When the content of an entire row is copied and the caret is inserted in the left most column of a row, then the content of each cell in that row should be overwritten with the contents in the clipboard when pasted. When such content is pasted just after a table, new row is added and filled with values. When such content is pasted in paragraph, new table is created.
The fix is available in Q3 2014 SP1.
Expose TableOfContentsField.TabStopLeader property which will allow changing the leaders of the tab stops used within the field result. Currently such property exists, but it's internal.
When a table is preceded by several paragraphs last of which is empty, selecting more than one of those paragraphs and the table excludes the empty paragraph from the selection. Steps to reproduce: - Add paragraph with text, followed by empty paragraph, followed by table 2x2. - Select from the beginning of the document to the last table cell (Note that the paragraph after the table is not included in the selection) - Copy the content and paste it in the document below. - The empty paragraph is not present in the pasted content, as it is excluded from the selection.
Docx format can encode symbol characters using the <sym> element. Currently this concept is not supported in the document model, and the element is converted to normal character on import. Add support for similar element in the document model, and for its export to Docx.
Deleting a row in the attached table causes a crash during document layout.
The fix will be available in our next LIB release (v. 2016.1.208).
The CSS styling for the "p" selector is not imported as a "NormalWeb" style. For example the following: <style type="text/css">p {margin-top:0; margin-bottom:0;}</style> should be imported as SpacingBefore and SpacingAfter set to 0 in Normal (Web) style.
The background-color attribute could be used for setting a background.
When an IncludePictureField is selected, the ImageMiniToolBar should be shown.
When HTML is imported it may contain invalid images. In such case show the alternative text if there is such text.
Add support for shapes, and especially for shapes with textual content. In OOXML, shapes are represented by the wps:wsp element, and shapes with textual content by <wps:txbx>, <w:txbxContent>. Such shape can be added to a Word document using the Insert -> Text -> Text Box -> Draw Text Box, or through a shape's context menu -> Add Text. Note: Do not confuse with Text/Rich Text content controls (https://feedback.telerik.com/Project/143/Feedback/Details/113730 ).
Add support for TIME field. More information here: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/Field-codes-Time-field-6cb8fcef-310a-4646-ae6b-886d88335c90?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
The fix will be available in our official release 2015 Q1 SP.
Add support for Paragraph and Page borders. Note: Typing "---" in MS Word and pressing Enter inserts bottom paragraph border with special size (sz="6" in the docx format). Workaround for inserting visually similar element: Add a horizontal line using a table with a single border. Here is some code demonstrating how to do this: ---------------------------------------------------------- var document = new RadDocument(); var editor = new RadDocumentEditor(document); Table table = new Table(); var topBorder = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Model.Border(1, BorderStyle.Single, Colors.Red); var borders = new TableBorders(table.Borders.Left, topBorder, table.Borders.Right, table.Borders.Bottom); table.Borders = borders; var row = new TableRow(); var dummyCell = new TableCell(); var dummyParagraph = new Paragraph(); dummyParagraph.FontSize = 0; dummyParagraph.LineSpacing = 0; dummyParagraph.SpacingAfter = 0; dummyParagraph.SpacingBefore = 0; dummyCell.Blocks.Add(dummyParagraph); row.Cells.Add(dummyCell); table.Rows.Add(row); editor.InsertTable(table, shouldInsertParagraphBeforeTable: true); this.rtb.Document = document; ----------------------------------------------------