Last Updated: 06 Jan 2020 12:22 by ADMIN
Use Destination styles does not appear in the paste options popup control. It only appears in the RadRibbonDropDownButton.
Last Updated: 03 Dec 2019 11:44 by ADMIN

To reproduce: 

protected override void OnClosing(CancelEventArgs e)
    this.radRichTextBox.Document = null;

Last Updated: 19 Nov 2019 09:05 by ADMIN
1. Open RadRichTextBox
2. Click to Home tab -> Paragraph group-> Multilevel list button
4. Click to "Define New List Style"
5. In "Apply formatting to" select 4th level. Don't select '1','2','3' beforehand, select '4' right after '1'st level.

Observed result: All text except the 4th level is bold.

Expected result: Only 4th level text is bold.
Last Updated: 18 Nov 2019 06:36 by ADMIN
It should be located on a new line. Instead, it is located on the same line where the text is.
Last Updated: 01 Jun 2018 14:37 by ADMIN
When the users select a table using the thumb provided by the TableAdorner, the table is selected but the Table Tools contextual tab in RadRichTextBoxRibbonUI is not activated.

Workaround: Attach to SelectionChanged and move the caret position to the first position of the table when the selection range is only one and is of type Table. Sample code is attached.
Last Updated: 22 Oct 2019 15:30 by ADMIN
Missing bookmark annotation after cut command or move selected text which includes bookmark annotation
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2019 06:45 by ADMIN
Bullet and numbered lists are still displayed as toggled in the ribbon even though the user has broken the lists. The toggle is removed only when the user clicks over the document.
Last Updated: 18 Sep 2019 12:54 by ADMIN
Having a watermark test "This is a\nWatermark" is exported with an empty box instead of a new line to PDF.
Last Updated: 03 Sep 2019 09:32 by ADMIN
Pasting style from Word with accent letters in the name is not properly displayed in the Styles Gallery. For example, pasting word style named "Estàèélo1" will be displayed as "Estаийlo1". 
Last Updated: 12 Jun 2018 11:10 by ADMIN
Some of the methods in RadDocumentEditor/RadRichTextBox call RadDocument.EnsureDocumentMeasuredAndArranged(), but some don't, for example:

- InsertAnnotationRange
- InsertLine
- ChangeAllFieldsDisplayMode

This causes exceptions or incorrect behavior what layout is not performed on the document.

Workaround: Call EnsureDocumentMeasuredAndArranged before the problematic methods.
Last Updated: 02 May 2019 10:47 by ADMIN
Typing in Find dialog is not possible when having an ElementHost in a WinForms Windows to host a WPF User Control which contains the RadRichTextBox.
Last Updated: 14 Jun 2018 05:52 by ADMIN
When the document uses a font that cannot be found on the machine, it is substituted for another font. What should happen is to fall back to another font for the visualization, but to preserve the original font in the model.

Partial workaround: for HTML import, the font can be preserved by subscribing to the FontSubstituting event:
provider.ImportSettings.FontSubstituting += ImportSettings_FontSubstituting;
private void ImportSettings_FontSubstituting(object sender, FontSubstitutingEventArgs e)
      e.SubstitutionFontFamily = new FontFamily(e.OriginalFontName);
Last Updated: 30 Apr 2019 12:42 by ADMIN

If I setup the richtextbox content through the UI as shown in P1.png and try to restore it by pasting the generated html, I get instead P2.png. Expected to be the same. 

I attached the sample project. We're using the recommended settings to use the same html in telerik reports, but can't find the reference on your site, it used on the on this link http://docs.telerik.com/devtools/wpf/controls/radrichtextbox/import-export/features-import-export-settings#htmlformatprovider


Last Updated: 14 Jun 2018 12:09 by ADMIN
Created by: Anna
Comments: 0
Category: RichTextBox
Type: Bug Report
When a merged cell contains more than one entire column, the caret is in the merged cell and you chose the option to delete the current column, the action is supposed to delete all the columns in the merged cell. What happens instead is that only the first column is deleted and the merged cell remains.


