font-family. (different from the default).
2. Apply the list to several paragraphs.
3. Set the StylesExportMode property of the ExportSetting of the HtmlFormatProvider to StylesExportMode.Inline (fp.ExportSettings.StylesExportMode = StylesExportMode.Inline)
4. Export to HTML.

Actual: The bullets are exported with the default font-family Verdana and the default font-size.
Expected:  The bullets to be exported with the custom value for the font-family and font-size.
Last Updated: 15 May 2017 12:34 by ADMIN
Undoing the action could lead to InvalidCastException, NullReferenceException, and other unexpected behaviors in next interactions with the document.

When the users didn't create a selection but rely on the caret position, the command creates selection on the current inline layout box internally. The selection's end position is on the range end, but it (the end) is not included in the actual selection. When the users try to undo, the range end is missing, which leads to incorrect visualization and different exceptions depending on the actions (when saving the document, when deleting the content, etc.).

Workaround: In CommandExecuting, check whether the selection is empty and create one if so. If the selection's end position is on an annotation range end, move the position to the next one. Clear the selection on CommandExecuted. Code is attached.
Last Updated: 09 May 2017 15:20 by ADMIN
Changing the IsEnable property of the document history should clear the undo and redo. Executing undo or redo over a document with changed structure will result in an invalid document.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Add text to the RadRichTextBox.
2. Disable the document history.

Expected: The undo and redo are cleared.
Actual: the undo is not cleared and the MultipleUndoControl contains all changes.
Last Updated: 21 Apr 2017 06:53 by ADMIN
Last Updated: 13 Apr 2017 08:31 by ADMIN
XamlParseException is thrown when importing revision date time of track changes which is exported with different than invariant culture.

Steps to reproduce: 
Set the current thread culture to "new CultureInfo("nb-NO")"
Turn on track changes.
Start the RTB and enter some text.
Export to XAML.
Import the previously exported XAML file.
Observed result:  XamlParseException is thrown when parsing the revision date time object.

Available in LIB version: 2017.1.418
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2017 12:39 by ADMIN
When the span properties are modified (e.g. a highlight color is applied), they should not affect the span properties of the text inserted after that.

This applies for all span properties. Here are a part of them:

- Highlight color

- Foreground color

- Font weight

- Font family

- Font style

Currently, all the properties applied to the current span are inherited when the user starts typing next to it.
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2017 08:38 by ADMIN
Implement an option for controlling how the list-style-type of a list will be exported to the HTML format.