Last Updated: 27 Dec 2016 12:49 by ADMIN
When the custom map provider supports levels range other than 1 to 20 then it could affect to tiles downloading performance.
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2016 12:20 by ADMIN
Width / Height of the MapEllipseView are bound to doubles from ViewModel.

Runtime change to 0 does not hide / remove the Ellipse from the Map.

This is a bug in the MapShapeBindableWrapper's Geometry update code. 

The workaround is to use the Visibility of the MapEllipseView in order to hide it.

Other workaround could be using FrameworkElements (Ellipse, Polyline, Rectangle) instead of BindableWrappers (MapEllipseView, MapPolylinerView, MapRectangleView).
Last Updated: 27 Dec 2016 11:57 by ADMIN
BirdsEye view doesn't work after trying to look at an area which does not contain birds eye imagery data

Steps for reproducing:
1. Zoom into area with no birds eye view imagery data. Enable Birds eye view. Verify that no tiles are loaded.
2. Change back to Road view, navigate to an area where you know there is bird's eye view imagery.
3. Zoom into the area. Enable Bird's Eye view a second time: The tiles are not loaded.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2016 16:23 by ADMIN
System.InvalidOperationException is thrown in a scenario with big number of clustered items. The exception message states that "The calling thread cannot access this object because a different thread owns it". It is reproducible if you zoom in and out.
Last Updated: 25 Nov 2016 14:48 by ADMIN
The Opacity of the provider is not respected by any new map sources added at runtime

To work this around you can set the Opacity of the source manually.

provider.MapSources.Add(new CustomTiledSource() { Opacity = 0.5 });
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