            TableCell tableCell = this.radRichTextBox.Document.CaretPosition.GetCurrentInline().Parent.Parent as TableCell;

            if(tableCell == null)

            int columnSpan = tableCell.ColumnSpan;


            for (int i = 0; i < columnSpan; i++)

            this.radRichTextBox.Document.History.EndUndoGroup("Delete Column");
Last Updated: 18 Apr 2019 09:32 by ADMIN

Finding text with regex for the last paragraph is not possible. This is caused by the fact that the search treats the last paragraph symbol as the last paragraph.

Last Updated: 12 Apr 2019 15:10 by ADMIN
Character properties applied on the last paragraph symbol for a paragraph in a list, e.g. font size, are not exported to HTML when StyleExportMode is Inline. 

As a side effect, when the document is imported back, and the text of the bullet is deleted, its properties switch back to the default ones.

Workaround: Change the styles to export as inline properties:
htmlProvider.ExportSettings.StylesExportMode = StylesExportMode.Classes;
Please be aware that this may cause side effects, as described in this issue: RichTextBox: Character properties of the paragraph symbol are exported to HTML for the whole list item when StyleExportMode is Classes
Last Updated: 05 Apr 2019 15:41 by ADMIN
The character properties applied on the last paragraph symbol for a paragraph in a list (e.g. font family), are exported to HTML for the whole paragraph which is in the list. 

As a notable side effect, when such HTML is imported, the default font size for a paragraph in a default bullet list changes to Symbol.

Regression: The bug is introduced in 2016_2_613.

Workaround: Change the styles to export as inline properties:
htmlProvider.ExportSettings.StylesExportMode = StylesExportMode.Inline;

but be aware that this may cause issues as described in the related RichTextBox: Character properties of the paragraph symbol are not exported to HTML when StyleExportMode is Inline
Last Updated: 17 Jan 2019 16:41 by ADMIN
When a DOCX document contains a table with fixed layout, and the table contains <tblGrid> element with improper widths (not coinciding with the ones visualized by MS Word), and such document is imported, the table is laid out with the width of the sum of the column widths imported from the table grid (tblGrid), instead of ones that could be correctly computed by the preferred width of the table cells. 

MS Word, for example, may ignore the widths specified in the tblGrid and compute new ones.

As a side effect, fixed-width tables can be laid out longer than their preferred width.
Last Updated: 16 Nov 2018 13:52 by ADMIN
When custom annotations are created by inheriting AnnotationRangeStart and AnnotationRangeEnd classes, and the reaction to the delete commands is customized by overriding the DeleteBehavior, BackspaceBehavior, and DeleteSelectedBehavior, the delete command doesn't work as expected in some cases.
  • CustomAnnotationRangeEnd.BackspaceBehavior returns AnnotationMarkerDeleteBehavior.SelectAnnotation: the expected behavior is the whole annotation range to be selected when the caret is just after the annotation range end and Backspace is pressed.
    • Expected: When the caret is just after the annotation range end and Backspace is pressed, the whole annotation range to be selected.
    • Actual: Nothing happens, text is not deleted.

  • CustomAnnotationRangeStart.DeleteBehavior returns AnnotationMarkerDeleteBehavior.SelectAnnotation
    • Expected: When the caret is just before the annotation range start and Delete is pressed, the whole annotation range to be selected.
    • Actual: The symbol after the annotation start is deleted.

  • CustomAnnotationRangeStart.DeleteBehavior returns AnnotationMarkerDeleteBehavior.RemoveAnnotation
    • Expected: When caret position is just before the annotation and Delete is pressed, the annotation start and end are removed.
    • Actual: The symbol after the annotation start is deleted.
Last Updated: 18 Oct 2018 15:25 by ADMIN
Steps to reproduce:
1. Insert a table into the document with borders enabled
2. Zoom out so the zoom level is below 100%
Expected behavior: The borders are always rendered at a minimum of 1px width, even if the calculated size is below 1 at the current zoom level (This is what Word does)
Actual behavior: Some of the borders do not render.