In this feature, the existing text is overridden as the user types on it with the "Insert" key is pressed on the keyboard.
Workaround: Track the state of the Insert key and delete before inserting content using the KeyDown and CommandExecuting events:
private void MainDemoControl_KeyDown(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyboardDevice.IsKeyToggled(Key.Insert))
this.isInsertKeyPressed = true;
this.isInsertKeyPressed = false;
private void radRichTextBox_CommandExecuting(object sender, CommandExecutingEventArgs e)
if (e.Command is InsertTextCommand && this.isInsertKeyPressed)
Using the microsoft word,In docx document,inserting a shape,and add the text context to the shape,then save.
when radrichtextbox open the file,the program crashed.
When a whole paragraph is selected and the Set Numbering Value command is executed, the numbering value of the next paragraph is changed instead of the current one.
Workaround: Clear the selection prior to executing the command:private void radRichTextBox_CommandExecuting(object sender, CommandExecutingEventArgs e)
if (e.Command is ShowSetNumberingValueDialogCommand)
The issue is observed when the added table is preceded by a paragraph with a font size different from the default one. As the issue is caused by a broken mouse capture, the following workaround can be employed:
Having two mention providers and using the second right after using the first one actually loads the source of the first provider.
Some dialogs like ParagraphPropertiesDialog and SectionColumnsDialog have dependency properties for defining the width of the numerics. When creating implicit style, the value of these custom properties results in 0 and they are invisible in the UI.
Workaround: Set the value of the property in the custom style. For paragraph properties dialog:
<Style TargetType="rtb:RadParagraphPropertiesDialog" BasedOn="{StaticResource CustomStyle}" >
<Setter Property="NumericWidth" Value="85"/>