If content with DocumentLists and ListStyles respectively, is copied from Microsoft Word and then pasted in RadRichTextBox, ArgumentNullException is thrown while the lists from the DocumentFragment are fixed (FixListStyles() method). The exception is caught and thus, the content from the clipboard is not inserted during the copy/paste operation. In some cases, when the content is pasted again, the content is pasted. Workaround: Replace the fragment in the clipboard with one that is already "fixed". See the attached MainWindow.cs.txt
InsertTableRowAbove/Below and DeleteTableRow commands now are disabled when there is selection. This makes them inconvenient for the following scenarios: - Insert multiple rows - Delete multiple rows Also, when multiple rows are selected and InsertTableRowAbove/Below is executed, is should add the same number of rows.
The commands that toggle different span styles (bold, italic, underline, strikethrough) stop working after using them several times on different ranges of cells. If a single cell is selected, the span could be properly changed. The issue is reproducible with 2013 Q1 version and newer. It is not observed with version 2012 Q1.
The UI indicates that a strikethrough is applied, but it is not visible in the document. Workaround: Reorder the UI layers of RadRichTextBox so that the one responsible for drawing the strikethrough decoration is added in a higher position: protected override void BuildUILayersOverride(IUILayerContainer uiLayerContainer) { uiLayerContainer.UILayers.Remove(DefaultUILayers.StrikethroughDecoration); uiLayerContainer.UILayers.AddAfter(DefaultUILayers.UnderlineDecoration, new StrikethroughTextDecorationUILayer()); }
When the LevelText of the list style is empty, PdfFormatProvider throws an IndexOutOfRangeException while trying to draw the bullet. Workaround: Ensure that the LevelText of the ListItemStyle is not an empty string: foreach (ListStyle listStyle in this.radRichTextBox.Document.ListManager.GetAllListStyles()) { foreach (ListLevelStyle level in listStyle.Levels) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(level.LevelText)) { level.LevelText = " "; } } }
Currently, there is an SDK example (https://github.com/telerik/xaml-sdk/tree/master/RichTextBox/WindowsMetafileFormatImageDecoder) showing how to implement a custom decoder that can import WMF and EMF images. We could integrate this decoder in the source code and enable the users to import their documents that contain such type of images out-of-the-box. Available in R1 2017 Official Release Version.
While clicking to position the caret at the beginning of a paragraph, the caret is jumping to the previous document position and returning back to the desired one. Fix available in LIB Version 2017.2.627.
When a custom style is applied to a table and the document is exported to DOCX or RTF format, after importing and deleting the custom style, some properties like font size and foreground are preserved.
RadDocument instances leak when editing a document containing a field and header/footer. The StyleRepository holds a reference to a style's document element. Fix available in LIB Version 2017.3.1002.
When a table is dragged after a page break, and then Undo/Redo is performed for the drag operation NullReferenceException is thrown.
There are missing values for the localization strings in: RichTextBox: Unmerge Cells in the context menu RichTextBox: NoColor string in the color picker
After inserting page break or section break the visual position of the caret is wrong. It should be at the beginning of the paragraph instead of beginning of the page. It's observed for all type of breaks except a line break.
Rtf document cannot be imported when it has an empty table row which have row spanned cells only.
The issue is reproducible when the style of the paragraph with the revisions is changed for the second time.
Section break formatting symbol is not positioned as in MS Word. For example, when section break is inserted in an empty document and the cursor is placed before the break, when Enter is pressed, the section break formatting symbol is moved to the next line. In MS Word, the section break is preserved on the same line with the paragraph symbol.
When a document has some section properties like orientation or page size and the document is printed with virtual printer, the generated PDF does not preserve the section properties. For example, if the document has Landscape orientation set, in the generated PDF file, the page with Landscape orientation is visualized with Portrait orientation and the text is drawn vertically. If the document has some page size set, for example A5, in the generated PDF file, the page with size A5 is visualized as page with A4 page size.
Export the image rotation properties to HTML with the CSS transform property (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS/transform ).
Enable import/export of read only ranges (protected parts of the document) from/to Rtf documents.
Implement the export of notes (footnote, endnote) in the PdfFormatProvider of the RadRichTextBox.
Table indent property could not be styled through style as it receives a local value with the insertion of the table