Implement support for content controls (a.k.a. Structured document tags), which will allow inserting editing controls in the document: - Rich Text - Plain Text - Check Box - Combo Box - Drop-down list - Date picker Do not confuse this feature with form fields support (see ).
Add support for shapes, and especially for shapes with textual content. In OOXML, shapes are represented by the wps:wsp element, and shapes with textual content by <wps:txbx>, <w:txbxContent>. Such shape can be added to a Word document using the Insert -> Text -> Text Box -> Draw Text Box, or through a shape's context menu -> Add Text. Note: Do not confuse with Text/Rich Text content controls ( ).
- There should be a formatting symbol for the character - Pressing Ctrl+Shift+Space should insert the character (standard MS Word shortcut) - Import from docx should be implemented - The symbol should be treated as a separator between words when spell-checking
It should be possible to have several columns in a section of the document. These columns should also be persisted on export/import.
Add support for line numbering in paged layout mode, similar to MS Word.
RadRichTextBox doesn't support most used Chinese IMEs - QQ Pinyin and Sogou Pinyin.
Currently, caret continues to blink even when typing or navigation is in progress (e.g. arrow key is pressed and held), which is inconvenient for the end users. Instead, the caret should stop blinking during these operations, similarly to industry standard apps like MS Word and OpenOffice.
Support for file formats other than .TDF is required, so that a broader range of dictionaries can be used. Consider adding support for OpenOffice dictionaries.
This will reduce the resulting PDF documents' size drastically.
Page field in header (or footer) of document created with mail merge is always evaluated to 1, instead of the number of the current page. Possible workaround (attached): - Do mail merges one by one - Set header/footers anew to contain PAGE fields in each document - Set FirstPageNumber = 1 to each first section in each document - Merge with RadDocumentMerger
Create different options for pasting(keep formatting, merge formatting, use destination styles). At this point, the document default styles are not copied in the document fragment, thus their loss is observed. When DocumentInheritsDefaultStyleSettings is true and the font settings are like set to different font size/font family, copied text is pasted to MS Word with Verdana font, size 12. Loss of formatting is also observed when copying from RadRichTextBox and pasting in MS Word - the default styles differ.
Copy formatting from one place in the document and apply it to another. Available in R2 2018 Official Release version.
This field retrieves a character through a code value specified in the field-argument. Such documents are common and are created when symbols (e.g. with font Windings through Insert -> Symbol dialog) are inserted in RTF documents in MS Word. This functionality is also used when content containing <sym> element is copied from DOCX and pasted in RadRichTextBox - as the content is converted to RTF containing SYMBOL field during the operation. Workarounds: - Implement such field with the API, see the documentation article ( ) and the SDK example ( ). Note that MS Word doesn't show field menus for these fields in RTF documents. - If RTF format is used and you have control over document creation, save the documents initially as docx, and then save them to RTF. This way the symbols will be encoded without the SYMBOL field construct, and are successfully imported in RadRichTextBox. Available in R3 2018 Official Release.
When the caret is positioned in the beginning of a paragraph and a table is inserted, an additional paragraph before the table should not be added. This also includes the case with a blank document. Special case: When there is a table in the document, inserting another just after it should be disabled.
Characters like 🙋🏻 are not imported correctly and instead result in a series of question marks. Fix available in LIB Version 2018.2.716.
Improve measure and arrange of a document and its child document elements respectively - Span, Paragraph, Table, Section and etc. This will also improve the import time for large documents.
When a preceding paragraph's size is increased, for example - font size is changed, or paragraph is split to two, then the selection of the consequent paragraphs is wrong. When the cursor is on the second line and attempt to select some part of it with the mouse is made, the first or the third line is selected. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create two paragraphs with multiple lines 2. Insert new paragraph after the first paragraph 3. Try to select second line of the third paragraph with the mouse Observed result: First line is selected instead of second line being selected