Adding support for exporting font style as font tag. Android's TextView for example support styling only using tags.
When floating image is added to empty table cell, it is positioned in a way that overlaps the table border.
A custom list has numbered list, which refer style and the style refer numbered list. If the second numbered list is not imported before importing the first the import will fail. ArgumentException ("referenced document list does not exist."); is thrown and handled internally. It is caused by linked list styles. The style which refers other is imported before the referenced style. The RichTextBox expects that referred styles are imported before the styles that refer them. Available in R3 2018 Official Release Version.
If there is sequence with more than one font info which is not declared in a separate group, they all are concatenated and recorded in the imported fonts as a single one with id from the last one. Here is such a problematic font table group: {\\fonttbl\\f0\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f1\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f2\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f3\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f4\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;\\f5\\froman\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}
Documents containing <pre> tag and line breaks (CR LF) cause unexpected visual behavior (loss of content) and invalid layout. Sporadically, document positions seem to also get invalid which leads to exceptions.
InvalidOperationException: 'ColumnSpan must be at least 1.' is thrown when importing HTML document with table column containing colspan="0". The colspan="0" has special meaning according to the HTML specification ------------------- colspan = number [CN] This attribute specifies the number of columns spanned by the current cell. The default value of this attribute is one ("1"). The value zero ("0") means that the cell spans all columns from the current column to the last column of the column group (COLGROUP) in which the cell is defined. ------------------- Workaround: Preprocess the HTML, and delete all occurrences of colspan="0".
If there is a paragraph with set background color, the styles for paragraphs are not reset after the colored one and this results in additional background color when importing RTF documents.
When the 'font-family' CSS attribute's value contains Chinese, Japanese or Korean symbols, the HTML parser could not parse them correctly, and the applied font families are skipped. As a result, the text is imported with Arial font. Steps to reproduce: - Register the following font "HGS明朝B": FontFamily myCustomFont = new FontFamily("HGS明朝B"); FontManager.RegisterFont(myCustomFont); - Write some text and apply the font over the text. - Export to HTML. - Import the HTML. Expected: the text should be with the HGS明朝B font family. Actual: the text is with Arial font family
The label for Decimal alignment is truncated.
There is no document position at the end of a line when a single span is flowing to the next line. Therefore, in similar scenarios, the user cannot move the caret at the last position of the line.
When a table cell contains nested table, and the paragraph after the nested table is empty, this paragraph could be collapsed, as in MS Word. This gives better look to nested tables, similar to how browsers visualize nested HTML tables. Note that the paragraph should be visualized when the caret moves the position inside the paragraph. Currently the paragraph is visualized with its full height, making the layout different than MS Word - it appears that there are redundant space after the nested table.
The PreferredWidth property has a strange behavior when set to all columns of a table and one of the rows is with ColumnSpan greater than 1. The width is properly set, but seems to be not respected while measuring the table and its children.
Second Scenario using RichTextBox UI: Create a document containing a table with horizontally merged cells and custom set columns` width and export it to HTML. When importing this HTML document back to the RichTextBox the column width value was not preserved.
Applying negative LeftIndent or FirstLineIndent of a paragraph in web layout mode will visualize the paragraph to the left of RadRichTextBox boundaries.
When classes inheriting RadDocument are exported using XamlFormatProvider, XmlException with message "The prefix 't' cannot be redefined from 'clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model;assembly=WpfApplication1' to 'clr-namespace:Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model;assembly=Telerik.Windows.Documents' within the same start element tag." is thrown Similar scenario works with inheriting other elements. Steps to reproduce: 1. Create an object which inherits the RadDocument 2. Pass the created object as a parameter for the XamlFormatProvider.Export() method Observe: An XmlException is thrown Expected: The object to be exported
When trying to export a document which contains hyperlink pasted from Outlook, KeyNotFoundException is thrown. The color of the span is not registered. To work around this, register a style with the same color: StyleDefinition style = new StyleDefinition("test", StyleType.Character); style.SpanProperties.ForeColor = Color.FromArgb(100, 200, 25, 104); this.radRichTextBox.Document.StyleRepository.Add(style);
Loading/editing document with large lists (with 1561 or more items) throws IndexOutOfRangeException when incorrectly tries to convert numbering to letters. Workaround: Change list type to one which does not include letter NumberingFormat in any of its levels, for example Numbered Hierarchical or custom one.
Introduce an option enabling only proportional resizing to be allowed in the ImageSelectionAdorner (side middle thumbs should be disabled). The option can be added in the RadRichTextBox's ImageSelectionAdornerSettings as it already contains CanRotate, CanDrag, CanResize. Note that Images could also support Lock aspect ratio property, which is different.
When the caret is positioned at the beginning of a paragraph with hanging indent and the user press Backspace, the left indent is set to a negative value, the text goes out of the bounds of the document. Workaround: Use the editor's method instead of the command: private void RadRichTextBox_CommandExecuting(object sender, CommandExecutingEventArgs e) { bool? parameter = e.CommandParameter as bool?; if (parameter != null && parameter == true) { DeleteCommand command = e.Command as DeleteCommand; if (command != null) { e.Cancel = true; this.radRichTextBox.Delete(true); } } }
An useful option would be to export the text without the bullets in it.